
woah i never realized that before... yeah if paper money was just gold plated they WOULD have actual value wouldnt they? And obviously these gold plated paper bills are just as practical as paper money LOL imagine... using gold paper notes to trade for crypto if neded in rare cases

we could use a combination of gold and silver and crypto but i dont like the idea of gold and silver as money but it should just be used as store of value and collectibles its like toys honestly, real money is always going to be crypto and gold and silver prices will COLLAPSE

Godl and silver are fun but id NEVER EVER investin it its a terrible risky game because as SOOn as the bigplayers realize theres no reaosn to hold gold, peopel will just be buying crypto and the godl will shuffle around like a hot potato untill some fool ends up liek kind midas with all this gold that is worthless except for some small manufacturing needs which honestly does not consume very much so there will just be a demand for jewlery which will be TOTALLy taken care oif by the gold in the ASTEROID belt which WILL be mined, asteroids WILL be flung back to earth and gold prices will COLLAPSE And anyone who think its too expensive to g out and mine teh asteroid belt is a fool who doenst believe in human progress...

Gold is not precious finite or limited, and as soon as our technology catches up to the fact that gold is NOT limited supply and TONS literal TONS of cheap gold are DUMPED onto teh earth, then just imagine how CHEAP it will get! like $300 an ounce hahaha seriously because why would we neeed gold in bank vaults when theres no banks and we all use bitcoin and crypto? :D think about it! everyone will be able to use cheapo gold for jewlery and why shouldnt gold be cheap and plentiful? we can use it for better electronics and space travel :D high priced gold doenst help anyne we need everything low cost and readily available like 3d printers to print cars houses whatver you want, the ultra rich will be off on mars building new worlds, noone will be oppressing anyone else its all going to be about building

Im still wondering on when information shall be found (leaked) on all the hidden uses for gold and silver. Silver has amazing healing properties and gold is perfect for electric etc as you say, but I just cant believe that values of both will be near worthless because past civilizations were using gold for exapmle on pyramids to gather electric from the air! Something like that anyhow.. I believe that we have no clue on what they are able to be used for,just for example how we dont even use our full brain potential.
Silver and gold can also have fud with it 😂 im only buying silver with loose change or when my crypto man is away lol..
Im buying silver because I dont trust electric to be available to "fugetives of the system" and unless you can create it yourself,you dont get to use anythng unless you live in the smart city and have a microchip.

Real freedom is in metals, imagine the ways they will try stop crypto, and it wont be a direct attack on crypto itself.. We do live in game changing times!