Gold and Silver...uses and for how long?

in #silver7 years ago


This time, I would go on Gold and Silver uses in our modern life. And by using understanding of science and evolution, I will share my work about, gold and silver, and they future. In fact, why they will end by using those chemical material in our modern utilities.
PS: I will mostly focus on gold...since, Silver is not as expensive as gold now, and Silver it is the best conductor for many uses, but it is followed by cooper, which have quite similar characteristic than silver.

NOTE: I'm not an export in physique, so, if someone know this better than me, and disagree, please let me know.

First, let me be clear, I do not, say gold will disappear, in fact it will was, and always will be see as a luxury metal, and a "standard" for the power, right?
How ever, as the technology advance, we discover new chemical elements ( this is what students in physique told me), we can create new one, technology advance faster and faster, and very soon, and some people already planning, to catch asteroid, to get some chemical elements, to fulfill our needs.
What I'm looking to share, it is the idea, of saying gold and silver it is used in many humans needs, are not legit. And I will explain you my point of view, and please let me know what do you think, and if it make sense.
(read this good articles of gold's uses in our modern life:

This Blog will be cute in 3 part.

High-temperature superconductivity
Menu metal properties & cost/needs
The needs to keep the price low, and why it can not be change


High-temperature superconductivity

From what I learn: Superconductivity it is created in very low temperature, at −243.2 °C.
How ever, since 2008, we are able to create superconductivity at −135 °C, and in 2015 was founded it can be created at -70 °C.
This it is my prove of the high speed evolution we go trough, and I won't be surprise that, in very close future, they will be able to go in +X°C.
For now, we have problems with battery explosion ever..this is only question of trial and errors...witch by elimination, will make it an excellent product.
Once this level would be and silver, will loose they value in utilities.


2.Menu metal properties & cost/needs


This it's Electrical or thermal conductivity, resistivity, density and melting point.
It shows why Silver it is the best chemical element for electronics, and gold too... ( see link above about gold, to understand why silver can not replace gold in all needs.
But between, we see copper, witch very cheap (dated 3rd September 2016)
Gold USD: 1324.95$
Silver USD: 19.43$
Copper USD: 2.07$
The difference between all of them, are not big. Gold can still be used for it characteristic in medical needs and jewelry.
Silver, how ever...if price will go to high, I mean, extreme highs level, as people think it should..., would be only used in "super-technology". Like science, military and some medical needs too.
But when it would come to computer and tv, and will be replaced by cooper, or if not, price would be so hight for those utilities, people will stop buying it, and by law or "market, supply and demand" , company would have no chance than, change they material, for cheaper one.
And once, the price of silver would drop, those company may go back to used again, but, if the price start back to increase...they will drop it use again. witch make all sense, right?

  1. The needs to keep the price low, and why it can not be change
    Hope you enjoy this video. first question...did you hear the same thing, in 2010? , 2011? ,2012? I did, didn't you?
    This is what need to be known, if gold go to $10 000.00 ,

    ->There's gonna be a mass crimes in the world for stealing all kind of stuff.

    ->Utilities will cost way to much, and if medical needs will need to spend twice more for purchasing technological needs for they services, this cost will go to the government, and government will probably raise taxes for this extra expense. Isn't how it always was done?
    ->If we establish gold standard again, we will go back to the past...this it is against the evolution, and it can not happen. (this will go on my one of the next topic, about our Financial young system and it future).
    ->Don't it feel like...when you look at "Shocking" title...and what he say, it was mention long time ago...and it look like he only want to make some marketing and sales?
    ->If Dollars loose control of gold, and Yen will take it in you think, gold will jump to $10 000? probably yes, in US$ price, but not, in Yen. If dollars collapse ( just become a cheap value) , it is only because US$, will loose the "1st place", and all prices will start to be priced in Yen.
    ->Then, if Yen take control , and all price are calculated in Yen...nothing will change, gold will stay in same range, US dollars will simply devaluate, like others value..., and if you have 100oz of buying power, won't change that much, since Yen will take the control of all prices. ( this last one, may be quite sophisticated, and hardly imagine for those who are new or not in trading...but I may explain this in future blogs, on why nothing will change for Dominated Currency versus Gold price.


and ...what do you think?

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