Trouble with

in #skate6 days ago

🐍 Full Python Script:

I can not get this to function properly. This is where I keep having errors. I have inserted the key into the Beem wallet. I may need to unlock it but I'm not sure how, or do I get the code to do so while running the trade bot?... Any help is good help

Below is the complete code for placing buy/sell orders on Hive Engine using your Hive account and BEEM API

import time
import requests
from beem import Hive
from beem.account import Account
from beem.transactionbuilder import TransactionBuilder
from beembase.operations import Custom_json  # ✅ Required for smart contract interaction

# ✅ Your Hive account and node setup
HIVE_ACCOUNT = "peakecoin.bnb"
HIVE_NODES = ["", ""]

# ✅ Initialize Hive client using wallet-stored key
hive = Hive(node=HIVE_NODES)
account = Account(HIVE_ACCOUNT, blockchain_instance=hive)

def get_balance(account_name, token):
    """Fetch balance of token from Hive Engine."""
    payload = {
        "jsonrpc": "2.0",
        "method": "find",
        "params": {
            "contract": "tokens",
            "table": "balances",
            "query": {"account": account_name, "symbol": token}
        "id": 1
    response ="", json=payload)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        data = response.json()
        if data["result"]:
            return float(data["result"][0]["balance"])
    return 0.0

def place_order(account_name, token, price, quantity, order_type="buy"):
    """Places a buy/sell order on Hive Engine."""
    # ✅ Check balance and adjust quantity if needed
    available = get_balance(account_name, token if order_type == "sell" else "SWAP.HIVE")
    if available < quantity:
        print(f"⚠️ Not enough balance! Adjusting order. Available: {available} {token}")
        quantity = max(available * 0.95, 0.0001)

    # ✅ Format the payload
    order_payload = {
        "contractName": "market",
        "contractAction": order_type.lower(),
        "contractPayload": {
            "symbol": token,
            "quantity": str(round(quantity, 8)),
            "price": str(round(price, 8))

    print(f"📝 Adjusted Order JSON: {order_payload}")

        tx = TransactionBuilder(blockchain_instance=hive)
        op = Custom_json(
        print("🔏 Transaction signed successfully!")

        print(f"✅ Order placed: {order_type.upper()} {quantity} {token} at {price}")
        return True

    except Exception as e:
        print(f"❌ Error placing order: {e}")
        import traceback
        return False

# ✅ Run a test order if executed directly
if __name__ == "__main__":
    place_order(HIVE_ACCOUNT, "SWAP.BNB", 0.99, 5, "buy")

Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.