Being Skillful in Ones Profession

in #skilledworker7 years ago (edited)

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One factor that determines a company performance is the efficiency of its worker. This is the reason why companies nowadays have set high standards for employment. As early as in the hiring stage, companies already take crucial steps in the choice of their workers. And why not. The company's future rest on the efficiency of its worker. Therefore, as potential employees, acquiring the necessary skills is very important in order to quality for a job.


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Most of the skills required by companies, particularly the big ones, are developed and aquired in school. This explains why one needs to attend classes and educate himself since employers hire graduates with good academic standing. Different theories, laws, principles. and solution to problems must be learned not mainly to get good marks, but to improved one's analytical and intellectual skills.

While it is true that not all of the knowledge learned in school is applicable to the real work field, knowledge learned still complements the total understanding of phenomena, thus giving the person the edge to be an asset in the company.

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In addition to the academic skills, there is one other skill that needs developed the social skill. It is the capacity to mingle with ohers and to adapt to the environment he is in. Man is naturally social, and communication goes along with it. The ability to communicate effectively is necesarry to carry out thoughts in an organization of people. In the work force, English communication skills are essential because English is not only a universal language, but it has also become the language of business.
The social skill of being with others is not enough, though. One needs to have appropriate interpersonal skills if one has to prosper in one's profession. Gaining respect from others means showing respect for them as well.

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All these three skills help one be successful in reaching his goals. One can be very intelligent, but if he were anti social, thus could not relate with others, he could never be an asset in the workforce or anywhere for that matter.


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