in #slavery6 years ago

My dear (you know who you are) don't want to mention your name.
This is the only way to reach you now. Funny right? Making this post here turns out to be the best option since I can't call your phone or send you a message. But I just hope you get the message he even told you to block me on social media?
You know I care about you so much and your happiness. In the short time I have known you, I can attest to your beautiful heart and spirit. I have seen you happy. And I have seen fear in your eyes.

You see, I am getting worried about this relationship. I can only tell you what I see and leave the decisions to you. Please take a second look at the way it is going. I am probably the last person to talk about love and loving right for that matter but trust me, I know a thing or two about what is right and wrong. And for now all I see is some things ain't right as they should be.

My dear, love builds us up. Love looks out for our best interest and pursues it. Love makes us better people as it grows. Love frees us. It let's us be who we really are. It makes us let go of our guards because we trust and know that the persons of our interest have got us so we can be ourselves.
See, most of what happens in marriages are just reflections of all that goes on in most relationships. The kind of vibes between lovers is what they carry along into a marriage.IMG_20180718_154532_158.jpg

Are you sure you are happy? Or do you feel choked or you are being smothered in the guise of love? The way this fella is mounting a 24 hour FBI surveillance on you and deciding who you visit and wanting a detail report on your life and its activities, leave a certain lump in my throat.
The way he tries to gain access to your phone so he knows who you chat with and what you say to who, makes me worry about you.

I wouldn't be so worried if he was forthcoming with such information on his side. But to hide who he chats with, who he's been with from you and yet demand such data from you, baby girl, makes me wanna smack him if I ever meet him.
To think he's not married you and yet feels he owns you. Nobody ever owns the other. They just take a decision to be with each other. A voluntary decision at that which comes with all the rights and benefits due any adult under the sun in a free world.
Please be careful. You don't have to go hide to make a call when you are with him. You don't have to be deleting messages no matter how chaste just so he doesn't read meanings into it. Goodness!! That ain't love!!

Anyways, this is getting longer than I initially set out to make it.
I've seen too many friends hurt from some decisions later in life. Hope you make a wise one.

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