Pixelbruary #10 y #11! and extra sprite!

in #slothicorn7 years ago (edited)

Hello, how are you? :3 I've been busy so I could not publish what I had! but we're already here so the next on the list was a town and the next one is the zodiac so I chose the zodiac gimini because I like it and I wanted to do two people :3 and I am really into a game of final fantasy for movile D: and that's why I brought this extra sprite! and thats it! :) oh and also missing the pixelbruary of today but I'm still doing it xD

Hola, como estas? He estado ocupada por eso no he publicado lo que tengo D: ! pero aquí estamos entonces lo siguiente en la lista era un pueblo y lo siguiente a ello es un signo zodiacal, elegí el signo zodiacal géminis porque me gusta! y quería hacer dos personas y estoy metida en un juego de lleno de final fantasy para móviles y por eso traje un sprite extra! ah y todavía falta el pixelbruary de hoy pero todavía lo estoy haciendo xD





(Remember that I make these sprites with the program aseprite)

All are from my imagination!

I also want to say if you want a character or if you have an idea for a pixelart, you can leave your idea in the comments and I can try to do it, you know just for practice ;) have a nice day!

Oh, before I forget, I am learning english so please if a I have something wrong just tell me in the comments ;) with love RUNA <3 runa.png

También quiero decir que si tienes algún personaje o idea para hacer en pixelart, puedes dejar tu idea en los comentarios y lo intentare hacer! saben solo por practica! ten un buen día! Y antes de que lo olvide tambien estoy apriendiendo ingles asi que si tengo algo malo porfavor dimelo en los comentarios, con amor RUNA <3 ;)


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License!


How long it took You to do them ?

mm well that depends, example for the city, that was like 3 hours, I suppose, and for the gemini it was the same and the vivi was less, like 30 minutes, I do not take the time xd but I will try to count it for the next pixels

Thanks :) I have wanted do something bigger and i spent about 30 minutes on something like a sketch xD so... i need more practice.
Your works are awesome :D

jaja thanks very much! yeah for someones I use a sketch and yes all in this life is practice xd but remember the pixel art all is about the details so you can do it, just try it!