in #slothicorn7 years ago (edited)

gif from @stellabelle

Hello steemians....

Senang rasanya bisa bertemu kembali dalam sebuah postingan hari ini. sebagai seorang steemian yang lahir dan besar di Aceh - indonesia kita sepatutnya memiliki rasa bangga akan daerah aceh yang kaya akan sumber daya alam dan sumber daya manusia kreatifnya. ketika melihat perkembangan steemit di negara ini saya melihat sebuah harapan besar akan lahirnya insan creative yang mampu membesarkan nama negara ini. bukan dengan peselisihan tentang bahasa apa yang kita gunakan dan dari komunitas mana kita berasal.


hello steemians ....

It was nice to meet again in a post today. as a born and great steemian in Aceh - Indonesia we should have a sense of pride in aceh region that is rich in natural resources and creative human resources. when I see the steemit development in this country I see a great hope for the birth of creative people who can raise the name of this country. not by dispute about what language we use and from which community we come from.

karena tidak semua permasalahan bisa kita sampaikan dalam satu bahasa yang bisa dimengerti dan dibutuhkan sebagai informasi dari banyak pihak. ketika mencoba mengarungi samudera steemit yang sangat luas saya tertarik dengan sebuah postingan yang dikeluarkan oleh @spiritualmax


because not all problems can we convey in one language that can be understood and needed as information from many parties. when trying to navigate the vast ocean of steemit I was interested in a post issued by @spiritualmax


dan postingan @stellabelle

and post @stellabelle



tentang sebuah project magis yang mampu memberdayakan banyak orang dari banyak wilayah dengansatu bahasa universal. ya bahasa seni crypto dalam gerakan creative commons. anda bisa membuat seni yang berhubungan dengan mata uang crypto dan menggunakan lisensi cretive commons. buatlah keajaiban dengan bergabung bersama kami.


about a magical project that is able to empower many people from many areas with a universal language. yes the crypto art language in the creative commons movement. you can make art related to crypto currency and use cretive commons license. make a miracle by joining us.

apa misi slothicorn?



untuk lebih jelas tentang discord anda bisa membacanya d postingan ini.


dan sebuah analisis terbaru tentang slothicorn oleh @paulag anda juga bisa membacanya


Be sure to check out our Slothicorn Giphy Channel and feel free to share our gifs on social media!!

Slothicorn Official
GitHub: https://github.com/aslothicorn/welcometoslothicorn
Discord: https://discord.gg/jJaMSYR
Steemit: https://steemit.com/@slothicorn
Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamslothicorn

My Best REGARD @irwanumpal


giphy (42).gif


This was a great post and it also is exactly what I thought.....many people want to earn crypto for their creativity, but they don't speak English. Art has a universal language, so more people can be joining, as long as they follow basic rules, and respect others, especially artists.

Thank you!

thank you @slothicorn...I will always try to be able to continue carrying out missions with you..

I think there are really talented artists who wish to join this community but they don't know how to start.. The very first reason is the language. Some may understand english but they can't express it.. Like me,i still had a hard time expressing myself in english. But I am trying. I will also do my part to assist and help artists or non-artists to explore.. Many deserve to be recognized and rewarded for their efforts. I am so glad @slothicorn magic works...

let's work with slothicorn magic many people need our help

Yes.. Let's do this.. I am starting to approach some good artist friends here in Steemit.. I started in my facebook friends too, but many didn't believe me yet.. Haha.. But I know I can convince them soon..😆

Good luck for all of slothicorn team

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