Tips How To Powerful And Easy Overcome Drowsiness in the Morning.

in #slwithstand7 years ago


Arrange the Sleep Pattern
Keep your sleeping patterns well. Good sleep is done for approximately 7 hours per day. If our sleep time is less, obviously we will feel sleepy. In addition, a long nap will result in us having trouble falling asleep at night, so we will fall asleep more than normal sleeping hours.

Limit Distance with Electronic Devices
Keep yourself away from electronic devices such as televisions, computers, speakers, and other devices that have too high radiation that cause us more tired. Plus, keep your smartphone from your sleeping position, because without us feeling directly, smartphone radiation can reduce the quality of your sleep. It's good if we set it to airplane mode or better when turned off.

Turn off the Bedroom Lamp
Try to turn off the light when we want to sleep. Light almpu that is too bright can make us hard to sleep. In addition, bright lights make our eyes work too hard even we are asleep. Because sometimes some types of lights have a bright light that some can penetrate the eyelids. For those of you who are not used to sleeping in the dark, you can turn off the room lights and replace them with a light sleep. It is better because the lights do not have the intensity of light that is too high.


Do activity
Sometimes we feel heavy when we wake up in the morning. In fact, we still feel lethargic and not excited after waking up. When you wake up, try to sit for a while on the bed while setting our breath. After that, do the morning activities you enjoy, such as watching a television show, walking around the house, or light exercise, so that our bodies are moved and our minds aroused so mengurasi sleepiness that causes us to be lazy.

Stretching / Exercising
We must often suffer from drowsiness when we are just beginning to have a differentiated, for example, when we are only a few hours sitting at the office desk, or a few hours in class. To ward off sleepiness, we can do body merchandise. The benefit is that our endorphins increase hormones and accelerate blood circulation in the body. This will make our body feel more comfortable and powerful. In addition, exercise routine will improve our body's resilience system, so we do not easily drowsy in the morning.

Hold your breath
When the activities in the room is very conducive, for example when the exam in the classroom or in the office there are still few people, the atmosphere is too quiet so we are more easily drowsy. Sometimes sutuasikita not possible to do light exercise or even just sekekdar doing regular stretching. Try to take a deep breath through the nose and hold it to the limit of our ability. Then remove it through the mouth slowly, do not immediately remove all. This activity will trigger the heart work slightly increased, so the emphasis that occurs can ward off sleepiness.

Arrange Breakfast Menu
Get used to breakfast for our stomach filled with enough energy to melakuakn our activities in the morning. Do not just drink coffee to relieve sleepiness. Because if we only drink coffee in the morning, our stomach is still not fully charged. In addition, coffee only temporarily temporarily ends our sleepiness. There are various appropriate and healthy menus such as yogurt, milk, oatmeal, cereal, eggs, wheat bread with peanut butter, papaya or banana, which we can choose and we varied for breakfast.


A glass of water
Drink a glass of water to replace lost body fluids, especially when we wake up after a night of draining our body fluids when we sleep. It's good we drink cold water because it is more potent than warm water. However, there is nothing wrong if we want to drink a glass of warm water.

Most people think this is the most effective way to relieve sleepiness in the morning. With a bath, we can clean our bodies and refresh them. After a few hours of sleep, our bodies will definitely feel lethargic and not excited. Therefore, bathing in the morning is a very powerful way. In addition, there is a study that says that bathing in the early hours of the morning (around the time Shubuh) is a very effective time to menyemarkan our body. Of course this also makes our body fresher longer.

Who does not know the term sunbathing? Well, sunbathing or more familiarly referred to as sunbathing is a lot of activities done by the community. In addition to strengthening our bones, basking in the morning can also accelerate our blood peredarah, so that our minds can be stronger for concentration.

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