Here are 6 Most Valuable Mobile Brands in the Year 2018 According to Forbes


Inilah 6 Merek Handphone Paling Berharga di Tahun 2018 Menurut Forbes

05-27 | 11:26 nextren.grid

Laporan Wartawan Nextren, Husna Rahmayunita – Merek menjadi salah satu pertimbangan sebelum membeli sebuah benda, termasuk hape.

Sebab, stigma menang merek masih santer tersiar di masyarakat.

Merek ternama biasanya identik dengan kualitas yang mumpuni pula.

Padahal hal tersebut tidak sepenuhnya bisa dijadikan rujukan dan bahan pertimbangan.

Di lain hal, Forbes sebagai majalah bisnis dan finansial Amerika Serikat baru saja menerbitkan 100 deret merek atau brand berharga sepanjang tahun 2018.

Majalah tersebut mengevaluasi 200 merek global yang berasal dari beberapa kategori seperti: teknologi, makanan dan minuman, pakaian, otomotif dan berbagai layanan.

Dan 200 merek tersebut dikerucutkan menjadi 100 besar.

Dari kategori muncul beberapa nama, baik yang dikenal sebagai produsen software, produsen gadget, mesin penelusuran dan media sosial.

Khusus bagi pecinta hape, inilah 6 deret merek hape yang paling berharga di tahun 2018 beserta rangkingnya.

  1. Apple, ranking 1 dengan pendapatan USD 228,6 miliar.

  2. Google, ranking 2 dengan pendapatan USD 97,2 miliar.

  3. Samsung, ranking 7 dengan pendapatan USD 203,4 miliar.

  4. Sony, ranking 63 dengan pendapatan USD 62,8 miliar.

  5. Huawei, rangking 79 dengan pendapatan USD 85,9 miliar.

  6. Panasonic, ranking 92 dengan pendapatan USD 68,4 miliar.

Dan ranking untuk kategori teknologi lainnya di luar gadget, terdaftar: Microsoft (3), Facebook (4), Amazon (5), Intel (14), Cisco (16), IBM (17), Oracle (21), SAP (23), HP (50), Netflix (55), Ebay (62), Adobe (80), PayPal (98) dan Dell (99).

Merek favorit kalian salah satunya? (*)

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Here are 6 Most Valuable Mobile Brands in the Year 2018 According to Forbes

05-27 | 11:26 nextren.grid

Report of Nextren Journalist, Husna Rahmayunita - Brands become one of considerations before buying an object, including phone.

Therefore, the stigma of winning the brand is still widely spread in the community.

Well-known brands are usually synonymous with qualified qualities as well.

Though it is not fully be used as a reference and consideration material.

On the other hand, Forbes as a business and financial magazine of the United States has just published 100 series of valuable brands or brands throughout 2018.

The magazine evaluated 200 global brands coming from several categories such as: technology, food and beverage, clothing, automotive and various services.

And the 200 brands are pursed into the top 100.

From a few emerging categories names, both known as software manufacturers, gadget manufacturers, search engines and social media.

Especially for hape lovers, here are 6 rows of the most valuable hape brand in 2018 and its ranking.

  1. Apple, ranking 1 with revenues of USD 228.6 billion.

  2. Google, ranking 2 with USD 97.2 billion revenue.

  3. Samsung, ranking 7 with revenues of USD 203.4 billion.

  4. Sony, ranked 63th with revenues of USD 62.8 billion.

  5. Huawei, ranked 79 with USD 85.9 billion revenue.

  6. Panasonic, ranked 92 with revenues of USD 68.4 billion.

And ranking for other technology categories beyond gadgets, listed: Microsoft (3), Facebook (4), Amazon (5), Intel (14), Cisco (16), IBM (17), Oracle (21), SAP ), HP (50), Netflix (55), Ebay (62), Adobe (80), PayPal (98) and Dell (99).

Your favorite brand is one of them? (*)

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