"STANDING IN OUR DARKNESS, TO SHINE OUR LIGHT" - SmartPhonePhotograph and SaturdayIndigo Entries

Photography challenges on Steemit are some of my favorite initiatives.
I love that we have the opportunity to share some of our passions,
and do it together with others who have common interests.

LIGHT is the theme for SmartPhonePhotography today,
and I'm combining it with my SaturdayIndigo entry in support of both initiatives simultaneously.


This is @saramiller and me in the @gardenofeden.
We are continuously questioning life,
living on the edge,
choosing to look at ourselves and how we engage life everyday.

It isn't always an easy and joyous journey,
as looking into the depths of one's soul can be very frightening.
Ohhhhh...what darkness lurks in there!

But, it is highly rewarding in the long run,
as we move through dysfunctional behaviours,
become more honest with ourselves--and hence with others.
We release fears, non-beneficial ideas we've adopted from others,
and are rewriting the script on our own terms.

Facing our ourselves makes us better people,
more open to love,
and more open to be loved.

I'm grateful for another day in the @gardenofeden,
to continually challenge my light to shine brigher.
The sunshine has broken the dreary, cold freezing temps.
Perhaps it's a sign we are also making more cheery breakthroughs.
Those moments are always an incredible blessing. 

Get in on the daily photo contests with @juliank:

Monday: foodphotography and animalphotography
Tuesday: landscapephotography and cityscapephotography
Wednesday: architecturalphotography and vehiclephotography
Thursday: macrophotography and colourfulphotography
Friday: streetphotography and portraitphotography
Saturday: sportsphotography and smartphonephotography
Sunday: goldenhourphotography and longexposurephotography

And the colors of the rainbow and chakras with @kalemandra:
MONDAY - red
TUESDAY - orange
WEDNESDAY - yellow
THURSDAY - green
FRIDAY - blue
SATURDAY - indigo
SUNDAY - purple 


Well done!

Thank you beautiful @quinneaker! <3


"It isn't always an easy and joyous journey,
as looking into the depths of one's soul can be very frightening.
Ohhhhh...what darkness lurks in there!"

For sure! It can be rather scary in there but when you look deep enough you can find the little cracks to bust the light through!
I love your picture, very interesting! Great post! :)

That's why we keep at it! Even in the darkest of times, there is always a silver lining.

Thanks for taking the time to comment @smylie2005.

Always a silver lining if you search deep enough! My husband cant help to laugh at me when hes having a terrible day because I will ALWAYS find something good in what happened. Lifes to short to let things pull you down. Be upset for a minute and then get over it, the more you let a problem plague you the worse it will seem! I enjoy reading your posts alot, I get you! :)

And I enjoyed reading your comments a lot @smylie2005. It sounds like you have found the key to many a situation. Indeed, why let life pull you down! I'm grateful to share perspective with you...thanks for being here.

Thanks for having me! :)

I really like your blogs and this post is pretty impresive! Like the connection from photography to art! :)

Everything is connected...sometimes it's just hard to see. I appreciate your appreciation @rabbi18.

I commend your post. Your poetic capability is second to none, and your photographs are awesome.

I appreciate your appreciation @comrade.

Those who shine LIGHT on the path for others cannot keep it from themselves. You help others to help yourself. Shine the light. Pass the torch.

There's nothing to do but pay it forward! Let's let the light shine!! <3

Now, that's the spirit i am talking about. Yess! 💪

Great image! @originalworks

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Very nice! :)

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