To all you conservative, law-and-order types concerning Smith:

in #smith3 years ago


I'm assuming you share my admiration for the US's founding documents and for the enduring wisdom of the Founding Fathers who created them?

Well guess what? Most (or at least a solid plurality) of those Founders were straight-up duellists.


Doubt me? Pull out your wallet. You got a $1 $5 $10 $20 $100? All those dudes were involved in duelling (Washington and Franklin were challenged and declined - Hamilton and Jackson were active, unapologetic duellists - Lincoln accepted a challenge and was about to follow through until friends talked him down).

All I'm saying is that if you ACTUALLY believe our nation's framers possessed eternal wisdom and aspire to interpret the Constitution by "original intent" then the "wisdom and intent" in question came from men who were either enthusiastic or indifferent about duelling, let alone lesser altercations.

The aforementioned men were also underlined by a similar relationship with slavery. But regardless of whether they "hoped slavery would die out eventually" as some historians argue, I think it's safe to sat that, were the Founders with us today, they'd be far, FAR more shocked to see black men confronting one another in positions of respect and honor than they would be to see one man merely slap another for a spousal insult.

Shoot, Jackson probably hit people harder IN THE ACT OF CHALLENGING someone to a duel. Quite literally, the Founders' interpretation watching the event would probably be:

"Oh, I suppose he means to challenge the other to a dual to defend his wife's honor."

Smith's slap probably wouldn't even resonate as a strike in their minds but, at most, as the declaration of intent to strike at a later date.

All I'm saying is don't feign admiration for the Founders and their eternal wisdom while also characterizing Smith's actions as radical, inexcusable, or derivative of mental illness.

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