Social NFT Marketplace - An online NFT marketplace for influencers and their followers. Create+Mint= make money of your likeness.

in #snft4 years ago (edited)

With the help of non fungible tokens (NFTs) the digital assets are created and transacted on blockchain. These digital assets that are created by using NFTs can be digital painting, digital cards of any sport, iconic banners, digitally issued tickets to host a program, digital books, and many gaming tools that have special use case. Trustless transactions, and digitally scarcity are the main concerns of NFTs that make them so important. Each NFT is unique and cannot be replaced with other NFT.

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SOCIAL NFT Platform Ecosystem and its Importance

SOCIAL NFT is a decentralized platform where peer to peer transactions of NFTs are done. It is first of its kind Multi functional NFTs Marketplace aiming to provide artists, creators and collectors with a safe and reliable environment to engage in fast transactions and yet making gains expressly as they wish. Social NFT is a blockchain based NFTs market place which connect Art Collectors and Creators together. On this platform users can trade NFT tokens freely and safely. It is an NTF marketplace that allows people to buy, sell and discover exclusive digital assets. Through the Social NFT media platform, content creators can sell their digital content safely and easily, without the need for a third party, the sales money will be sent directly to their wallet. SOCIAL NFT is a BNB based NFT platform for social media personalities who want to create digital collectibles of their likeness. With the uniqueness and scarcity feature, NFTs always store value and owner can get good price of his unique NFT. This platform allows users to buy, sell and own their digital assets such as art, collectibles and memes. From the market place of SOCIAL NFT platform users can purchase and own NFT Book of their interest. When buying the eBook created with NFTs, you get all the digital ownership right and you can use it as you like. This eBook created with NFTs is always going to stay with you and you can also further sell it on SOCIAL NFT's marketplace to get best bid of your eBook.


Social NFT is an innovative and technically advanced platform that let you to create your digital art works using NFTs with very low cost. Crypto collectibles and NFT art are getting much hype in the market. Crypto art gets most of its value from verifying its authenticity and ownership digitally. NFT tokens are unique tokens on blockchain and the crypto collectible and digital art work created using NFT is having no replica as in a particular blockchain an NFT can exist only in a single address. With the help of NFTs the digitally created assets are stored on blockchain. These NFT art works are subject to trade on blockchain and the owner of an NFT can put a bid to sell his NFT for real money in Social NFT platform's NFT market place. Social NFT is built on Binance smartchain and having more scalability and immutability. The art creators and lovers can use this platform to create, sale and purchase these NFT artworks on the Social NFT platform's NFT market place with fast speed and with very low fees. NFT is a digital file on blockchain that is representing the digital ownership of assets. The innovative smart contract of Social NFT are capable to track the location and processing of these digital files and gives surety to the NFT holders on the platform that no one can illegally misuse the NFTs as the digital ownership of these NFTs is marked on blockchain and well traced by the smart contracts of Social NFT platform.


Use case of Social NFT Platform

Social NFT is an open source DeFi protocol that is NFTs oriented. It is supporting and promoting Digital art work worldwide to be created on the platform and then the owners of NFTs can liquidate their assets in real money by using Social NFT platform. From creation of NFT art work to selling & receiving money is all executed on Social NFT platform via smart chain and smart contarcts of the platform. This platform has real use case for art creators, sports, clubs, organizers and service providers.

  • Real talent showing opportunity

The art creators can use the platform to easily create their NFT artwork and then get real deals on the platform with best market place of the platform. The NFT creator is just paying a small fee on the platform and the whole new world with latest technology is opened for him to use and operate with best features to give the realistic look to his imaginations and then add some extra special features. Thanks to Social NFT platform the real art lovers can prove themselves by showing their real talent by using this best NFT marketplace platform.

  • Collectibles with special moments

The various sports and clubs can use the platform to issue their NFT cards to represents their winning moments and also to appreciate the best efforts of the players, NFT art works can be created for live video or audio for the magical moments of the match. Many big clubs are using NFT collectible trading cards. The live moments can be capture via NFTs and then sold with high price. NFTs can be used to send invitations and also to inform for certain meetings.

  • Best ads

NFTs can be used to create iconic hoardings and to issue tickets to organize a show. Theses iconic ads and hoarding will get great attraction and then by issuing tickets with NFTs means there will be a total transparency and no one can misuse or interchange the ticket with others. NFT issues tickets will represent total authentication and there will be no partiality as every thing is available on blockchain for mass people to view and authenticate it. The merchandisers can use NFTs to issue gift vouchers and tokens to get special discounts on their platform to generate more traffic and transaction on their platforms. This will create the hype of that product and then will get access to more audience.

  • Logistic use case

Creating a product and then sending it to market follows a process that involves booking, departure journey, access to distributors, warehouse and then reach to retailers. NFTs have their use case as the packing of these products is having an NFT assigned with it, So whenever it goes to warehouse or on a journey to marketplace for distributor access, the NFT is scanned and the data is updated with location and departure time from the warehouse. When the retailer receives the product, he can scan and mark the receiving of the product with time and signature updated with NFT. This whole journey of the product is available to authenticate on blockchain as the data is regularly updated and stored in blockchain.

  • Gaming potential

NFTs can be used to represent a special character of game to give a realistic look and special characteristics that are useful in game to clear the obstacles. Gaming industry is booming rapidly and most of the game creators are profit oriented so the best way is to create special gaming character, pets or tools to increase the game level and to boost the power to clear the level and move to the next level to win the game. The addicted game lovers will do everything to win the game so there will be a huge demand for these gaming NFTs. Just join Social NFT platform, create a special featured NFT and then use the NFT marketplace of the platform to get approach to the worldwide players. The deals are fast and transparent on the platform. It is also beneficial for the players as they got the digital ownership of the NFT and now they are the owners of NFT. So they can use NFT as real asset. they can do staking or liquidity mining with their purchased NFT and also can give it on to others players who do not have enough money to purchase NFT but can take it on rent to win the game and then will return you back with some interest for using it. That seems cool! So in the NFT world both the sellers and buyers are the real winners as both can earn from these digitally created NFTs.


NFT Marketplace

Social NFT platform is a best place for art creators and for using NFTs to create best art works by using the advanced features of the platform. The fees on Social NFT platform is very low and is affordable for all players who want to use NFTs. By paying a nominal fees on the platform the creators of digital art work can use the platform in its full potential and further Social NFT platform is providing an NFT market place where the art creators can put bid of their NFTs and the art lovers can get best deals to purchase NFTs. Social NFT is an innovative hub for digital assets to be created on the platform and traded on the NFT market place of the platform where the creators of digital assets can put bids and get approach to art lovers to sell their digital art work and earn good profits. The NFT market place of the platform is providing peer to peer transactions in decentralized ecosystem and not allowing third parties to exist and interfere. Transactions are executed without any obstacles and also the transaction cost is very low. With its marketplace. Social NFT platform has opened the door to get worldwide access & grow rapidly. Social NFT platform is allowing digitally created assets while supporting decentralized finance on the platform so the digital assets and the financial transaction are now trade able on blockchain. That is the next level revolution that has changed the financial world to decentralized ecosystem while challenging the existing centralized banking system.


Social NFT marketplace is the next level technology evolution and best way to express your feelings and by using platform’s decentralized ecosystem to create digital art that is having no replica. You can store your precious moments via non fungible tokens and the ownership will remain with you forever. The influencers are able to get attraction of mass community by using this platform and by creating their inspiring NFTs with iconic banners with special features like audio & video. Social NFT is enabling its users to recreate and relive all the lovely moments of their life where the third parties are not there to stop you. Social NFT Platform will serve buyers and sellers in an ecosystem that will be adequately sustainable. This platform is pretty fast and is providing more scalability even when there is congestion in blockhain, the users of the platform can transact in a fast way by paying very low fees.

Checkout the useful links to get more information


  • BTT Username: lovekkk
  • BEP-20 wallet address: 0xf59296E02dfcC48062195183EACeE7e2526FF3EA

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