Knotilus Daily Pond

in #snow2 years ago


Hey there!

I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!! Mine was pretty busy, but also fairly productive too!

The pond looks so beautiful with the ice and snow! I got outside this weekend which was much needed.





We had a huge ice storm that covered all the trees, I’m gonna make a separate post about that later, because that was one of the coolest things to wake up to, it looked amazing! I took some photos with a good camera and some videos as well!

Yesterday I woke up to a beautiful snowfall, just a few inches, it looked pretty impressive in some spots as well. I love how the snow makes everything more quiet and so fresh and clean!



This weekend I’ve been very focused on getting everything organized and scheduled! Half my battle is disorganization a lot of the time. I finally get a second to sit down or time to work and I don’t even know how to spend that moment because I have so much to do and never enough time.

One aspect that I focused on is putting all the plants I have growing into an app that will remind me when to water them. Inconsistent watering is something that I also frequently have an issue with. And with so many plants on the go, it’s difficult to remember and keep track of it all.

I’ve been using an app called Planta For a while now, it usually works pretty good for me.


I think this houseplant is a Pothos?


Really couldn’t remember. That’s what I listed it as in the app. To be honest I’m not a big fan of house plants, aside from spider plants, since they clean the air so well and are so hard to kill, I don’t care for others at all.

Also, if I can’t eat it I really don’t care.

But I am stuck looking after this mystery plant, as well as a begonia that I’ve almost murdered already.


I just find it to be a gigantic waste of my time, and I don’t find it enjoyable and therapeutic like other people do. I love food crops and I love growing things, but tending to finicky and annoying inedible tropical plants that don’t even belong in this hemisphere is beyond irritating to me.


I know, I’m a little weird.

I had a customer send me a photo of a painting I did last year, they got it up on the wall and I think it looks great!



I mentioned in my previous post how much I love painting corvids, they’re such amazing birds! It was wonderful to receive this photo shortly talking about them again!

Not much better than being able to create art that people want to actually put up in their home and display like this!

Makes my heart happy! 🖤

I added a few new plant hangers to the shop for this week! You can check them out here!

I’m the WORST self promoter, for real. Just the worst. Normally it’s a confidence issue, and also I’m just not an overly braggy person. But when your business is you and you’re selling your own handmade items, you really have to play all the roles yourself, and salesman is part of that, so I’m working outside my comfort zone.

Something else I had to put into my schedule, actively trying to sell items I put up for sale!

It’s just icky to me. I feel uncomfortable and judged, like I’m saying, “oooh, look at me, buy my stuff because I’m sooooo great.”
It’s just never been part of my personality.
Even selling other stuff in previous jobs, unless I’m just running a cash register for people who actively WANT what’s for sale, I end up feeling uncomfortable.

But again, gotta push through all that crap if I want the dream life I’ve envisioned.

So far this week the severe scheduling is working, I’m getting more done, and if I was more open about how much I have going on, I feel like most people would think I’m insane to take on so much as I do all at once! People I talk to about it definitely have that reaction, and understand why I get burnt out and have no social life!

I started several new paintings, including a couple that will be of the northern lights! I’m excited about those! I hope they turn out right. I’ve never tried making that sort of landscape before so it’s a learning curve for sure, but so far so good!

I also saved a beautiful picture of a cannabis plant from an Instagram friend I follow, and plan to plant that too! Pretty excited about it!!

I did this cute little one a while back but I never did post it for sale, it just always looks like it’s missing something.


Maybe it just needs a really fancy frame to make it more exciting. I’m not sure. It’s cute and all, and I don’t mind the vague details, but the background kind of bores me. Maybe I should just post things for sale and let other people be the judge since my taste is usually very different than the general population anyway. Sometimes things I think will sell fast just sit in the shop, and stuff I find to be frustrating, ugly, or boring sells quickly. 😂

I’m often my own worst critic.

I have ginger root growing now, I hope to find some turmeric to start as well. Both are excellent plants to grow, and have so many health benefits!


Plus my tray of kale and arugula is still going strong. I’m going to start hardening off the kale soon, so it can go into the greenhouse. The greenhouse does have a small heater, but it’s just barely on enough to keep things from totally freezing out there, so it will still take a little while to climatize it properly so it can thrive out there.
The arugula, I plan to just eat once it gets so big, snip it off every now and then and add to my sprouts for some extra flavour.

I have lots more seeds of both, so I will be sprinkling them basically everywhere outside once the time comes!

Kale everywhere!! Muahahahaha!!!


I am getting so excited for spring! It’s been a beautiful winter so far, I really couldn’t ask for better. Especially when I hear that Edmonton had one of the worst winters in like 60 years? Something like that. So happy I’m not stuck there anymore!!

Anyhoo! I have a lot to do, and a very full and strict schedule to maintain today, and I’m already a little bit behind! I figure I can use this week to work out the flaws and tweak it so I can get all my tasks accomplished without wearing myself out. I purposely scheduled stuff like “have fun with family” and “yoga and meditation time” so that I make time for these things, they’re crucial to a happy life for me, and are often things I neglect when I’m super bogged down with other important (and annoying) “adulty” things.

March will be a very different month for many reasons, and getting through February is going to be tough but also will bring many big changes to my life, so it’s a time for both frustration and relief!

Wish me luck surviving it!

Here’s some memes for you! I hope they bring some insight to you like they did for me!


Olive branches are so often a waste of time! Let it go! 💕



Yessss! So many crazy dreams lately.


Say it with me!!


We got this 💕

Thanks so much for reading, much love to you all and I hope this week is amazing!

Knotilus daily pond is a series of photos of the pond near my home, some bloggery about the homestead and the creations, it’s then finished off with some choice memes.

Some days here are breathtaking, others will be gray and dull, I’m happy to share the different looks of the pond all year long 🙂


The shop is officially open!
If you’re interested in helping a tiny business grow, pick out an item! ❤️

Check out my other creations through my link tree


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