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RE: Left Leaning Liberals and Proponents of Socialism will often offer things like Free Education for All... Medicare/aid for all, etc.

in #socialism7 years ago (edited)

I live in a country with free education and healthcare. Nobody here is crying about getting ripped off, at least not the ones holding a school degree or the ones who are sick.


I live in a country with free education and healthcare.

I don't believe you. In fact I state it is not possible.

Do your doctors make money to pay for things?

Do the people that produce medicine charge someone money?

Who pays for that?

If you say the government then I suggest you reread my post.

How does a government pay for things when they produce nothing? Typically the answer is taxes. If you pay taxes and they use those to pay for you education and healthcare then it is not FREE.

In fact you pay for healthcare and education in that case whether you use it or not, as I assume you can't just stop paying taxes.

I'll go ahead and give you the benefit of the doubt. If you believe your education and healthcare are truly free then I'd be interested in knowing where you live as I do not believe it is possible.

we just have different definitions of free
I don't see taxes as a burden, but as empowerment for democracy and freedom, not libertarianism but democratic freedom
thus I have no quarrel with the system in Germany and most Germans don't
we view universal health care as a human right, It's part of our constitution, like being able to own guns in the USA

we just have different definitions of free

If it is involuntary it is not free. If you have a choice it is free.

Whether you decide to believe differently does not change that. Because you are okay with an involuntary choice does not make it free. It just means you are not burdened by that particular requirement from your masters.

Sure, but I would not want to live in a country where paying taxes is on a voluntary basis.
Would you, when you really and seriously ponder it?
I'd wager things would go awry for everyone, not just the poor or the rich, the sick or the healthy, pretty damn quickly...

I think it could be done. Though only now thanks to technology. Imagine for example that all services were funded by crowdsourcing them. If you want to use a service then you would crowd source and fund it. You would have access to that service.

The problem is that governments truly suck and are incredibly wasteful on how they spend.

They are also quite corrupt and hard to keep track of.

Were it not for technological advances it'd be a challenge. I am completely fine with voluntary. You get the services you agree to support.

Thus, you are not charging people to pay for education who will never get one and may already have one. Thus, you are not charging unmarried men for maternity healthcare.

In fact, people could make up crowd sourcing initiatives for whatever they wanted. If enough people were interested they'd get funded and the project would proceed.

Some such initiatives could be ongoing in the form of things like Patreon.

The point is that just because we ARE doing things a certain way now does not mean they are something we should keep doing, or that we should stop pointing out problems and seeking solutions to those problems.

Every solution should be viewed as an experiment. If it fails we learn something and will have new ideas. Yet we learn nothing by repeating things just because that is how they have always been done. In fact we keep repeating a lot of the same mistakes over and over again in historical cycles.

Your basic premise is that the recipient class is not complaining. That seems to be the issue thinking people have - it's the takers that are fine with socialism. When you become part of the 'donor' class it's a completely different story. Once socialism takes root, it becomes even more difficult to move into the donor class. See why socialism doesn't work - for very long?

if you're a greedy shit yes, but then society in general is bad, not just socialism

Socialism only guarantees equality of misery. Period.

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