Social Network - OurFreedomTube

in #socialmedialast month

A defunct social network, where I had an account, was titled - OurFreedomTube. The website, in itself, was a copy of YouTube. It had features, that were similar to YouTube. Users could select their usernames, and create channels. On those channels, users could upload videos. Of course, other users could like or dislike videos, comment on those videos, if comments were allowed, and subscribe to channels. Not only they could subscribe to those channels, users could follow other users, who created those channels. I seldom used this network, since I have spent most of my time on YouTube. Still, I created an account on this website. At the time, in 2021-2022, it looked, that this social network, could be an alternative to YouTube. My username was, as usual, pliutkus. The last time, I logged in, was in April of 2023. After month of April of that year, this website was sadly no longer available.