Is Society Too Dependent On Technology???

in #society7 years ago

Just think, what would happen if your computer, iPad, or laptop crashed today? What if someone took away your phone for some days or perhaps you lost it? If thinking about these incidences makes you stressed, you are not alone. Today, most people are into technology such that losing it would alter their life negatively.
As exciting as it may sound, I can’t deny that we are becoming dependent on technology quite fast. This can be proved by the fact that most of us cannot go for a minute without looking at our phones and the fear of the battery dying is immense. But, do we need it? I can admit that when we talk of technology, it’s hard to resist the benefits it comes with.

Well, society may have gone too far in technology dependence such that it has become so immense that doctors have recommended for “technology detox.” Perhaps you may have heard of it. If not, according to Oxford Dictionary, Technology Detox is a period during which an individual avoids using any electronic devices including computers, smartphones etc as a chance to reduce stress and focus on social interaction in the outside world.

Technology is changing quite faster. After few months, we have an old product replaced by a new version which is even faster and smarter. For those who work in an office, think of a day without internet connection. For the employees, this may be a good time to wander around because there are no new tasks, but ask your boss the stress that comes with this. At home, think of a weekend with no television and cell phone. Actually, these items have become a part of our lives that is indispensable and there is no chance of lacking or losing them.

In fact there is drastic change compared to the early years where kids used to spend a lot time with each other or parents playing or just sharing stories. Those evening games after school is over, watching cartoons on a Sunday or playing with friends are no longer there. Today, more than 75% of kids remain indoors playing computer games or with a smartphone. Technology has taken all our time.

Well, this may get the better part of you of how technology has taken the better part of our society, but here are some signs that our generation depends too much on technology.

If the Internet connection is down, we call it a day.

If you happen to work in offices you may be familiar with this trend. If the internet is down, all the tasks are over for the day. No more no less. Anyway, it’s true, how can work continue if it’s hard to send an email to a colleague or customer? This is common in almost all offices.

You feel stripped with no phone

This is the most sensitive of them all when it comes to technology. Technology addiction is on another levelwith people always checking their text messages and emails every 30 to 40 minutes. The amount of concentration put to these devices something to worry about especially when it comes to dealing with issues in the family.

People do not live in the moment.

Most of the time we spend worrying about issues such as, is my phone charged enough? Does my camcorder have enough charge to record the live event in an event? If one of them is missing, you try as much as possible to search for it no matter what. The result is that you fail to capture and experience the moment since you are busy worried about other things.

Well, the choice remains in our hands. We must agree that the society is being carried away by the increased inventions being introduced in our lives today. The balance we need is to appreciate technology since it has its benefits, but also have the discipline to turn it off when need be to experience life in reality.

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