The reality of racism today and why it exist

in #society8 years ago

Racism exist, but you have to questions its authenticity, its purpose, who it benefits and what drives it. For that we have to look back in history. Obama, Hillary, Trump, all these politicians that fan the flames are just the current leaders of a ongoing process and i am not sure if some of them even realize what they are doing or if they too have become part of this vicious cycle called racism.

Republicans on the right and Conservatives have been some of the strongest and most effective advocates for civil rights historically. It was radical republicans who elected Lincoln and helped build the underground railroad. Setting up free cities and free states where slaves could escape to for freedom. Those same republicans defeated the Southern Democrats after the Civil War. So what happened? Democrats in the South wrote all their Jim Crowe laws. It was Democrats who started the KKK after the civil war to harass, intimidate, murder, and terrorize black communities. Democrats, have been in charge of the KKK since it's inception. They now not so coincidentally support BLM, a do well group that unfortunately has had some terrible elements attaching itself to what is suppose to be a good cause, a cry of anguish and understanding from the black community concerning police brtuality. Yet it is being twisted into a racial divide. Why and who is behind this twisting?

So back to history. When the central banks were created and the income tax created in 1913 the US has been under relatively permanent progressive control. Once the Democrats absorbed the Progressives in 1894 they have been actively packing the entire federal bureaucracy with other progressives. Republicans were the ones who got a veto proof majority to vote for the Civil Rights Act which Democrats (Al Gore's Father to be exact) tried to block via filibuster. It was Democrats Enforcing segregation. MLK was harshly critical of Democrats at the time and accused them of using the pharaoh method, artificially created divide and hatred through media and baiting.. LBJ promised voting rights, behind closed doors he said he would have those n**gers voting democrats for the next 200 years. The dems, dixiecrats devised a plan to control the people...the very pharaoh method MLK accused him of and the very thing JFK warned America about in his secrecy speech where he said "the very word secrecy is repugnant" Look it up, Americans need to know this. Both these guys got assassinated for speaking about this, and there are people out there who think LBJ and the dixiecrats did them both in to keep this in house plan to use divide to control the people. They never changed. They just went from hanging minorities and using the poor working class, to putting minorities on leashes and dangling a carrot and stick ideology to all of us. They have done the same thing for decades. This plan has kept the lefts agenda and power growing ever since. Meanwhile leftist like Obama and Hillary get their votes for it, Jackson, Sharpton and Farrakhan get their money and fame, and guess who gets the short end of the stick? The people, all of us. Our real leaders like JFK, MLK killed. We are left fighting a artificially created divide and war, or those of us like me who try to educate and expose the fraud for what it is.

Republicans have always been the party that accepts people not based on color but values, morals, actions and success. Thus the Democrats devised the "switch myth" which is perpetuated via the educational system since the 1980s. This propaganda is even taught in college. They say that after their defeat at the hands of republicans, somehow all the racist democrats "switched to Republicans" and therefore nobody in the Democrat party has been racist since the 60s according to the propaganda. When in reality only one racist democrat switched. Stromm Thurmond. The sycophants will point to this single person as proof of the "switch." When in reality he was Forced by many Republicans to renounce his racist views and to renounce the Democrat party (and by extension the KKK) BEFORE he could even join the Republicans. So then the 80s and 90s come and we have Bush and Clinton signing unconstitutional firearm bans. Anyway... Ruby Ridge happens. Waco happens. Black hawk down. The Monica Lewinsky stuff. The USS Cole and other attacks via Osama Bin laden and Al qaeda happen yet Bill Clinton acts as if he cannot arrest the Saudi royalty, and takes million dollar "donations" from them instead. Then we had the tech bubble, the internet and all the while Democrat progressives have been steadily working towards their goals. Now that the pharaoh method is in full swing, the claws of deceit is digging in deep from both sides as the fires of divide rage on.

Republicans have changed over time as well, so dont think they are completely guilt free. They too leech off us, and especially the poor working classes. The right has to a degree at times become a pocket padding enterprise for capitalism that favors greed over prosperity of all. This is not how a economy prospers nor how a government prospers. This is how those in power prosper. Capitalism is necessity in a country that favors independence and chasing the American dream, but its success should not drive back the success of others.

That reality that is telling i referred to in the beginning? The black community and poor working class whites have been lied to and fed a line of BS and pitted against each other for how many decades now? The left and sometimes the right feeds off and adds to our struggle like vultures over a corpse. They promise housings, midnight basketball, affirmative actions, jobs, opportunity, to build up our cities and communities....and what happens? Our communities are crumbling, poverty is high, drug use is rampant, hopelessness, oppression.

Either we are going to stand together, or we will be the ones that destroy it all, just like Lincoln once said. Dont fall for this BS anymore. Its all lies, and we lose. Think about it. We are lead to believe, and i got to laugh about this...that we are suppose to hate each other over color and culture lol. What for? WE are all the same. We laugh, we cry, we bleed, we heal, we live, we struggle, we die. The only ones who benefit from this is those who love nothing more then watching the world burn. There is something to be gained from it all. Mostly votes and power. The rest of us are left with a war that has been a vicious cycle for decades now. Lets stand together and put a end to this madness.

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