Plyushkin is among us. It's like, this is who, this is about what?

in #society6 years ago

I adore the work of N. Gogol "Dead Souls." Such types, so the soul of each character is revealed, its inner world. The author did not just describe Manilov, Plyushkin, Korobochka, and so on. These are images from life.

I propose to recall Plyushkin. According to the plot of the work, it was not a poor landowner, a respected person, a good master. But then something happened in his brain. In the beginning he became petty and greedy. His character became bad. His wife died, the children fled wherever (marriage, military service), because such a life became simply unbearable in the father's house. The estate came to desolation, the serfs scattered.
Plyushkin's condition gradually worsened. If at first it was expressed in excessive savings, then gradually it grew into a disease:**
He stopped watching for himself. In fact, why wash often, this is an extra expense of soap.
For years he did not change his clothes. He was not at all embarrassed that things had become dilapidated and dirty, which made him unpleasantly smelling.
And most importantly, he dragged everything he found into the house. The serfs joked that after the master passed along the street, she did not need to sweep it-all the rubbish he would drag into his house. The landowner's house was more like a dump. There was an unimaginable amount of old, dirty broken things that only for its owner were of value.
Plyushkin's syndrome is a huge amount of unnecessary things. The owner does not use them and there will not be any time, but still collects them and drags them home. There are already so many of them that it is simply impossible to live in such conditions.
n our time, too, there are enough "Plyushkin". Very often we are shown in the news, when the municipal services take out the mountains of garbage from the apartments of such "masters". "Plyushkin's Syndrome" is one of the types of mental disorder.


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