in #sound-money4 years ago

I'll start with my Post Titled "GOOD NEWS"...

I like the way you think... Federal Reserve Notes will be removed and replaced by our "Circulating" Sound Money during he Redemption Period... This will make for a Smooth Transition from Fiat to Sound Money... The Foundation for Sound Money has "already" been poured... We're now ready to start building or Circulating Sound Money, and replacing the Old Federal Reserve Notes... The Exchange Rate will be One Hundred "Federal Reserve Note" Dollars for One Hundred "Sound Money" Cents...
July 2, 2020... 8.4 Hollywood Time...


The Value of Gold will be Fixed, and become Stable, with a Melt Value of $35.00 per ounce in Sound Money... If you insist in Measuring Gold in Terms of Fiat Debt Notes, Gold will have a Melt Value of 3,500.00 Dollars... The Stable Melt Value of Silver will be $3.50 in Sound Money or $350.00 in Fiat Debt Notes...
July 2, 2020... 7.7 Hollywood Time...

Platinum Eagles can, but won't normally be used as Circulating Sound Money... They will be used to Back our "Circulating Sound Money"... They already Range from a $10 Face Value Coin, to a $100 Face Value Coin... The $100 Face Value Platinum Eagles will have the "Spending Power" of 10,000 Fiat Dollars... They will also give us the Ability to issue another $100 in Circulating Sound Money, in order to Remove Federal Reserve Notes...Circulating Sound Money and U.S. Bullion Coinage will be in Perfect Balance...
July 2, 2020... 7.8 Hollywood Time...

The Melt Value of Gold or Silver, always has to remain "lower" than the Face Value of our Coinage... We pay $35 in "Sound Money" for an ounce of Gold and Mint $50 in Gold Eagles... After the Gold Eagle is Minted, we can then issue an additional $50 in Circulating Sound Money... We will have One Ounce Gold Collector Coins with a One Hundred Dollar Face Value... They will have the "Spending Power" of the $10,000 in the Fiat Money, that James mentioned... We will be Minting Plenty of $100 Gold and Platinum Coins... Each $100 Gold or Platinum Eagle Coins will allow us to Remove and Replace 10,000 Federal Reserve Note Dollars... Collector Bullion Coinage is going to be awesome... We'll have Ten Dollar, One ounce Silver Eagles and Hundred Dollar, One Ounce Gold Collector Coins... By the way... One Ounce Silver Eagles will be discontinued, and replaced with One Ounce Five Dollar Silver Eagles...
The Smallest of our Bullion Coins will be able to Remove 500 Fiat Dollars...
July 3, 2020... 3.8 Hollywood Time...


We've been Paying interest to the Central Bank Owners for Fiat Money that has been destroyed in Fires and Floods... We the People are Paying off the National Debt in Full, including the interest, everyone thought couldn't be paid... Anyway, the Exchange Rate From Fiat to Sound Money will be 100 for 1... The Reason for the Exchange Rate is because the Fiat Dollar has lost 99% of its "Spending Power"... That only leaves One Percent...
July 3, 2020... 4.3 Hollywood Time...

Since the Fiat Dollar has lost 99% of it's Spending Power, there's only One Percent Spending Power remaining... That One Percent represents how much Sound Money is still available in each Fiat Dollar...

I'm sure the Banks will give you an opportunity to Switch from Fiat To Sound Money... There will be plenty of time to give your Bank Permission... Yes, 1,000 Fiat Dollars will become $10.00 in Sound Money...

By the way... If a person is currently earning 25 Fiat Dollars per hour, that will also reset to 25 (Sound Money) Cents per hour... Everything will reset to Sound Money, including your Bills and Debt... There will be no Forgiveness of Debt... There will still be the Normal Ways to Escape Debt...

There will be Two Forms of Sound Money... Physical Sound Money and Electronic Sound Money... For every Circulating Form of Sound Money, there will be an equal Face Value amount of U.S. Bullion Coinage, to create the Perfect Balance... This my Friend will Make the People Great Again...
July 3, 2020... 6.4 Hollywood Time...


I personally believe, Sound Money is too important to wait on the Results of another Election... I suspect Billions of Dollars will be Spent, making President Trump look like the Biggest Scum-Bag on Earth... For all I know, we could be Hours away from the U.S. Monetary Reset to Sound Money...
July 3, 2020... 10.0 Hollywood Time...


The Double Eagle will have a $20 Face Value, which would give them, the "Spending Power" of 2,000 of Today's Fiat Dollars... Their Melt Value plus their Collector Values will Vary, depending on what Collectors are Looking for...

The One Ounce Gold Eagles have a $50 Face Value, which will give them the "Spending Power" of 5,000 of Today's Fiat Dollars... Unless they become Collector Coinage, they will have the Melt Value of 3,500 of Today's Fiat Dollars...

July 3, 2020... 14.6 Hollywood Time...

I just checked out some Common Dates for the Graded Twenty Dollar Gold Coins... They're currently right around the $2,000 Mark... That's about the Same as their "Spending Power" will be in "Sound Money"... On the other Hand, the Melt Value of Gold will be 3,500 Fiat Dollars per ounce... So, I don't see them Selling for less than Melt Value... They will continue to have Collector Appeal, even with the Common Dates and Mint Marks, but not to the Point of 5,000 Fiat Dollars.....
July 3, 2020... 16.7 Hollywood Time...

For one... If you had an Old Debt Note with a $20 Face Value, and a New Debt Note with a $50 Face Value, made with the exact same type of Paper, which one do you think would have the most "Spending Power"...???

I figure, with Collector Coinage, the Sky is the Limit, due to Supply and Demand... On the other hand, if you had one Melted Down, you wouldn't get back the Same Face Value... You will only get back Coins adding up to the Melt Value...
July 3, 2020... 23.0 Hollywood Time...

With Sound Money, you can take 3 one ounce Silver Coins... One that is Stamped $1, the other is Stamped $5 and the third one is Stamped $10... All 3 together will have the Spending Power of $16... If you decided to Melt all three One Ounce Silver Coins into a Three Ounce Cube, it would have Zero Spending Power and a Melt Value of $10.50 in Sound Money...I know where you're coming from... Sound Money needs the Face Value Remain Stable...

As far as Defining a Dollar by a Fixed Rate of Gold goes... This tells me the Banksters want to Complicate something that could be very Simple...

The Simple answer is that We the People will Set the Price of Gold, in terms of Sound Money... Sound Money calls for the Melt Value of Gold to always be lower than the Face Value of our Coinage... This means our Face Value can be many times Greater than the Melt Value...

Face Value is very important when it comes to issuing new Circulating Sound Money... That's why the One Dollar Silver Coins need to be Discontinued... What people do with them is up to them... If it says One Dollar, it means One Dollar, unless you sell them to a Collector or Melt them down for more...

We need a Silver/Gold Ratio of Ten to One... We need a Five Dollar Silver Eagle, with a Melt Valule of $3.50 and a Fifty Dollar Gold Eagle, with a Melt Value of $35.00... But that won't prevent us from Issuing a Ten Dollar Silver Eagle and a $100 Gold Eagle using the same One Ounce Weight... You'll be able to turn in a One Ounce Ten Dollar Silver Eagle for Two, One Ounce Five Dollar Silver Eagles... I bet you didn't see that one

July 4, 2020... 11.7 Hollywood Time...

There's no way I'm going to change my Vision... I Fine Tuned it, all the way down to the Sound Money Decimal Cent, in order to make change for a Sound Money Cent...

The Melt Value of Gold and Silver will indeed be Fixed, but the Face Value of our Sound Money is what people will use to Measure Value...

Tell me how many Decimal Cents will be fixed by a Grain of Gold... lol...

We won't be taking that Complicated Path... Sorry...

July 4, 2020... 13.6 Hollywood Time...

The Three Cents will be backed by gold, but no, we probably won't be able to buy Three Cents worth of Gold... A person will have to Save up at least $5.00 in Sound Money to get a One Tenth Ounce, U.S.Gold Eagle Coin...

We will need Electron Coinage to make change for One Cent in Sound Money... Remember, our Fiat Debt Note Paper Dollar will become a Debt Free Sound Money Paper Cent... A Sound Money Paper Cent, will remove and replace a One Dollar Debt Note...
July 4, 2020... 21.0 Hollywood Time...


I'm the Source... It started out as a Theory, but after many Moons of Fine Tuning, it became a Vision... It's pretty much Based upon the Face Values of our Existing U.S. Bullion Coinage, together with the Fact that Federal Reserve Notes (in my opinion) have lost 99% of their "Spending Power"... All the Pieces of the Puzzle came together with the Final and most Important Piece of the Puzzle...The Foundation needed to issue "Circulating" Sound Money...

The $3.50 and $35.00 Melt Values, along with the One Ounce $5 Silver Eagle, and the One Ounce $50 Gold Eagle, brings us to a Silver/Gold Ratio of 10 to 1...

This made it necessary for the One Dollar Silver Eagle to be discontinued and replaced with a Five Dollar Silver Eagle of the Same Weight... I also saw the need for a Weight Change in our Ten Dollar Gold Eagle Coins, from 1/4 oz to 1/5 oz...
July 3, 2020... 18.0 Hollywood Time...

Sound Money is all about the Face Value...If you can forget about the Melt Value, there will be a big difference between a One Dollar Silver Eagle and a Five Dollar Silver Eagle.... I'm sure we'll even have a One Ounce, Ten Dollar Silver Collector Coins, to go with our One Ounce, One Hundred Dollar Gold Collector Coins... Still with that Ten to One, Silver/Gold Ratio...

People who own One Dollar Eagles will have to decide for themselves, the Value, they add to their Collection... We're back to Supply and Demand... If you hold them, you own them...

Gold Bars and Rounds will continue to Fluctuate in Value, due to Supply and Demand, and Freely Traded... The U.S. Treasury will only Pay a Set Melt Value Price for Bars and Rounds... This will be the Minimum Price for your Bars and Rounds...Collectors will pay much higher premiums...

I'm sure there will Continue to be Currency Exchanges all over the World... People can Turn in your Gold, Silver and Federal Reserve Notes in plenty of obvious places...

I should turn this reply into a

July 3, 2020... 21.7 Hollywood Time...

The Dollar Defined as a Fixed Weight of Gold, just Complicates Matters, and Keeps everyone Confused... Knowing that One Ounce of Gold has a Melt Value of $35 is Easy to Understand... If you want to Divide that into Grams, or Grains, feel free... I like keeping things Simple...

Sound Money is going to be World Wide... We don't want to Complicate our Circulating Sound Money... If a Person on the other side of the World is able to Save up $35 in Sound Money, they can buy an Ounce of Gold... The Person selling the Ounce of Gold may want to make some Money in the Deal... You know how that goes... The U.S. Treasury will set the Minimum Prices of Gold and Silver... If they Hold it, they Own it... What a person does with it, is up to that person...
July 4, 2020... 12.0 Hollywood Time...

I like Old Gold and Silver Coinage... I've been a U.S. Coin Collector since before my Teen years... I use to Spend Real Silver Dollars...

All Gold, Platinum and Palladium Bullion Coins Minted with a 1986 Date or Newer will allow us to issue the Equal Face Value Amount of Circulating Sound Money...

The One Dollar Silver Eagle poses a couple of problems, when it comes to its Melt Value and our Silver/Gold Ratio of Ten for One... Sound Money Requires a "One Ounce" Five Dollar, Silver Eagle......

One Dollar Silver Eagles won't be used to issue our Circulating Sound Money., due to the Fact that their Melt Value is worth more than their Face Value... You'll be able to Hold them, Spend them or turn them into your Local Bank for a $3.50 Melt Value Price... Sound Money requires Five Dollar Silver Eagles with a Melt Values of $3.50 per ounce...

If you hold them, you own them... What you do with them is up to you... Just remember, you have the Option to Spend them as One Dollar in Sound Money, or turn them in for their Melt Value Price of $3.50 in Sound Money... Circulating U.S. Sound Money is based upon the Face Value of our Bullion Coinage... The Face Values of our Bullion Coinage needs to be in Balance with the Face Value of our Circulating Sound Money...
July 4, 2020... 14.3 Hollywood Time...

As a Collector Coin, it will have a Premium over Melt Value, but I'm afraid the Melt Value for most of them, will still be Too High to Prevent People from turning them in for 'Sound Money"... Remember... $3.50 in Sound Money will be equal to 350 of Today's Fiat Dollars... Who's going to tell the Owners of One Dollar Silver Eagles not to turn them in...??? Not
July 4, 2020... 22.5 Hollywood Time...

I decided to Delete this Reply, and turn it into my Next Post...
July 5, 2020... 7.5 Hollywood Time...

MY NEXT POST was then made...

Feel free to comment or question, anything I write...

July 7, 2020... 16.7 Hollywood Time...


In God We Trust the Plan....png
July 7, 2020... 17.4 Hollywood Time...

What do you think of H.R. 5404?
This is a bill originating in the House of Representatives, located at:

It states the following:

"Introduced in House (03/22/2018)

This bill requires the Department of the Treasury to define the dollar in terms of a fixed weight of gold, based on that day's closing market price of gold. The Federal Reserve Banks shall make Federal Reserve notes exchangeable with gold at the statutory gold definition of the dollar."

Do you think this is something that is going to happen? And if not, why is it on the official Government site?

Is it possible that we are soon going on a new Gold Standard, and this might be the initial declaration?

Does this bill (H.R. 5404) conflict with your theories?

I don't like it... Instead of Defining the Dollar in Terms of a Fixed Weight of Gold, we only have to Fix the Melt Value Weight of Gold and Silver... The Melt Value "must" always be lower than its Face Value... We the People will Determine what the Melt Values of Gold and Silver will be... If my Vision is Correct, the Melt Value of Gold will be Fixed at $35.00 per ounce, and the Melt Value of Silver will have a "Fixed" Melt Value of $3.50 per ounce, in "Sound Money"...

My Guess is that the Bill you keep bringing up was only meant to keep us Confused... It doesn't make sense if you take a long look at it...
July 7, 2020... 21.8 Hollywood Time...

We will still use currency, right? We won't be using any silver or gold bullion coins for any transactions - or will we?

Yes... We will have both Physical and Electronic U.S. Sound Money... The Smallest Five Dollar U.S. Bullion Coin will have the "Spending Power" of 500 of Today's Fiat Dollars... I suppose it will depend on what you were buying, but you won't be taking a U.S. Bullion Coin, to a Fast Food Drive Up Window...
July 7, 2020... 22.8 Hollywood Time...

So we'll have currency... paper Dollars, pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and halves, like we have now?

We won't have Paper Dollars, we will have Paper Coinage...

Yes, our Coinage will continue to be used...
July 8, 2020... 9.2 Hollywood Time...

I don't think we're going to have 100-Cents on a paper currency.

Don't you think, we will still have $1 as the minimum face-value paper note?

I can't imagine a "100 Cents" Note, although I understand your logic.

Can you picture a One Cent Certificate replacing a One Dollar Debt Note...??? You need to remember, Sound Money Cents are about to have the same "Spending Power" as Fiat Dollars... All Paper Debt Note Dollars, will be Removed and Replaced by Sound Money Cents...

Because of you, I gave more thought about the Melt Value of One Ounce Silver Eagles... I figure it will be in the Best Interest of the U.S. Treasury to offer $4.00 for One Ounce Silver Eagles, instead of the usual $3.50 Melt Value, paid for other Silver...
July 9, 2020... 1.8 Hollywood Time...

Whether we're talking about gold, silver, copper, platinum... or any other metal, the main determining factor of value must be strongly correlated with its weight - be it grams, ounces, pounds, tonnes.

However THE NEW GOLD STANDARD is implemented, I believe Trump is ready to get Judy Shelton to work on implementing the new foundation and structure for the financial reset or transition.

Along with creating new international trade agreements, bringing manufacturing back to the United States and removing corrupt individuals, we are actually in the transition period, NOW.

I believe two quotes from the X22 Report are very good indicators for what is coming, and happening now...

  1. “Gold… is going to rise, and rise, and rise….”

  2. "By the time [the gold price] hits a certain point, it’s going to be too late for a lot of people.”

KEEP IN MIND: When Trump became President, gold was under $1,100. Today, it is over $1,800. So, just be looking for the panic and mad rush into gold and silver, once gold breaks $2,000. We are very close to making a new all-time high in gold. Or maybe we could say, we're coming close to an all-time low for the Dollar!

About Judy Shelton: From Wikipedia:

Judy Lynn Shelton is an American economic advisor to President Donald Trump. She is known for her advocacy for a return to the gold standard and for her criticisms of the Federal Reserve. Trump announced on July 2, 2019, that he would nominate Shelton to the Fed, and her nomination is currently pending in the Senate.

Gold and Silver will rise and rise and rise, until Gold reaches a Melt Value of $35 and Silver reaches a Melt Value of $3.50... In "Circulating" U.S. Sound Money, of course... At that point, Gold and Silver will become Stable and "Too Late" to invest in... Gold and Silver will be at its Peek, so yes, it will be too late, once they are "Stable"...

You didn't mention the One Cent Paper Coinage... We'll also have Five Cent, Ten Cent, Twenty Cent, Fifty Cent and One Hundred Cent Certificates... The New Paper Coinage will probable look Familiar, but denominated in Cents, instead of Dollars...

And you said nothing about the Treasury, raising the Melt Value Price of One Ounce Silver Eagles to $4.00 each... That's 50 Cents above the standard Melt Value Price of Silver, thanks to you...
July 9, 2020... 6.9 Hollywood Time...

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