¡Eres hermoso!

in #spanish7 years ago

El aceptarse así mismo, es quizás una de las cosas más difíciles por las que pasa una persona, lo digo por experiencia propia.

El verte lindo en un espejo es un reto, o al menos para mí lo fue. Luego comprendí que cada detalle o cada defecto según nosotros, puede ser lo que nos hace únicos y hermosos a nuestras manera. Es hoy en día donde me doy cuenta y te digo a ti, eres hermoso de pies a cabeza.

Ese color café de tus ojo es hermoso, el color canela o blanco como las nubes de tu piel, las estrías son hermosas, esa marca de una operación que demuestra lo victorioso que saliste, si eres alto o pequeño, el color de tu cabello, no importa los número ni las tallas, cada quien es hermoso, único y es especial a su manera.

Fuente de imagen


Very true. Self esteem (no pun intended) is very important in life. I think something has helped me on my journey is letting go of caring about how other people present themselves - it is so easy for people to fake how "pretty" they are on social media. I removed most social media from my life, and feel better about myself, no longer seeing edited and premade highlight reels of other peoples lives.

I think men and women are just overwhelmed with so many different voices telling them how to look and dress and act, and yes it is good to be in shape and healthy, but from what I've seen it is much more of a anxiety crushing people than it is a desire to improve.

Self value is much more important then fitting in, and when you have - I think naturally you become more beautiful. Some of the most attractive people I know radiate out this inner light.

Like flowers, we should not compete with each other, but strive to be as beautiful and unique to our own form, colors, and soul as possible.


Thanks for sharing this, I know it's a struggle for many women about how they feel in the mirror, so know that your not alone :)

Thank you for such beautiful words.

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