in #spanish6 years ago

The night passed silent. the guard and her family were still outside, and SigBa was beginning to worry, she thought that perhaps having told them about her discovery was not a good idea, her appetite was absent and her desire to go out and look for them was getting more intense
He sat down to check his rabbit's wounds to try to distract himself. In a moment of silence, her grandmother arrived serious, as if the sun had died, SiGbA
He cursed when he saw that he approached her, he thought that a good blow would come to his head as every time he challenges him to punish her
but her grandmother just sat down, and she went with him. he had never seen his grandmother so serious, every time he had to give a story, it was good, or the worst,
she always did it in an explosive way, just like her granddaughter, she could not deny that they were the same, so, seeing her like that, she knew that something was not right,
he knew that something had happened that was beyond his being,
-Grandmother, is everything okay ?, the strangers left ?, I guess there were solitary runes, if you want I can go to ...- her grandmother interrupted her
with a cold silence while I gave him his drawing that taught them
to then pronounce words that for some reason she already knew, but refused to discover.
-were humans, daughter, were those monsters-
-but they were very different from what Dad tells me! No half of a human is half! What kind of human is so small? - felt terror to know
who had set foot in front of humans, thought that he should hide the fact that they saw him-

  • Surely they were sick, if.- relaxed in their lies. - Sure they are harmless, we can go out to continue with our lives, do not waste the forces of the guards to be watching such things-
    her grandmother did not look away from her granddaughter. Her expressions had disappeared from her face, she looked like an immobile mannequin, until she tired of hearing
    the verbiage of its useless congenere.
    he got up and showed him the leaves again, -they were human children. society has expanded so much that they are already reaching the shores of our lands.
    SiG-bALATH ...- I take your shoulders-THE MATE, I have placed a barrier and I have made it clear that these lands do not cross,
    You're forbidden to go there! -sigBa opened his eyes like two plates, and took a pair of hands to his head, while trying to control the tremor of
    legs that impredian sustain with the other pair ... killed. - YOU KILLED THEM? who the hell are you? !! - WE COULD CONTROL, THAT WAS NOT YOUR GRANDMOTHER,
    her grandmother tried to control her, she got angry and the old woman did not stop taking him by the shoulders.
    I kept shaking and screaming how scared I was,
    her grandmother hit him on the cheek and sat her down with the fury of a jealous father.
    -Sig-Balath calm down! It was necessary for everyone, we are in danger! -
    -do not! we are the danger! "SigBa shouted as he had never done before, it hurt his heart to scream at his grandmother in that way, but no longer
    recognized as such.
    -They were children! my grandmother would never hurt some children !! They are defenseless babies, may have chased them away and now !! -
    -Look what they did to that rabbit, have no mercy or in their tender years! -The rabbit fled as he could from the fight hiding in the skirts
    from SiGba-no! They could have hurt the rabbit, but they would never be able to kill as you did!
    now they have reasons to hate us! I have reason to hate you !! - those last words hit the room in such a way that there was a
    silence sordido.corrio of there with tears that prevented him from seeing, I could only distinguish shadows looking at him,
    all had heard badly that he had spoken to his great grandmother, that shame for the people such disrespect. But SigBa did not think of anything but
    those two creatures, poor people,
    If it were not for their disobedience, they would still be alive! It was the only thing that rumbled in his head. Now, the drops were on his face, as if it were raining on singers. But it was only his tears, he took refuge in one of the runes to end his storm.
    He sat on the stairs that led to the altar and cried like a baby, crying.
    I did not understand what was happening, I felt an unknown loss, by strangers, SigBa, silly SiGbA, crying his mistakes.
    his head was a swarm, a tangle that caught his soul and could not leave, he wanted to go back in time and never ever run into them, never leave the runes, never again
    never more.

When she thought that the waters had calmed down, one of the guards, who was a few insignificant decades older than her, found him. I knew what
It was happening, but it was so imprudent and stupid to ask, she just got up and looked for another place, and between the walk the
shouted him
-do not worry!! They will never step on our land again! "SigBa did not want to hear him.
-has always been like that! - I shout even louder.
this stopped his hurried gait, made him boil the blood in ways he did not know.
-It's disgusting! - I shout back to the guard who was stunned, his town was always quiet, what crazy talk?
It was an emergency procedure that they had to do, and apparently they had hidden it from her alone, of course, they saw her so docile and disobedient that
I would go snooping.

she ran to the banks, so angry, she did not want to be part of her town, she was ashamed of her, she was not like that, they were not like that! what kind of
were people with whom I had lived together all the time? Clear! that's why humans
they hated them, that's why they took their horns! they are a threat!



la noche paso callada. la guardia y su familia seguia afuera, y SigBa comenzaba a preocuparse, pensaba que tal vez haberles hablado sobre su descubrimiento no era buena idea, su apetito estaba ausente y sus ganas de salir a buscarlos era cada vez mas intensa
se sento a revisar las heridas de su conejo para intentar distraerse. En un momento silencio, su abuela llego seria, como si el sol hubiera muerto, SiGbA
se curbio cuando vio que se acerco a ella, creyo que un buen golpe vendria a su cabeza como cada vez que le reta a castigarla
pero su abuela solo se sento, y ella le acompaño. jamas habia visto a su abuela tan seria, cada que tenia que dar una noticia, fuera buena, o la peor,
siempre lo hacia de manera explosiva, tal y como su nieta, no podia negar que eran iguales, por ello, al verla asi, sabia que algo no estaba bien,
sabia que habia sucedido algo que estaba mas alla de su ser,
-abuela, todo esta bien?, los extraños se fueron?, supongo que estaban las runas solitarias,si quieres puedo salir yo a...-su abuela le interrumpio
con un silencio frio mientras le daba su dibujo que les enseño
para luego pronunciar palabras que por alguna razon ella ya sabia, pero se negaba a descubrir.
-eran humanos, hija,eran esos mounstros-
-pero eran muy diferentes a lo que me cuenta papa! no median ni la mitad de un humano! que clase de humano es tan pequeño?-sentia terror al saber
que habia puesto un pie frente a unos humanos, pensaba que debia esconder el hecho de que le vieron-
-seguramente estaban enfermos, si.- se relajo en sus mentiras.-seguro son inofensivos, ya podemos salir a seguir con nuestras vidas, no gastes las fuerzas de los guardias para estar vigilando a tales cosas-
su abuela no quitaba la mirada de su nieta.sus expresiones habian desaparecido de su rostro, parecia un maniqui inmovil, hasta que se canso de oir
las palabrerias de su inutil congenere.
se levanto y le enseño de nuevo las hojas, -eran crias sociedad se ha exparsido tanto que ya estan llegando a las orillas de nuestras tierras.
SiG-bALATH...-le tomo le los hombros-LOS MATE, he puesto una barrera y les he dejado claro que estas tierras no se cruzan,
tienes prohibido ir alla!-sigBa abrio los ojos como dos platos, y se llevo un par de manos a la cabeza, mientras intentaba controlar el temblor de
piernas que le impredian sostenerse con el otro par...matado.-LOS HAS MATADO? quien diablos eres?!!- NOS E PODIA CONTROLAR, ESA NO ERA SU ABUELA,
su abuela intento controlarla, se levanto enfurecia y la vieja no dejaba de tomarle de los hombros.mientras intentaba que entrara en razon la cornuta
no dejaba de temblar y gritar lo asustada que estaba,
su abuela le golpeo en la mejilla y la sento con la furia de un padre celoso.
-Sig-Balath calmate! era necesario para todos, estamos en peligro!-
-no! nosotros somos el peligro!-le grito SigBa como nunca antes lo habia hecho, le dolia el corazon gritarle a su abuela de esa forma, pero ya no la
reconocia como tal.
-eran niños!! mi abuela jamas lastimaria a unos niños!! son unos bebes indefensos, pudista haberlos ahuyentado y ya!!-
-viste lo que le hicieron a ese conejo, no tienen piedad ni en sus años mas tiernos!-el conejo huyo como pudo de la pelea escondiendose en las faldas
de SiGba-no! pudieron haber lastimado al conejo, pero jamas serian capaces de matar como lo has hecho tu!
ahora tienen motivos para odiarnos!YO! tengo motivos para odiarte!!-esas ultimas palabras golpearon en la habitacion de tal manera que se produjo un
silencio sordido.corrio de alli con lagrimas que le impedian ver, solo podia distinguir sombras mirandole,
todos habian escuchadolo mal que le habia hablado a su popia abuela, que verguenza para el pueblo tal falta de respeto.pero SigBa no pensaba en mas que
esas dos criaturas, pobresillas,
si no fuera por su desobediencia seguirian vivos! era lo unico que retumbaba en su cabeza.ahora, las gotas estaban sobre su rostro, como lloviendo a cantaros.pero solo eran sus lagrimas, se refugio en una de las runas para terminar su tormenta.
se sento en las escaleras que llevaban al altar y lloro como un bebe, a llantos.
no entendia lo que sucedia, sentia una perdida desconocida, por unos desconocidos, ho SigBa,tonta SiGbA, llorando sus errores.
su cabeza era un enjambre , un enredo el cual atrapaba su alma y no podia salir, queria regresar en el tiempo y nunca jamas toparse con ellos,nunca mas salir de las runas, nunca mas
nunca mas.

cuando creia que las aguas se habian calmado, uno de los guardias, que era unas decadas insignificantes mas grande que ella,le encontro. sabia lo que
estaba pasando, pero era tan imprudente y estupido como para preguntar, ella solo se levanto y busco otro lugar, y entre la caminata el
le grito
-no te preocupes!! jamas volveran a pisar en nuestro terreno!-SigBa no queria oirle.
-siempre ha sido asi!!-grito aun mas fuerte.
esto detuvo su apresurado andar, le hizo hervir la sangre de maneras que no conocia.
-son un asco!!- le grito de vuelta al guardia quien se quedo pasmado, su pueblo siempre fue tranquilo, de que habla la loca?
era un procedimiento de emergencia que debian hacer, y al parecer se lo habian ocultado solo a ella, claro, la veian tan docil y desobediente que
seguro iria a husmear.

corrio hacia las orillas, tan enojada, ya no queria ser parte de su pueblo, le avergonzaba tanto, ella no era asi, ellos no eran asi! que clase de
personas eran con las que habia convivido todo el tiempo? claro! por eso los humanos
los odiaban, por eso les quitaban los cuernos! son una amenaza!



i just love cartoons

thanks! :,D

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