in #spanish6 years ago

Today is an important day, SigBa receives a ceremony, part of the culture of his people, where he presents himself to the temple among the oldest runes, in this ritual he makes a presentation with his magical knowledge, each being has his mark that distinguishes him from the rest, she has a special spiritual strength, is a skilled healer and shapeshifter, her magic is not mortal, yet, in fact she specializes more in the camouflage and the mirage, it is something that she can not change for more than studying other arts, it is something that springs from his being of birth,
at the ceremony, his grandmother dressed him in white and crystalline clothes,
its horns are bathed in the waters of the spring and it is assigned a name of war,
Even though his people have been at peace for decades, they still keep these steps, they play defiant drums and a carved stone dagger is stuck in their hands, their clothes are stained with their blood and their names are written on the stones. that make up the runes.
and so, the ritual ends, with a promise of loyalty to her people and to herself. Although she is scared, she always saw these rituals, but despite going through them a thousand times, the feeling of being in front of the town scares her, it scares her to know that she does not want to follow the footsteps of her people, she is scared to know that she is probably wrong in her dream to explore, in spite of that she took her war name and hugged him as a symbol of her rebellion, - LIlith-; resono in the grave and hoarse voice of his grandmother, that now would be his name when the blood has to spill.
it was not a name he liked, it was ugly, it seemed to be taken from human stories, but apparently it was he who whispered the spirit of the runes to his grandmother, so he had to tolerate it.
at the end of the ritual their forces returned little by little, it was like having married a lie, ho, SigBa, you have deceived all your people, they all believe that you would stay immobile there, wasting all your learning ...
she took off her clothes and put on her exploration clothes, as always, naturally she had to stay at the banquets of the town and to hear the anecdotes of the wise, but stealthily she went to the forest, took her bag and her precious things and fled to her lair, there maybe plan to cover your new reality, running to the new hiding place, passing the safe area, there, where you stumbled and rolled like a fool, began to hear whispers, whispers? at this time of day? ahun spirits do not come out to cheat people and wild animals are sleeping. What kind of whispered thing with the danger of being discovered ?, Of course SigBa, "LILI", I would discover it, hid in a tree and inclined to see ...
There were two small beings, they did not have horns and their skin seemed sick, pale, eww ... pink! his eyes were small and his limbs short; how do they survive with those extremities? Do they eat mold, perhaps? .SigBa took his sheets for notes and began to draw them, he had been with a strange kind of being, and they were two !! what would be awarded for such a chasm, the little beings began to chase a rabbit, she followed them stealthily, maybe they would eat it, they caught it. the guinea pig was writhing and screaming scared and the dwarves began to hit him and pull his ears, SigBa was upset, no being so mistreated his prey if you can kill him quickly, he understood that there were carnivorous beings who needed to eat, but that? no sir!! That was terrible! Those monsters tortured him until the rabbit broke a leg, they buried him while they laughed and mocked, he could not anymore and I jump to his defense, I shout while showing him the fangs, like a deer mother was treated, the little beings screamed terrified and ran, they ran slowly, so SigBa hit them with a stone that more than hit them, they just snatched them, the beings shouted even more scared, and let them get lost.
I dig up the bunny, I heal the wounds and I sell him the leg, now I had the duty to take care of him, I took him to his lair and made him a nest, -While you'll be until you compongas.-I whisper as he brought herbs to his snout .
When she fell asleep in her lap she began to think that they would be those beings, I search between her study books and she did not find anything, so she thought that she should ask her grandmother, but ... How? he would realize that he has come out of the radio to sniff and if he would break his head from the blows that he gave him, he had to invent something, but he did not know what.
He preferred to return to the village with the wounded rabbit, his alibi would tell them that he found him on the shore and there he found those beings, no. Has no sense...

-they entered the forest and tortured the rabbit, drove them away making the sound of a wolf and they ran from there, of course I did not follow them, they did not see me either-articulated those words while their parents and their grandmother saw them skeptical, their father I ask her how they looked, and she took out her notes, of course, only the sheet of that, if she gave them the whole book they would discover it because she kept her precious map, when she saw it her father gave a start and left, SigBa I knew what was happening, I frowned and asked her grandmother that now that it happened to her father, the grandmother saw the writings and her face became horrified, her mother picked her up and took her daughter out of the room,
-my daughter, do not go out again, you are forbidden to go beyond the first rune-
-the first rune ?? !!! That was almost three feet from the town! - They were imprisoning her in her own circle !!, even though she fought SiGba, she could not hear them, her mother came in and left her alone outside, inside they discussed something that she could not hear , perfect. now it will be harder to go out and explore ...


hoy es un dia importante,SigBa recibe una ceremonia, parte de la cultura de su pueblo, donde se presenta al templo entre las runas mas viejas, en este ritual hace una presentacion con sus conocimientos magicos, cada ser tiene su huella que le distingue del resto,ella tiene una fuerza espiritual especial, es habil curandera y cambiaformas, su magia no es mortal, aun, de hecho se especializa mas en el camuflaje y el espejismo, es algo que ella no puede cambiar por mas que estudie otras artes, es algo que brota de su ser de nacimiento,
en la ceremonia, su abuela le viste con ropas blancas y cristalinas,
sus cuernos son bañados en las aguas del manantial y se le asigna un nombre de guerra,
a pesar de que su pueblo ha estado en paz desde hace decadas, aun conservan estos pasos, suenan tambores desafiantes y se le clava en las manos una puñal tallado de piedra, con su sangre se manchan sus ropas y se escribe su nombre en las piedras que conforman las runas.
y asi, termina el ritual, con una promesa de lealtad a su pueblo y a si misma.SigBa esta asustada, siempre vio estos rituales, pero a pesar de repasarlos mil veces la sensacion de estar frente al pueblo le asusta, le asusta que sepan que ella no quiere seguir los pasos de su gente, le asusta saber que probablemente este equivocada en su sueño de explorar , a pesar de ello tomo su nombre de guerra y lo abrazo como simbolo de su rebeldia,- LIlith-; resono en la voz grave y ronca de su abuela, ese ahora seria su nombre cuando la sangre tenga que derramarse.
no era un nombre que le gustara, era feo, parecia sacado de los cuentos humanos, pero al parecer fue el que le susurro el espiritu de las runas a su abuela, asi que tenia que tolerarlo.
al terminar el ritual sus fuerzas volvieron de a poco, era como haberse casado con una mentira, ho, SigBa, has engañado a todo tu pueblo, todos creen que te quedaras inmovil ahi, desperdiciando todo tu aprendizaje...
se quito las ropas y se puso su ropa de exploracion, como siempre, naturalmente debia de quedarse a los banquetes del pueblo y a oir las anecdotas de los sabios, pero sigilosamente se marcho al bosque, tomo su bolso y sus cosas preciadas y huyo a su guarida, ahi tal vez planearia como cubrir su nueva realidad, al correr al nuevo escondite, pasando la zona segura, ahi, donde se tropezo y rodo como una tonta, comenzo a escuchas susurros, susurros? a esta hora del dia? los espiritus ahun no salen a engañar a la gente y los animales salvajes estan durmiendo. que clase de cosa susurraria con el peligro de ser descubierto?, por supuesto SigBa, "LILI", lo descubriria, se escondio entre un arbol y se inclino a ver...
habian dos pequeños seres , no tenian cuernos y su piel parecia enferma, palida, eww... rosa!! sus ojos eran pequeños y sus extremidades cortas; como sobreviven con esas extremidades? comen moho acaso?.SigBa tomo sus hojas para notas y comenzo a dibujarlos, se habia hayado con una clase extraño de ser, y eran dos!! vaya que seria premiada por tal hayazgo, los pequeños seres comenzaron a perseguir a un conejo, ella los siguio sigilosa, lo comerian quiza?, lo atraparon. el conejillo se retorcia y chillaba asustado y los enanos esos comenzaron a golpearle y a jalar de sus orejas, SigBa estaba molesta, ningun ser maltrataria asi a su presa si puede matarlo de manera rapida,comprendia que habia seres carnivoros que necesitaban comer, pero eso? no señor!! eso era nefasto!!, esos mounstros lo torturaron hasta que el conejo se rompio una pata,lo enterraron mientras reian y se burlaban, ya no pudo mas y salto a su defensa, les grito mientras le enseñana los colmillos, como si de una cierva madre se tratara, los pequeños seres gritaron aterrados y salieron corriendo, corrian lento, asi que SigBa les avento una piedra que mas que golpearlos solo los arrebaso, los seres gritaban aun mas asustados,y los dejo perderse.
desenterro al conejito, le curo las heridas y le vendo la pata, ahora tenia el deber de cuidarle, lo llevo a su guarida y le hizo un nido, -aqui estaras hasta que te compongas.-le susurro mientras le acercaba hiervas a su hocico.
cuando se quedo dormido en su regazo ella comenzo a pensar que serian esos seres, busco entre sus libros de estudio y no encontro nada, asi que penso que debia preguntarle a su abuela, pero..como? se daria cuenta que ha salido del radio a husmear y si que le romperia la cabeza de los golpes que le propinaria, tenia que inventar algo, pero no sabia que cosa.
prefirio regresar al pueblo con el conejo herido , su coartada seria decirles que lo encontro en la orilla y ahi se encontro a esos seres, no. no tiene sentido...

-ellos entraron al bosque y torturaron al conejo, los ahuyente haciendo el sonido de un lobo y ellos corrieron de ahi,por supuesto que no los segui, tampoco me vieron-articulaba esas palabras mientras sus padres y su abuela la veian esceptica, su padre le pregunto que como se veian, y ella saco sus apuntes, claro, solo la hoja de eso, si les daba el libro entero la descubririan ya que ahi guardaba su mapa preciado, al verlo su padra dio un sobresalto y se fue, SigBa no sabia lo que sucedia, fruncio el seño y le pregunto a su abuela que ahora que le pasaba a su padre, la abuela vio los escritos y su cara se torno de horror, su madre le levanto y llevo a su hija duera del recinto,
-hija mia, no vuelvas a salir , tienes prohibido pasar mas alla de la primera runa-
-la primera runa??!!! eso era casi a tres pies del pueblo!!- la estaban encarcelando en su propio circulo!!,por mas que peleo SiGba , no consiguio que le escucharan, su madre entro y la dejo sola afuera, por dentro discutian algo que no podia oir, perfecto. ahora sera mas dificil salir a explorar..

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