Well...it's been a while *wave*
Life happened pretty hard. But that's probably the case for a lot of us.
I'm back now though!
For those of you who knew me back in the day - I hope you tag along for the new content. At almost 40 I have finally gotten out of my own way and I'm figuring out how to actually do this job that I want to do now that I'm all "grown" up =P
I'm helping people sparkle through drawings.
What does that mean?
Stay tuned and I'll show you :)
ajajajajajaj regresaste con mucha energía, has publicado bastante en el día de hoy, eso es bueno, me gusta tus ilustraciones y espero seguir observándolas mas seguidamente, en Canada -40ºC muy frió para mi gusto, creo que ni mi congelador llega a tanto.
exito este nuevo año.
Thank you!
(I think I understood most of what you wrote with the help of translator :) )
Happy new year!