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RE: The Circle Of Blogging ( Like a Hamster Wheel mixed with "Game of Thrones"!)

in #speakyourmind7 years ago

Yes, honestly that is really rude to do because at rep 45 you know or should know a bit of what not to do, and because of amount of followers or comments it's uncool....Flagging because at 45 you know better


Is it just me, or has this kind of thing started happening a lot more, just recently?

(or is it me over sensitive to it?)

it's happening A LOT more and people are speaking up and out about it... all it does is look insipid

if you would like some tongue in cheek humor - hopefully not insipid - (always in bad taste).

I have just started doing some cartoons! check them out..- I have never done them before...
my latest..

Happy boxing day/chritmas night !