The Spirit & the early church: Your lives will be filled with the truly good qualities which only Jesus Christ can produce. Philippians 1:11

in #spirit7 months ago

The Epistle to the Philippians written by the apostle Paul to this fervent Christian community is a clear exhortation to that spiritual love of Jesus (Agape) that translates into a new citizenship, no longer earthly and enslaved to the desires of the flesh, but in a heavenly and perfect citizenship, united to the communion with God. Through baptism, Jesus invites men to live this new life in the world to bear witness of the heavenly blessings.
The Church of Philippi had been founded under numerous difficulties, to the point that the apostle Paul and his companion Silas were sent to prison for having freed a girl possessed by a spirit of divination (Acts 16:19-24). Sometime later, with the arrival of Epaphroditus and Timothy, close collaborators of Paul, the apostle's letter also reached that Church.
And Paul in his initial greeting in the epistle alluded to the action of the Holy Spirit with his gifts and excellencies in the early Church: "I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns" Philippians 1:6. A spiritual blessing that, as Paul explained, is a progressive, gradual, edifying blessing until the perfectioning in Christ. The Kingdom of God, the empire or dominion of divine perfections, can be compared metaphorically to the worm that transforms into a butterfly, or to the flour that when mixed with yeast, ferments the whole dough (Matthew 13:33).
This is why Paul spoke of the fruitfulness of the perfect love, also called in greek language Agape, in believers, to encourage them in that perseverance that does not disappoint, with these wise words: "Your lives will be filled with the truly good qualities which only Jesus Christ can produce, for the glory and praise of God". Philippians 1:11. Paul's preaching was a testimony of a Kingdom, a spiritual dominion, and a faith that through the grace of the Spirit transformed the reality of paganism for the glory of Christ.
The Spirit & the early church. Your lives will be filled with the truly good qualities which only Jesus Christ can produce. Philippians 1,11.jpg
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