What Spirituality Really Is

in #spirituality6 years ago


I have found people who want to meditate and be still and quiet are escaping. Spirituality is not about waking, and it's not about meditation. It's not about following the rules. It's not about that stuff. It's a biological biochemical reward for adding value to the field between us.
-Donny Epstein

It's not about running from life. Stop running from life. Stop running from yourself.

It's not about being up on a cloud above life.

Spirituality is your relationship with your husband or wife, your children. How present are you with them? How much integrity are you acting with?

"You wanna be spiritual? Go call your father you haven't spoken to in twenty years.
-Donny Epstein

Living life is spiritual.

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This is what I practice now compared to trying to live "above it all". Spirituality is all about descending spirit into matter. Living in the now is how we get there.

Great post and a nice reminder for me. Thank you for sharing 💜

Good for you, sister. 💜

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