Incredible Amazonian Sound Healing Session: Let My Experience With a Peruvian Healer Become Your Experience! (+ Links to Free Online Sessions!)

Today I had the incredible experience of a sound healing meditation offered by a Peruvian Healer, I'd love to share the connection of heart with you all!

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Why did I need this?

I live in a town where wellness and spirituality offer an abundance of learning and healing opportunities. People come here to "find themselves" and "heal their inner traumas. "To be honest, these opportunities and experiences are exactly the reason I wanted to plant my roots in this magical place but then when I got all settled in, bookcase filled, kitchen equipped, puppies adopted... I always found myself saying "I can go another time!", "there will be another chance!"

I came to Bali as part of a four year, intensive journey to heal myself (more on that later- I have a big announcement coming up in the next week!) and while I have been healing on my own, isolating myself and ceasing outside communication, I forgot that connection is so crucial to the healing process and dealing with internal upsets, energy blockages and stored negativity.

Before Steemit, I was on a very rigid budget, I was just offered another teaching job and was unwillingly in the process of committing to that when Steemit fell into my lap and presented an opportunity for me to do what I love- create without any commitment (my favorite as a commitment-phobe!)

With Steemit as an added income, I can now afford to take these courses to intensify my own healing which is so heart-filling to know! I always say you can't put a price tag on your health but you can certainly be reasonable about it. Now I can splurge a little bit and share my knowledge with you in return for the support! Instead of you traveling far and wide to get here, you can just show me your interest and I'll keep on attending and sharing the healing powers!

What even is Amazonian Sound Healing?

Here's a little information from the event coordinator about the course I took today:


"Over time, the indigenous grandparents of the Amazon have used sacred songs to establish a deeply connected relationship with the spirits of the jungle and the elements, as part of a living cosmic creation. Establish a perfect balance with Nature, thus harmonizing our own internal nature through sound."

"Allow each element, instrument, song and vibration, along with the harmonious intention to balance your internal elements, connect you with nature to achieve harmony of mind, body and spirit."

My interest was peaked by this synopsis as I lived in Central America for almost 2 years dabbling in anything to do with this type of tribal, traditional, ancestral healing that I could find, receiving profound impacts and benefits in my life. A shaman in the jungle was able to save my life... we can talk about that miracle another time if you'd like to hear about it!

Who is offering this? Is he 'legit'?

To be fair, a lot of this kind of hyped up, spiritually centered wellness can be inauthentic and so it can sometimes be challenging to know if something is going to be a rip-off or a truly profound experience. It's kind of a teeter-totter type of scale a lot of the time, usually one or the other.

HOWEVER I'm fortunate to live where I do where reputation is enormously important and therefore the quality of teachers/trainers and workshop leaders need to be impeccable as the competition to have a chance to work here is fierce!

Knowing that, I generally feel confident in paying for these events and haven't been let down so far.

Here's some information about Herbert from the site:


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Herbert Quinteros Flores was born in the city of Tarapoto, Perú. He started his path and his vocation as a healer 22 years ago. He’s been studying healing plants with Amazonian indigenous tribes masters of Shipibo, Cocama, Asháninca, as well as Quechua Mestizo ethnies based on traditional rituals.

Herbert uses the Andean flute called “quena”, the panflute (zamponia) made of feathers of the condor, the Andean guitar “charango”, the guitar and drums to accompany his healing work. This lead him to discover the power of music and expression.

“Music is the key to unlock the path of inner connection and healing and a way to express the heart, soul and body.”

Herbert fuses the traditional chants and melodies of the amazonian tribes with world music, to allow musicians to fuse their cultures and sounds together.**

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My experience:

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I walked in to the beautiful studio overlooking the forest below. What a gorgeous view right?

This was a workshop outside of the normal yoga membership here at Radiantly Alive so the class was quite intimate which can be nice in this type of setting to have more quality time with the teacher's healing intention!

Starting off the class was quick! Herbert didn't tell us what to do, he just set a quick intention and said something beautiful:

"Your soul is going to have a massage. The healing will come later."

Well, I was already excited for the experience but if my soul was going to get a massage- let's get started right now!

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There were yoga mats ready for us all to lie back and breathe our way into a meditative state, allowing the music to take us where we needed to go.

In sound healing sessions, generally what happens is you lie on a mat, get as comfortable as you can and focus on your breathing while the compilations of sounds chosen by the teacher waft into your mind and elicit their respective effects. The effects of the music are generally listed in the title of the class or expressed by the teacher before you begin to set the proper intention. In this case, the intention was of healing through Amazonian tribal sounds played by the teacher and assistant while we all rested peacefully, allowing the music to take its effect on us.

My mind is always racing and so for the first 30 minutes, I have to admit I was thinking about my puppies and what I wanted for dinner and if I was going to go to this documentary screening later.

As the sounds passed over me and I could feel a body above me working on my "soul massage" from above, I decided to commit more to letting my mind find the healing through the sounds and so at this point, I slipped away into the music.

For me, being very energetically sensitive, a lot of times in workshops and healing exercises like this, I kind of black out as my brain gets overloaded with release of massive stores of emotion and so that's what I found happening today.

The beautiful sounds floated into my mind and I didn't feel anything different or see any visions which can happen in this kind of session so I began to think "This isn't working for me."

That's a call on my past, scientifically centered brain where I refuse to admit that any of this "mumbo-jumbo" works however, I can't lie to myself or to you, I have experienced far too many profound experiences to afford to think that way. This stuff does work and it's powerful, so long as you give into it and let yourself believe in it's healing potential.

I decided to stop trying to make something happen and just listen to the beauty of the sounds and that's when things started changing for me.

I was overwhelmed with an intense desire to spread this knowledge, to share this healing, to learn myself and to teach and cultivate these incredible potentials available to us. I have had this revelation before but every time I do, I am met with extreme resistance as my brain challenges me and tells me I am not good enough.

  • What if I am not strong enough to be able to help others?
  • I am not healed enough myself to help others.
  • I can't possibly learn this!
  • This is too complicated and far-fetched for me!
  • No one will want to listen to me anyway!

These are my self doubts that always triumph over my passion which is to heal people by connecting them back to their hearts!

After my session today, I vowed to myself that I would come home and share this with you to hold myself accountable to my mission. I hope to be able to continue to learn and explore and share wonderful healing information like this with you.

Your support is incredibly appreciated as these workshops are unfortunately not free!

(However, obviously supporting the healers is incredibly important for them to be able to continue doing their work so I completely understand!)

I will share everything I learn here with you in return <3

In closing of today's experience, I will share with you Herbert's music channels so you can listen to some of his wonderfully crafted sounds at home!

Herbert's Youtube account here
Herbert's Soundcloud here

Alright my friends, that wraps up today's healing experience, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!

I have a calendar filled of events coming up so stay tuned if you liked this adventure. I encourage you to check out his material. I felt so at peace and collected following the 90 minute session. I am feeling empowered and motivated to see my vision through and spread the awareness and healing as much as I can!

Sending love through healing, today and every day a new way!

If you're interested in me and what I am doing, feel free to message me on Discord or, I would be happy to share further information if your heart connects to this!

In other news, I write wild adventurous stories of my traveling days and the chaos that came with them, I create healthy, vegan, gluten free delights and I do my bestest to share inspiration and smiles on a daily basis! If this sounds like fun to you, come on over to my page!

Until next time,
PS: I am really excited to share a huge piece of my heart with you this week so stay tuned!
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Really great post! upvoted and resteemed !

Thank you so much, I wish this healing to help as many as possible <3

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