Hunting God: A HowTo, Day 14 - I will discover the cause of guilt

in #spirituality7 years ago (edited)

​Day 14 - I will discover the cause of guilt

Guilt is perhaps the greatest barrier to soul contact and the gifts of the Spirit. Many people associate guilt with a conscience given to us by God, but in this they are incorrect. Guilt is an artificial device created by human consciousness as a means to condemn ourselves and make us feel unworthy.

Guilt is the most destructive and useless of all feelings. It is not just feeling bad over a mistake, but is accompanied by a feeling of unworthiness and self-condemnation.

Guilt is often associated with sin. If you sin you are then unworthy of God’s Spirit and you need to go through a period penitence and self-condemnation before you dare lift your eyes heavenward again.

The word “sin” comes from the Greek word HAMARTANO which means “to miss the mark.” In other words, when the Greeks, 2000 years ago, shot at a target with an arrow and missed, they “sinned” (HAMARTANO) or missed the target. Is this how the word “sin” is used today? Verily no. When the religious person thinks of sin in our age, he generally thinks of being unclean and ridden with guilt.

When you shoot at a target and miss the bull’s eye, do you feel degraded and guilty to the extent that you feel paralyzed and even feel unworthy to shoot again? No, of course not. When you miss you may find it mildly irritating, but you generally can’t wait to have another try at it.

Guilt has been identified with sin by those who have sought to control the souls of men, but among the enlightened prophets it was not always so. To them sin was seen as a human error and salvation from sin is the path that leads to a correction of error. The prophets in times past did not seek to control through guilt, but sought to shift consciousness from error to perfection as they saw it.

The most prevalent sin today (using its true definition) is to be ensnared by guilt, for guilt is caused by, not your conscience, but by an error in human thinking.

It is indeed a great error to make a mistake and then condemn yourself through guilt to the extent that you become paralyzed and do nothing to fix the problem until you feel worthy again. When a mistake is made the seeker needs to jump right back in making an effort to improve himself.

Guilt is caused by pure illusion and the seeker must dispel this illusion to create and maintain a consistent link between himself and his soul, or Higher Self.

Before guilt can be dispelled one must learn the cause. Once the cause is known he can then take steps to transcend guilt permanently.

The assignment today is to reflect on three different things in your life that caused you to feel guilty. Then contemplate on exactly what it was that produced the guilt.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Hunting God: A HowTo, Day 13 - I will be honest about my feelings

NOTICE: Although posted here with permission of the author, I am not the originator of this content and should the originator eventually see fit to begin posting here, I will leave it to him.

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