
What about the Truth there are more things in our world we can't control than we can?

You must already know about them otherwise you would not mention the things which cannot be controlled. I have followed many times in my life some movements I thought would be of some use to me. Which they were!
But back then, it was different: When I found out that was not so (no use), I got disappointed first. Even felt betrayed. But then, of course, the feeling of betrayal was strongest from my side, not so much that I could accuse those others, who meanwhile either also did not follow their own movement or were still in the midst of their processes and still believed in the totality of what one or the other guru was distributing.

Every guru is good for something. May it be the Osho movement or the Sagan fans or whatever. They all had something useful to offer and, at the same time, a lot of nonsense came right with them. I cannot remember any of the well known - or not so well known - figures who were able to live up their standards or proposed rules. Everyone was sooner or later falling for some craziness or ego or other desires and luring opportunities - temporarily or on a long term. That's normal.

It's hilarious how much people talk about their idols and not with them.

I don't know but have you made so far the research for the many stories of the Buddha himself? Have you read "Siddharta" from Herman Hesse? And there is a funny book about Jesus as well. The most humorous approach I so far have read. If you like, I will search for the title.

I have difficulties to follow the brainwash argument. I have stopped to think of others wanting to brainwash me. If they succeed and I do not notice I shall be fine. If I notice an attempt to wash my brain I don't let a person do this. Most people I talk to or know so far do not use brainwashing attitudes. Of course, if one consumes media unfiltered and un-questioned and not taking care of the amount of headlines, bad researched sources or even thinking processes than one could call him brainwashed. But then I ask myself: hm ... well, then he or she maybe want to be brain washed? Why should one want to listen to daily newspapers instead of diving deep into a topic of his interest and begin to study it? I do not necessarily speak of University (which of course could be an option) but the self study as there is the Internet and physical libraries - plenty of material which offers good quality. And life and its physicality (births and deaths)

I was falling for a Ponzi scheme, it was a MLM concept and all about money. The presenter on stage was at that time the most charismatic person I've ever encountered in person so far. I still like him and remember his name. I was sweet twenty something and had two strong feelings:

  1. They are damn right. I am an average person with average goals with an average income and an average life. I feel somehow bored, not valued, I am one of the many, my daily life sucks and I contribute to the great grey mass of people. I will never be successful, I will never be some one special.

  2. Something is really foul here. All this excited adult people jumping from their chairs and clapping hysterically for a person! I mean, this guy is really handsome, I admit it, but why must the people behave in such an embarrassing way? Alright.. I got it, it's for selling purposes. They must get the crowd excited. Well, I am already. Without the clapping and screaming, actually. I probably will try it out. In the end: it's only money. It can be fun. Why not risking something? My life is still young.

Now, I knew intuitively that I began to deal with a two sided thing. In retrospect it was the best what I could have decided for. It totally changed my life. First, for the worst: I ended up broke, over worked, over loaded with guilt (mothers called me and yelled at me as I took money from their innocent sons - which they gave me deliberately and not even me but the organization, I "only" talked them into the game). I slept only few hours a night and then got back in the treadmill (I wanted to escape from but entered an even worse one). LOL. I was finished up eventually and got almost a deep depression. Had debts at my bank and whatnot.
That cured me a whole lot. I can smile at this experience. I was young and dumb. But not totally as I knew in the very back of my mind that all those things actually could very well happen.

We brainwash ourselves.

... Ah ... It got so long again!!

Well, you know probably how I would answer the rest of your points ;-)

Ah, the MLM cult... been through that one... haha :-)

Dear Sir!
I always read your full article carefully then reply ,but sometimes due to weak English I can not express my feeling properly what I exactly want to say.
This article is a sample of the excellent ideology of you. The desires of the human being are infinite. It is almost impossible to get it. It is easy to tell the path but it is very difficult to walk in two steps. The problems are not solved by anyone's saying, for that we have to take initiative first. God turns fear into spiritualism, otherwise man gets away from spirituality because of his luxuries. thanks sir.

Another great post from you... i concur with maxim that "if you want God to laugh let him know of you plans"...yea many atimes what we desire is not what we get . a saying goes...."Man propose God oppose" , our thoughts and desire mightt be different from his plan. In the end he always shape and mold us into that he degree.
A very educative and informative one from you as usual thanks for sharing.

I've come to realize that everything in this life it's a mere moment, all things and emotions are temporary and we should always embrace each breath of each day with open arms. I'm no going to say that things happen for a reason, but we can always learn about ourselves with everything that happens to us.

Seeing beyond our ego let us see how thing truly are and in that moment we always find fragments of ourselves. We get to know our deepest being by meditating, true. But also when we act being faithful to our own nature, when we recognize something inside someone else's eyes and even when we dream.

Knowing who we are is the biggest question we could ever answer. It's not easy, but it's worth it.

Cool: a newagebullshit tag. I might make use of that... Nice article, deep and comprehensive. Thanks.

Lol. 😈

Your welcome. 🙏

Ahahaha, that tag belongs to you sir. Had to check on it, maybe we all will be using it lol, just kiding

good evening sir, I haven't talked to you for a long time, and I hope you are always healthy and fine. this is very motivating for me, I salute, and I am very proud and happy to see you give people solutions and lots of knowledge in your posts, thank you very much sir @rok-sivante

All the information you post is very useful and effective
Thank you very much for bringing such information to us all.

Nice Article Rok..

Full of question @rok-sivante. What is certain is that posts are useful for all of us:) Regards!

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