My Awakening

in #spirituality7 years ago

Little did I know that when I started researching Tesla, it would lead me to discover spirituality. After I had learned that Tesla was celibate, I decided to try it for myself. Having no idea what to expect, I decided to try it just for the heck of it. I stopped doing anything sexual, no touching, no nothing. After two weeks I was beginning to feel pretty stupid. I was frustrated and horny, and couldn’t help but question why would I stay like this. However I endured, for yet another week. Around 3 weeks or so, I was laying in bed, and rather than focusing on how frustrated I was, I decided to let go of the frustration. I let the feeling take over, and in a weird way, made peace with it. This was when something strange happened. I could feel that frustration moving, it moved to the base of my spine, it was warm tingly, and orgasmic feeling.

It moved very slowly, maybe about an inch per minute. However, it was a pleasant feeling so I just laid there allowing it to do its thing. It slowly progress up my spine, and after about 10 minutes, it had reached the back of my head. I then started to feel a lightheadedness wash over me. It felt like my back had a low current flow of electricity running along the spine. It was a very nice, comfortable feeling. I had also noticed that all the horny frustration was completely gone. Somewhere along the way, I ended up falling into a deep undisturbed sleep.

The next day, I woke up early, before my alarm. I was fully awake the second I opened my eyes. My body felt amazing. I got ready to go to work, and was at work earlier than usual. I felt full of energy, like an excited kid at Christmas. I also noticed my senses were sharper. I could sense touch much better, my mood was much happier than I’d been in a long time. My depth perception was increased, and I just had an overall sense of being alive. Usually, I would be fatigued, sick of working after an hour, and wanting to go home. Not this day. At work, I noticed that I wasn’t getting tired from pushing my lawn mower. My arms seemed stronger, and I wasn’t getting fatigued at all. I went through the entire day, without any muscle fatigue. I felt like I was invincible.

All of those feelings remained like this, for about four months. During that time, I had expanded my business, was working twice as hard as I ever had before, and was making more money than ever. My motivation had sky rocketed. I no longer liked procrastination, something which I’d been an expert at. I was getting up without setting an alarm, between 7:30 and 8:30am every day. I used to get up at 10:30am, and hit snooze a few times. During these four months, I had remained celibate most of the time, and every once in a while, I could feel my spine get warm and tingly, but never as intense as the original experience.
During all of this time, of course, I had been researching why this was happening to me. I didn’t seem more creative, like Tesla, but something had definitely happened. I had learned that this energy was actually used in Yoga meditation. With simple breathing exercises, and learning how to quiet the mind, you could achieve higher states of consciousness ( more on that later in another post.)

After practicing breathing exercises for a week or two, and trying to quiet my mind, I found that I could only move the energy to my head, where I would get lightheaded, and sometimes have a headache during the day. I had read that the energy in the head, must be vented, to come down to the navel for later use. However, I had never felt it come down there before. But I kept trying.

Then it happened. I had the weirdest, scariest, and best experience of my life. I was laying in bed, practicing breathing, and moving my energy up my spine, feeling the lightheadedness and kept going. My breathing seemed to take control of itself, I wasn’t breathing anymore, my body was breathing for me. Then my head started to spin, not a dizzy feeling, but more like, being on a merry go round. I felt like I needed to hold onto the bed, to stop from flying off. But I didn’t, I let go. I let it take me, surrendering to it. I was spinning so fast, and it only seemed to get faster. During this time, I could feel my body temperature skyrocket. I was very very hot, and I could feel electricity pulsing throughout my body. My hands and feet felt like they were on fire, my entire body was tingling. It was a very incredible experience. My body felt like it was in a state of bliss, and peace. I had no stress, no worries, no frustrations. Only happiness, joy and love.

During the spinning, I started to see light, even though my eyes were closed and the room was dark. It looked like I was looking at stars in the sky. Little dots of white light, except, I was flying past them, at a very rapid speed. It felt like I was flying through the universe, but I didn’t feel like a visitor. I felt like I was apart of it. It felt like I didn’t want to leave. It felt like I was tapping into a huge knowledge base of everything that’s ever happened. I could feel the presence of something, that I can only describe as divine. Then the spinning stopped, and I realized I was still laying in my bed. I could then feel energy move from my head, down my throat, to my navel. Warm and tingly all the way. Then all feelings returned to normal, and I laid there in amazement until I fell asleep.

Ever since that night, my life has changed in a significant way. Which I will explain in my next blog post. I am trying to keep these posts as informative, and as succinct as possible. However, that’s rather hard, when I have so much to explain. Doing the best I can. Thanks for reading, as always.


Thats an inspirational post, thanks looking forward to the next post, do worry about keeping succinct, this isnt twotter. You maydo better if you write more, the people who just post a video with nothing else, or a few lines just really anoy me. I have spent the morning looking for something interesting to read, your post was about as good as I could find.

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