The Mind

in #spirituality7 years ago

Every single human being has one. However, most human beings are never taught how to use it. The mind is fantastic tool that has been responsible for every creation that humankind has ever made. Every city with its unique design, from the layout of the streets to the sewers below it, to the tall skyscrapers that dominate it. It was all thought of in the mind of humans. It is the mind that has turned this planet into something that resembles a Christmas tree when viewed from space. The mind is used to teach us everything we have ever known, every musician, artist, architect, scientist, doctor, you name it, is humans using the mind in that capacity. Every invention and genius idea is pulled from it and expressed in physical form through human beings. The mind is a tool that humans have that animals do not have. The mind is what enables us to live in harmony with nature, or not in harmony with nature. It is the mind that gives us the ultimate control of our destiny, abundance or scarcity, creation or destruction, peace or war and ultimately, spiritual learning or material manifestation. Yet most of us don’t understand how to use the mind. Many people are on a quest to understand how the mind works, we seek out spiritual teachers, and their writings have reached scriptures and books throughout the ages. People are drawn to them like magnets because when they hear the truth about the nature of mind, they recognize it and want to understand it and use it for their own benefit.

However, the majority of the population never really questions how the mind works, and they don’t care either. They live in ignorance, not by choice, but because the awareness that anything could be different has never been a possibility. They are born into a world that has specific rules and they live with certain people who mold their reality a certain way and they go out into the world seeing nothing beyond their own personal experiences. They are a product of the environment, and of the people in their lives. They may not have ever thought a single thought that was actually their own. Their opinions are given to them, and their opinions become beliefs and their beliefs become their lifestyle, and when anyone challenges that they build up an automatic resistance and they shut you down faster than you can finish the sentence. You just know that it’s in one ear and out the other. Unwilling to learn, or be open to new ideas. We see this through religions all the time, and all the wars in the world. We see it with greed. We also see it with fear, how our fears are not actually real, they were given to us through perhaps abusive parents, or overly religious parents to create god fearing children. Which sets them up for a life of fear about everything they do.

So we have a world of people that have not been educated on how the mind works. They see the world as it is and believe that it’s not possible to be any other way, so they continue to believe that is who they are and continue to play their role, even if it causes them great suffering to do so. It’s often termed, “ The human condition” as if it’s this natural and expected way things were meant to be. Which is why so many people are under the impression that human nature, is by default, destructive. That human nature is flawed and that we are meant to destroy ourselves. So many are resigned to this idea, and there is no convincing them otherwise. All of this is because most people are not taught how to use their own mind.

That is because the mind is the source of power, if people learned how to use their own minds to free themselves from the mental prison they have been placed in, there is no problem we could not solve. Those who understand how the mind works, operate from a level of higher awareness. They see the suffering, they see the problems, and at the same time, they see the solution. They do not have the same reaction, as someone who does not see it would have. They can remain calm in the face of panic, they can remain brave in the face of fear, courage in the face of adversity, forgiveness in the face of anger. They understand, that what they think about, is what they become. So it is then silly to meet fear with fear. It’s silly to meet anger with anger. It serves no purpose to do these things. They live in a place of higher awareness. They see fear but they do not react to fear. They see anxiety, but they do not react to anxiety. They are brave enough to feel any emotion that comes their way, and not be overtaken by it.

Think of something that annoys you and question why it annoys you. Perhaps its a sound, or a slow driver, or whatever it may be. Now ask yourself, why does it have to make you annoyed? You will try to convince me, because it’s annoying! But that is only because you are meeting annoyance with annoyance. Now breathe deeply, and meet annoyance with calm and watch what happens. Put yourself in an annoying situation 100 times if you must. Remain calm 100 times. You will then see, that there is nothing that annoys you unless you allow it to. You decide. You can get to a point where you no longer feel annoyance, at all, you feel calm. It is the awareness of the annoyance, that allows you to respond to it. Before it was just annoyance, but no awareness of it. No awareness you could change your response to it.

Those that rule the world count on you never becoming aware of your ability to respond. That’s all it will take for a paradigm shift. For people to become aware of their response ability. Most people do not see the world for what it is, they only see it how they think they are. It’s filtered through their entire belief system made up by their environment and other people, and by the time it becomes their own perspective, they are completely unaware that it’s not even theirs at all.

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