Broncos Fan Profiles KC Chiefs fans! The delusional/fanhood matrix.
This week is Broncos vs Chiefs in the last game of the year....for the Broncos anyway. Delusional Kansas City Chiefs fans have come out of the woodworks all over the globe. Please use this delusional fan hood matrix to help you deal with these obnoxiously delusional Chiefs Fans.
Dude Brady is already the best, wouldn't mind seeing someone else win.
No it can be the Steelers
it was a gud game though
but sad we lost it
Go hard or go home for the broncos , they got fa play smart
@broncnutz You be like

nice vedio frnd like n upvoted i love sports.
Broncnutz slapping some history on them, time to open a counseling outfit in K.C.
HAHAHAAAAAA you’ve really thought about this haven’t you Cuz? 🤣 ... our 2nd & 3rd string team is rolling into Mile High and spanking your worthless asses this Sunday. Broncos are hasbeen’s, it’s time to move over for the era of the CHIEEEEEEEEEFS. I’m still re-steaming this though, because any guy that wears Broncos sunglasses inside is clearly dillusional 🤣👍🏻
Haha hilarious. As a Raiders fan, I needed a good laugh after this season went. Thank you for this video!
Who do you hate the least? Chiefs or Patriots? If not the Broncos in the Super Bowl then who? Tom Brady has too many championships rings! One more and Tom will be a lock for the best QB of all time! If he loses in the playoffs then we can still brag about Payton Manning! Hopefully the Jets will win this Sunday and take away Momentum.
I guess the Chiefs think so little of the Broncos they’re going to start their rookie quarterback against us his name is Patrick Mahomes #15.
Yea well he actually might be better than Alex Smith. He's just young but he's the real deal I think.
I have high respect for Peyton Manning but after last year's Patriots comeback there is no doubt about the best QB of all time for me!
And have no fear guys ... We'll beat the shit out of Chiefs if we get them! :D
Go Patriots =)
Well that's a hard choice but I hate the Chiefs most. I think Pittsburgh looks pretty solid. Championship worthy team.
Didn't that chant come from the 90s Atlanta Braves? Was FSU using it before then?
Anyways kudos on still repping your Broncos fandom at the end of an average season. Personally, I could use some delusion. I've endured almost an entire season of Bears football!
Also, wow you get a lot of spam posts. You posted this about a half hour ago and there are almost a good 10 spammers already.
They are thick in here
There is always next year for both of us!
I'm a Bears fan too... I was hoping we'd do something when we got rid of Cutler... wrong again.. at least we beat Cleveland..
Ha ha ha... unicorn fan zone!