German Athletes (edition 1) - Football - Franz Beckenbauer

in #sports7 years ago

Germany and Sports!

As posted already Sports is popular in Germany and by far the leading one is Football (The US Americans are the only country calling it Soccer - but we stick to Football - in German:Fussball!). So here comes the introduction (edition 1) of a famous German athlete - starting with a Football Player. Most of you on Steemit might be too old to remember him playing - some will. The following athlete is from Munich and is called Kaiser or Lichtfigur of German Football.

Franz Beckenbauer

In Germany if you talk about Football (and who is not doing so?) there are not many players that nearly every generation knows. Franz Beckenbauer is one of them - probably the most famous one given what he achieved - like him or not. Across the world there are only a few footballing icons that have legendary status. You can count them on one hand. Pele (Brazil), Johan Cruyff (Netherlands), Bobby Charlton (England), Maradona (Argentina) and, of course, Franz Beckenbauer.

As a player he is LEGEND by having won every title you could win. He was the first one to become World Champion as player (1974) as well as Coach / Team Manager (1990). Following his career as player and manager he was sitting on a couple of Fifa and Uefa committees, organised the World Cup in Germany (2006) and is one of these charismatic people a lot of comedians still try to imitate - well it is fun, he is fun, he is a character which I miss personally these days in times we only have streamlined media trained personalities across all sectors.

While he is linked to Bayern Munich by the public having won UEFA Cup Winners' Cup in 1967, three consecutive European Cups (now Champions League) from 1974 to 1976, being team manager and later president he originally is a "Blauer". That means he played for 1860 Munich, learned his skills there, he even was born and grew up in Giesing, a city district of Munich and the home of 1860 München. 1860 has been German Football champion 7 times and until the 70ies was THE Munich Club. These days there is still a high rivalry between the supporters - however while Bayern is dominating German Football - 1860 just had to go down to division 3 (maybe even 4) in German football.

Apart from being German Football Hero Franz also got into entertainment and landed a top Chart Breaker you can see and listen below.

German Athletes Recap

See what Google showed us earlier when searching for "German Athletes":

Please feel free to write and suggest Athletes for the next editions.


Thanks everyone, I was just being honest, I didn't realise this would be a popular comment! I mean it did mention something about him also doing entertainment, perhaps I could fall back onto that?

Hey it appears if I keep posting replies to my famous comment I keep getting likes? can we make it a 3rd time lucky? I mean feel sorry for me I'm not a famous footballer, I actually have to work! ;(

that can't be true lol

Yeah I know it's a bit strange lol.

Win the World Cup as a player.

Win the World Cup as a manger.

I remember '90. A PK won it.

나는 마테우스를 좋아한다.

He rose up to the sky of sports. For this he deserves all our admiration. But after his active career he sunk deeper and deeper into ambiguous affairs. So he desproyed a lot of his reputation. It's so foolish. He had enough money. Why did he do so?

I know where you come from - and agree - his reputation has declined, what ever is true from the affairs to me he remains the awesome football player - he played in a djungle of total corruption if i may say so talking about FIFA and UEFA - probably it would have been better for him to stop after his team manager job - but let us face it football is a money business - and probably one of those sectors with higher public interest compared to other industries - corruption is a part of EVERY industry in every country - but most is not knwon public - and humans are humans - even THE Kaiser

The legendary himself. Even though during days, football wasnt worth much but they carried football to the level that today, we are enjoying. We are forever grateful for what you have done for we football lovers.

Awesome post. I love Germany. 🙂 Upvoted!

i live in bavaria and it is unbelievable what reputation Beckenbauer got here. He is a legend not only for the bavarian people but for whole germany.

Franz Beckenbauer - der Kaiser (=The Emperor)

Thanks @ridi20 - where do you live and where are you from if i may ask?

1 hour away from munich :)

Augsburg :-)?

Amazing blog!

Do follow me back and dont forget to leave an upvote on my posts!

Eine Legende schlechthin

Ja genau - der Franz der kannz

hehe .. das erinnert mich an:

"Nenne mir bitte drei berühmte Männer mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben B!"

"Beckenbauer, Breitner, Basler."

"Hast du noch nie was von Bach, Brahms oder Beethoven gehört?"

"Nee, Regionalliga interessiert mich nicht."

lol der ist gut!

Good idea - thanks for suggesting

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