June 2, 20: AutomaticWin, TripleTen, Zombierun, DoubleDay, Gardening, Teaching, and Games


Up a earlier today, around five thirty with yet another hour short. I know these are adding up, but so far so good, been pushing through the afternoons alright.

Did the usual morning routine and was flabbergasted to see Bitcoin slam right back to where it was two days ago, major Bart Simpson style! 😧

Been back and forth with Bittrex, but they’re not going to do anything until they decide to turn the Steem wallets back on. 😡

I did use hive-engine to convert (which is my only option as a US citizen without Bittrex or Blocktrades). It worked fairly well, and the boyz got their massive 2% cut for my trouble.

Headed out plenty early enough to score the #AutomaticWin and #TripleTen. 💪


I used three different GPS apps, so I’m sure it was an honest ten kilometers. 😜



Warming up somewhat as compared to the last few days. The wind was a little nippy, but no jacket or anything necessary.



Lovely day to be out and about!


I did another zombie mission today, and to be honest, it was another stupid one. I did a supply run to a hardware store and Mr. Yow went to a Chinese Cultural Center. The mission was basically blah blah Mr. Yow backstory, blahdy blah liberal cultural sensitivity, blah. Although, he did have to kill both his parents, which admittedly sucks.

The zombs were out like crazy. I didn’t do too bad despite my pace, except for one that came right on top of another. That one was just too fast even sprinting as hard as I could and I had to sacrifice an item. Eleven out of twelve zombies evaded and mission complete.


In the afternoon I played Xbox for a short while; Inquisitor, a new free download dungeon crawler like Van Helsing or Diablo.

I didn’t play too much, though, as the sun was shining and the sprouts really need to get in the ground, so I headed out to do some weeding in the garden.

Nifty dragonfly catching some shade:


Got a bit of a sunburn, but got another good chunk done.


Now only like more than half way left to go! 😝


That work put me over the #DoubleDay line, though! 😄

In the evening I met with my Calculus class on Zoom. Was good to interact directly with students a little and we covered a couple good examples of finding volume by disks.

Afterward I played my Splinterlands quest, watched some Flash, and fell asleep.

Still nothing of significance to report regarding my dCity. No robberies, so at least there’s that.


Holybread has been doing some major server work and shifting everything over to Hive, so I got blocked out for the whole day.

We got it figured out, though, and we’re back up and running. I missed the breadcrumb exchange, but @simplegames was super cool about it.


I didn’t get any of my tasks done and fell quite a bit in the rankings, but it is what it is.



I had Water splinter for my Splinterlands quest today. They’ve also just implemented the move over to Hive, so the battle log was kind of acting weird.

The quest took me a little longer than I had expected, but got it done.



Finished the quest still in Diamond III with a potion. Not the hottest rewards today:



Got my stats for the last week. Keeping those green arrows up, mostly! 😄


Proof of #AutomaticWin:


Proof of #TripleTen:


Average Last 7 Days: 20,317

Lifetime Average: 15,969

10k per Day Streak: 70
Longest Streak: 196

Distance on shoes: 512.18 km


#AutomaticWin Tally: 210
#AutomaticWin Streak: 1
Longest Streak: 19

#TripleTen Tally: 102
#TripleTen Streak: 1
Longest Streak: 7

#DoubleDay Tally: 133
#DoubleDay Streak: 1
Longest Streak: 5

Highest Floors: 120

Highest Daily Points: 41,528

Zombies evaded: 11/12

Mindfulness Diary:

Health: 83%
Satisfaction: 87%
Energy: 94%
Productivity: 93%







Pi Cloud Mining



Power up and Hive on!