Splinterlands Weekly Curation Challange! Share your posts! Earn Upvotes!

in #spt4 years ago


Splinterlands is MANUALLY CURATING!

Meet the Team!

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@travelgirl @clove71 @isaria @carrieallen

All of us, plus @aggroed & @yabapmatt and other Splinterlands Team Members (when they have a chance), will be seeking out AMAZING Splinterlands content. Amazing. We aren't looking for a pic of your daily rewards... Unless you can somehow wow us within that. We want creative content! We want statistical content! We want fan fiction and art!

The upvotes will come from the OLD @steemmonsters account (as that's where the VP is vested). Everything else happens at @splinterlands!

And now...

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👉 Let's get SPLINTERLANDS trending!

We want your best, most exciting posts about Splinterlands! Got a battle that is too good not to share? Have you created something amazing? Do you have thoughts on stats, cards, abilities, gameplay? We want it all! And we want it to be awesome.

Make sure you tag #splinterlands when sharing outside of STEEM/HIVE!

Speaking of...

Where should you share it?!

Literally, anywhere. Here are some examples to get you started:

  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Medium
  • Youtube
  • Tumblr
  • Reddit
  • LinkedIn
  • Snapchat

There are TONS of places out there! Share! Share! Share!

How do YOU get an upvote?

  • Create AMAZING Splinterlands content on the STEEM or HIVE blockchain.
  • Make it look good. Need help formatting?
  • Tag the post spt (on STEEM) so you get rewarded in SplinterTalk Tokens too!
  • Include your Splinterlands referral link!
  • Drop your link(s) below.
  • Please note: You do NOT have to share outside of STEEM/HIVE OR write about the specific prompt for an upvote. We are manually curating often. If you want your post to be seen drop the link below. However, those who DO follow the prompt and DO share outside of STEEM/HIVE will be eligible for larger upvotes. 🥰

How do YOU get a Bigger upvote?

  • Do ALL the things above plus
    • Share the post to ANOTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM.
    • TAG it #splinterlands. (Let's get TRENDING!!)
    • Include a link to your shared post in a comment below.

Voting Quantity

You can get a MAX of 2 upvotes per week per chain (unless you create something amazing).

💥STEEM & HIVE Voting/Posting:💥 As of now Splinterlands is posting and curating on BOTH Steem and Hive. If you post on both chains AND share the link on the challenge posts (on Steem or Hive) I will upvote both! This is NOT double posting. Steem and Hive are separate blockchains now, much like Facebook and Twitter are not the same. 😉 TL;DR: Post on Steem and Hive, get upvotes on Steem and Hive.

Now go! Out into the night! Create the content! Share the content! Grow the Splinterlands!!!!

🐲Highlights from the Week 🐲

Note from Carrie: Happy Weekend! Thank you to everyone who gave feedback on voting policies! It was unanimous. Ya'll prefer manual curating over a bot! Yay! I'm so excited that you continue to create better content... and that you WANT to! Sorry for all the exclamation points. Just imagine me jumping up and down. 🤣 For real though, thank you. Thank you for loving Splinterlands. Thank you for creating awesome content. And Thank you for sharing it with the world! I'm also enjoying interacting with all of you on 'other social media'. It's scary out there.🤣 But knowing there are Splinterlanders... Splinterians... Splinterlandians...Splintorians...(🤣) out there makes the journey more fun. Oh! Be sure to follow @splinterlore on Twitter (and on here). We play games. You could win stuff.🥰@carrieallen

How to Play the Melee Attacks From Any Position Rule by @oivasPlaying With Water Summoner - In-Depth Gameplay Review: Alpha Rexxie Giveaway by @mango-juiceSplinterlands: Yodin Zaku (FanArt) by @jordangerder
Halfling Alchemist made this week Fun and Awesome by @reeta0119A Review of Halfling Alchemist by @coolguy123A Battle worth sharing with Halfling Alchemist by @goldmonsters
Halfling Alchemist made this week Exciting on Splinterlands by @alokkumar121This week's surprises! (ENG/ITA) Le sorprese di questa settimana! by @blumelaSplinterlands Art Contest Week 84- Furious Chicken! by @sajibibon84
Opportunity Ability Review by @xabi
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Halfling Alchemist that I owned combining three cards instead of buying five booster pack. by @certain

Places to learn more, connect and play!




Here's a fun(parody) story that you might enjoy:
Posted on Hive
Posted on Steem


Here's my entry this week: My Best Fights in Splinterlands: First Half of May I still haven't regained my pace of 20+ battles a day, but I hope I come close to it this season!