
I love your post, I found some more pictures of her at this address

So what? Does this mean that I could not get them from the author?

I have more than 100K subscribers on Twitter. I get dozens of photos every day. And, more than 24K subscribers in Tumblr. Plus, a little bit in Telegrams and Instagram.

are you really asking so what? steemit is not a copy and paste place. if you have permision from the auther then you need to state that. what gives you the right to make money from other peoples work? 100k subs wow i bet your really proud of your self. maybe copy and pasteing other people work works on that platform, but people on steemit don't like when people like you copy and paste.

Precisely, before publishing, I ask from consent. And, if you do not like my content, does someone make you look at it? Are you a Communist?

are you off your head? where does it state that you got consent?????

I'm sorry, Mr. Prosecutor, I did not recognize you. The warrant is not forgotten to bring? Did someone authorize you to the seat of the judge? Since when do I have to prove something to you?

not to me my very naive friend. steemit has enough muppits copy and pasting then you come along with more. why don't you come up with some original content and make steemit good for every one instead of steeling from other people. you wouldn't walk in to a shop and take a tin of beans? no because thats theft and that is what your doing to the person who took these pictures. never said I was a prosecuter, but when people like you do stupid shit like this I am going to flag and comment as people in steemit and not just me are sick of it. might work for you in other communitys but not here my friend not here

Perhaps, you will leave me and go and do something useful yourself?
How much can you already explain that you're wrong?
