The Sith and Jedi: A discussion on the tryanny of Force users

in #starwars7 years ago

The Sith and Jedi

A discussion on the tryanny of Force users.


The fictional universe of Star Wars is an amazing one, limitless possibilities exist for any and all of the citizens of the galaxy but one over arching pain exists for them all. A pain that is present on our own pale blue dot; religious extremism.

The majority of citizens in the galaxy have no connection to the force, this means they are not allowed to learn the various teachings of force using orders such as the Sith or Jedi. Already we have an exclusive system that is based entirely on genetic luck. Even if a non-force user encountered a Sith/Jedi text/artefact it would mean nothing, aside a ideology that the reader could never profit from.

Now we have to consider the nature of the Sith and Jedi. The Sith have suffered under numerous humiliations and defeats, the cannon films showing more then enough of them. In the expanded universe the Sith order, empire and species was systematically destroyed by the Republic to ensure "freedom and balance"(in the force). Thus it can be understood why Sith are devoted to the destruction of their enemies the Jedi. But the Sith, while claiming revenge for the war crimes of the Jedi, have consumed entire worlds into themselves just to become powerful enough to kill all Jedi. The Jedi in contrast have hit success after success, even when faced with impossible odds they have overcome. The Jedi have not always overcome their foes immediately, but they have always overcome them. In the expanded universe the Jedi have often chosen to let millions die on hundreds of worlds because they must, "contemplate the implications of war". The Jedi have used the force to build and maintain the secret prison The Prism; keeping it even secret from the Senate they claimed to serve. Thus it becomes evident neither order cares for the non-force using community.

With this apparent apathy to the majority of the galaxy the question must be asked, why does the non-force using community tolerate this? The answer; they have no choice. The only way to stop the constant and complete galactic decimation of war would be to kill all force using children. Using the same test Qui Gon Jin used in Star Wars: The Phantom Menace children of force sensitivity could be located and killed. The current adult force users of course would not tolerate any debate and another, vicious, galactic war would begin. Thus making a quick, surgical elimination the only viable option.

This has taken a dark turn, a very very dark turn. These children have done nothing and to kill someone based entirely upon what they are rather then who is an abhorrent crime. But is it more abhorrent then what the galaxy has suffered already? No, it is not. Super weapons created to destroy entire star systems, a constant threat for the past four thousand years of Star Wars built, entirely to empower a single force user. Galactic, democratic, governments whipped out time and time again for the beliefs of a single minority. Jedi taking control over governmental processes because they believe they know better. All of this and more has been inflicted on the every day man, woman and child in Star Wars.

At the whim of beings the every day citizen will never compete with or comprehend billions die. Clones, with individual personalities, died in the millions all to facilitate the rise of a Sith. A rise the Jedi were incapable as 'protectors of the galaxy' to stop. The entire debate of whether or not these Clones were individuals was forfeited so the Jedi could have their army and so marches on the galaxy's supplication to force users.

It is a disgusting realisation to behold but it is a true one. The Star Wars galaxy sufferas under the rule of two religious extremist groups. Without any choice, vote or even being of their own abilities leading them the citizens of the galaxy are thrown into massive galactic conflicts. All, once again, for the whims of Force users.

This is the dark side of the exploration of Star Wars, but one that allows for real depth to non-force using characters. A amazing example of this is the Imperial Agent storyline from the MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic. This story gives the player the choice of whether to subject the galaxy to continued force user domination or to free; slowly but surely. Obviously the universe of Star Wars would be a vastly inferior without the force and its users but nothing is perfect; and as our own history has taught us: especially not religious, extremist orders.

With Regards,


Follow me @simatricus for more aggressive explorations into fictional universes.


So, The Jedi and The Sith are the opposite sides of the same coin?

unfortunately so, its highly dependent on which rendition of Sith/Jedi were talking about. My personal favourites are Luke Skywalker's Jedi Praxium and the Sith Order from the Resurgent Sith Empire (Great Galactic War Period).

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