
My real life wrestlecon experience was pretty crazy too. Virgil, the million dollar man’s old bodyguard, ended up sleeping on our hotel couch throughout Wrestlemania weekend. Thats me in the red shirt. The gentleman with the NWO tattoo is a legendary backyard wrestler named H.H. and the man in front inspired the Jack Awesome character. We had a federation in high school. B0A6C0CB-C82C-48DB-AC9F-8D2B679958B1.jpeg

That's kick ass :D love the back story here too

Ah very interesting to see some of where your idea came from. Can tell the comic strip has some real thought/familiarity behind it.

Oh for sure. Backyard Wrestling was a pretty big phenomena in the late 90's early 2000's, and the repercussions of our federation is still experienced today.

What? That is so insane. Hilarious. You probably have gobs of material to work from in this one photo alone.

lol so did H.H actually throw you and broke a table xD

I've been thrown through tables, but not by H.H.

Lol xD sounds like you could be a pro wrestler!