Steem Cartoon : Merchandising My Cartoons Through Parody

in #steem-cartoon7 years ago (edited)


I have a slightly different slant in this posting of mine. This is one dream of mine to have the people out there wearing my brand of clothings or items that I created using the characters I designed. My merchandise will be largely based on cartoon.


This is the branding and you can also see from my work, many of it are based on parodies and I love the idea that characters and animals are directly imported from the human world such as sports and movie celebrities are being 'cartoonised' to give it a humourous twist.

Here is my process of merchandising a particular product by incorporating my cartoons.


For this print test, I choose the characters from 'The Walking Dead' to be my paradoy. First I choose Daryl Dixon a famous character from this franchise and the animal character that is representative of Daryl would be an alligator because he's a southern redneck and good at hunting, tracking, navigation, and observation

My second character is Rick Grimes. The main hero and the main character. I changed him into a fox for this parody because he is cunning and sly and he gets off dangerous situation like a smooth criminal.


Finally is the zombie character. I choose a piece of bread. This is because Bread rhymes with Dead...(other word that also plays in my mind: 'Dad'..'Sad'..'Cat'..'Jet'..) but Bread it is!!


Once the character design is complete, we try to compose a stage for the design.


This is the final result for the test print of my merchandise.



Although beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but having a pretty girl to showcase the merchandise is a good promotional initiative.

PC11 b.jpg

I managed to convince my friend from Crative United to carry out the product printing and the result is quite impressive.


Not everyone is made for the commercial world. The work is long and the process takes time, sometimes it can be tiring and you can see in this picture, even the models are not spared, they need their beauty sleep before the next working day starts.


Help me realise my dream, your input and comments are very much appreciated.

credit to @zomagic



I love your style... I also love that before I read it, I looked at the picture and thought the alligator looked like Daryl. then I saw Rick, and had to read it! Great job! I love these.

tq jon!!..try to use our design that can manipulate the market..hope it'll get some response :)

buat bantal pulak...terbaek bai! :)) (alaaa..terupvote dulu,lum 30minit..huhuhu)

haha..xpo la..den blanje vote satew

Terbaik bai !! design dan colour semua melecun ..haha kucing tu tak bleh bla laa..

haha..tq aurah

Masuk karektor awang la sol smart ni..

akan diuasahakan nanti..insyaallah!!

Sebenarnya depress juga tengok design lu bro. Malas dah nak melukis ni. Haha sib baik ada bajet hire model tu (hi JUE!) kalau letak muka Zairi aku sedih juga. session ada guna dia..haha..utk market kedah

Roti tu jadi zombie sebab dah lepas tarikh luput ke?

aaa..dh kulat!!..kira jadi zombie la..dan makanan2 lain pun

There's something about the artwork that feels like it has came out straight out of a graphic novel. But I can't seem to put my finger on it. Excellent job, ever again Mr. @Rambai. 🎉

tq afique..keep on producing your magic!!

Bai, cute alligatornya. Persembahan yang mengancam.

haha..tak boleh celen buaya senang tuan!!..yg tu lejen hihi

Another great job! Thumbs up! :)

tq blue-dragon :)

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