How to Upvote, Make Money and Avoid Costly Mistakes - Quick and Easy Help for Noobs

in #steem-help8 years ago (edited)

When I first joined Steemit I did not understand how the upvoting system really works.

First I will show the ones of you who never have casted a vote how to do it and afterwards I will explain how to make money from voting.

How to upvote a post shown in the list of posts (such as in trending, new, popular, etc) :

How to upvote inside a post - here it is indicated that I have already voted:

All posts you have voted for will indicate it with the blue voting button.

If your post gets upvoted where do you see the total current earnings and the steemians who have voted for you?

In the following I will guide you on how to make Steem Power (=money) through upvoting.
When you joined you received a welcome amount from Steemit. Currently this is 3 Steem Power.
This will give you a certain amount of weight for your vote. This weight decides how much of the curation awards you will finally receive.

The first rule is the more steem power you have the more of the curation reward you will get.
And the second rule is, the early bird catches the fly.
If you are too late to the party you will return with empty hands.

If you want to immediately see if you caught a fly then there is a very good tool to find out almost immediately.
This is also the best way to learn.
Go to

In the Recent Activity Tab all posts that you have voted for or people that you are following are displayed.

Scroll to the post you have just voted for.

It will show you how big the curation award currently is (10) and next to it you will see (11) what percentage of share you will get. Usually just after your vote your SP value will show 0. You will start to see SP once the curation award is so high that your percentage of it reaches the threshold of 0.001 SP. After 24 hours the final award will be paid out.
Only then will you find out about your final success.

You are also allowed to upvote your own post. The impact of your vote also depends on your Steem Power. The total earnings will go up, but you will not get a reward from the curation cake.

75% of the total earnings of the post are paid to the author. 50% of it in Steem Power (SP) which you cannot withdraw immediately but in 104 weekly instalments and 50% of Steem Dollars (SBD), which you can immediately transfer.

You might wonder if you should just click on every post and the next day you have reached your residual income goal?
No their is a limit of votes you can make per day. This is measured in voting power.
Here is my voting power:

Your voting power is shown on the left side next to the recent activity tab.
You can do quite a number of votes before your voting power diminishes. My 24 votes in 24 hours just reduced my Voting Power by 3.2%.

In my next post I will talk about how to make money with comments for Noobs.
If you like what I do feel free to try out your new upvoting skills :-).

Even some more money and half of it in Steem Dollars can be made through commenting. See my new post:

If you want to dig deeper into upvoting there is an excellent post by @liberosist

My mission is to upvote your lifetime dreams:


All this comments and votes came in after the payout had been made . If this post was to be posted today it would earn more .

How do you figure? I am confused how this works.

Me too dude.. Seems like some people just get paid really good, and others not so much.

I think you can only get paid out based on 7 days activity after your post is made. Anything after that you get nothing.

Yes, a post is only active for monetization for 7 days. The post will also go inactive for a short amount of time before payout. Whatever the amount is at that point is what gets split between authors and curators. It pays to be there early if you have voting power to put into it.

haha totally agree! wish my vote could do more for it now after 10 months

Now my comment worth $0.83, 20 times of the post😄

So funny the way that works

Really funny...😄 But I like it.

No. I think the post is more worth than 0.04. The payuot has been made. Whatever that was? But yes seem stupid that voting only gives value in 7 days. Been reading many post that is years old and upvoting them.

yeah I was expecting way more, its a cool post!

Even you got 0.52 and he got 0.04 😂

I was wondering the same thing

This is pure gold, who would have thought a community like this would have ever existed?

Yeah. I was about to ask the same thing lol

thanks for the tip. I wasn't sure how the upvoting worked and if it actually drained funds from my account. Lot's of rules to learn and move forward. Not sure why the payout for you is only $.04 cents on this post?

They must have cashed out the original payout I think.

I am not sure, how it works either. Let's do an experiment. I will write two comments 1) Good job explaining 2) Nice! Thanks for sharing. Reply for 1st and comment for 2nd comment and we will see how it performs!

  1. Good job explaining

So confused still. What did you figure out?

  1. Nice! Thanks for sharing.

Great Post... this is a great starting point for newbies like me

THANKS @steempowerwhale FOR THE HELP Spirit of Happiness.jpg

thanks for clearing this up

Thanks for the guide! I was wondering on how to upvote posts and yours is very helpful. :) Thanks again.

I'm extremely glad this is the first post that came up when I googled what does steem upvoting. ty!