Hungry teams, but there is a deer up ahead.

Yesterday our teams had an opportunity to attempt to harvest a deer. The teams have never been more varied in any previous season. Some teams have a pistol with five rounds, some teams have freeze-dried ice cream sandwiches, some teams have both, and some teams are just happy to be alive.

Every team needed to eat yesterday in order to survive, but did they make it? Six options were presented for what to do about the deer. Let's see how the teams decided to proceed.


OPTION 1 - Try to blast off as many rounds as it takes to kill the deer immediately, as it is already looking this way and suspicious. (For teams that have a pistol.)

Quick draw shooting with a pistol at this distance is never a guarantee. One team took the risk though and rapidly drew the run and unloaded it. Five rounds went flying towards the deer, but the deer took off. It kind of, sort of looked like they might have hit it, but they could find no blood and no sign of the deer. Without freeze-dried ice cream sandwiches as a backup food supply, the team who chose Option 1 starved to death in the night. You will be remembered. Check team results in the comment section below.

OPTION 2 - Carefully line up a shot with the pistol using a nearby tree as a stand to stabilize the shot. (For teams that have a pistol.)

For the teams with a pistol, this was a better option. The distance was far, but potentially not too far and stabilizing the firearm is always a good idea, especially with a pistol. Four teams that had a pistol chose this option, and they are sure glad that they did. Harvesting the deer only cost them one bullet, for the hit was direct and the doe dropped where she had stood. There was no time or reason to fire again, for she was dead.

These teams quickly did the best that they could to safely remove some of the meat and started a small fire. The roasting venison smelled incredible, and the meat was delicious. The teams who chose this option now must eat again prior to the end of Day 4 (gameplay).

OPTION 3 - Pick up some sharp sticks and have one team member attempt to sneak around the deer into the woods on the other side of it. Then, have the other team member attempt to slowly drive the deer that direction so that the first team member can try to spear it with the stick.

Five teams chose this option. Even teams with a backup food supply and with a gun. Hunting deer using methods like this can work, but it is very difficult to be successful. While one team member stayed put with a makeshift spear in hand, the other began the tedious task of slowly circling around behind the deer. A few times the deer would raise its head from grazing to look around, but it stayed put.

Once the second team member was in place, the first slowly progressed towards the deer. The deer looked up a few times before finally trotting off into the woods behind it. I can't imagine what it must have felt like for the team member lying in wait to suddenly have a deer trot right towards you and thrust a spear into its chest, but that is exactly what happened. The frightened deer jumped and began to take off in another direction, crashing into trees and bushes as the spear slowed it down and ran into things.

Both teammates began to follow the noise and the blood trail, and eventually found the deer lying on the ground. They too began to do their best job of removing some of the meat immediately and started a fire for dinner. What a joyful dinner it was too, as they tasted the end result of their plan.

OPTION 4 - Try to throw a stick like a javelin at the deer from where your team is.

On a dice roll, one team ended up going with option 4. This option was a long shot, literally, and it did not pay off. Since the team did have a backup supply of freeze dried ice cream sandwiches, they made it through the night without dying, even though they missed the deer. You can see the results in the comment section below.

OPTION 5 - Try to hit the deer with a stone in the head by throwing the stone at the deer as hard as you can.

One team chose to hurl a stone at the deer, which also did not work. Like the last team, they missed out on the deer and tapped into their backup food supply.

OPTION 6 - Leave the deer alone and tap into the backup food supply. (For those teams that have freeze dried ice cream sandwiches.)

One team chose to just pass on the deer and eat ice cream. They are still alive and had a delicious dinner.


When the teams awake, they are overcome by an eerie feelings. Slowly, they rise and look. A man with a gun on his hip is sitting on a stump facing the team members lying on the ground. As the team members looks around, there is nothing in their makeshift camp. No deer carcasses or freeze dried ice cream wrappers are anywhere to be found. Did this many carry them off last night, or are there others with him.

Thankfully, for the teams with a pistol, the pistol in still in one of their pockets. Otherwise, that would be gone too. The man has dark glasses on, and is hard to read. The pistol is latched in a holster, so at least it is not in his hand... but still.

The next moves that the teams make will be crucial. How will they proceed?


  • OPTION 1 - Get up as fast as you can and run as far away as you can.

  • OPTION 2 - Greet the man and attempt to make friends.

  • OPTION 3 - Arise to greet the man and then bum-rush him, trying to tackle him and take his weapon.

  • OPTION 4 - Pull out the pistol quick and try to eliminate him, taking whatever possessions he may have if you are successful.

  • OPTION 5 - Stay still and silent, waiting for him to make the first move.


Each team must reply with their decision within 24 hours of this post to avoid a Coin Toss. You have 5 options.


The current prize pool is 350 STEEM because of a very generous donation from the legendary @doitvoluntarily. Please check @doitvoluntarily out and tell them thanks with a few upvotes!

Until next time…

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Option 2

Option 2 it is.

Computer may have just died, will continue when I figure it out.

My internet did the same, ha-ha:)

Great post!!!

I wish we didn't die so fast we had sandwiches! Oh and your turn on my game pepper.

Team Progress will go with [OPTION 3] While we recognise the value of all life, stealing another persons food to their potential detriment is simply inexcusable. We greet the man in a friendly manner, but the moment we gain the opportunity we disarm him.

I think my computer just broke, game will continue when I figure it out.

Roger that sir, lemme know if I can help at all.

Option 5 it is.

Computer may have just died, will continue when I figure it out.

Oh no, Sorry to hear about that @papa-pepper. I hope its an easy fix! Are you running Mac or Windows?


OPTION 2 - Carefully line up a shot with the pistol using a nearby tree as a stand to stabilize the shot. (For teams that have a pistol.)

These teams had a delicious venison dinner.


This team has a pistol and 4 rounds of ammunition.

@edgarstudio & @peacemaker

This team has a pistol and 4 rounds of ammunition.

@vcelier & @fingersik

This team has a pistol and 4 rounds of ammunition.

@deepapoudel & @aashishkandel

This team has a pistol and 4 rounds of ammunition.

wow, good post-I agree with you. Good plan too. For me, steem is like a family now and I will help in promoting it to more success...steem will be the next big thing isnt it?

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