in #steem-pocalypse7 years ago (edited)

Turtle time?

In the last round, the players found a small, green pond. A few small creatures were found there. Let’s see if anyone decided to try to eat them or not.


OPTION 1 - Try to grab the small creature in the pond, and eat it.

@Beetroot was the only player who chose to try to grab the turtle in the pond and eat it. Yes, @beetroot was successful in catching it. It was a small Snapping Turtle about 3" long, so it was not a huge meal, but it was a tasty little snack.

Having no firestarter, @beetroot ate the small turtle raw. Unfortunately, turtles under 4" in shell length have been known to carry salmonella, which is why you do not see baby turtles for sale in the pet trade. Thought they used to be popular, they are cute after all, the health hazards eventually lead to people making regulations about the sizes of turtles that could be sold.

Though it can take up to three days for the symptoms of salmonella to set in, if the disease moves from the intestines to the blood stream, it can be deadly, and in this case it was.

Valiant effort @beetroot and thanks for playing!

OPTION 2 - Try to shoot the small creature in the pond, and eat it. (For players with a gun and ammo)

No one chose to try Option 2, so the end result of that option will remain somewhat of a mystery.

OPTION 3 – Try to grab the creature on shore, and eat it.

@Clayboyn chose to try to grab the creature on shore, and was successful in his attempt! This turtle was a beautiful little 2" Map Turtle... that also had salmonella. Though @clayboyn did cook it before eating it, he did not really have a good way to wash his hands after handling it.

More death by salmonella! Oh no!!!

Valiant effort @clayboyn and thanks for playing!

OPTION 4 - Try to shoot the creature on shore, and eat it. (For players with a gun and ammo)

Both @dwells and @gregory-f tried to shoot the creature on the shore. When dealing with a turtle that small, it was a bit of an overkill, but at least it was still a kill.

As they were enjoying their salmonella-laced dinner, a group of armed men emerged on the other side of the pond, attracted by the gunshot. The jaws of the players dropped open and tiny pieces of turtle meat fell out as the players tried to reach for their pistols to defend themselves.

Like a line of men in a firing squad blasting an unarmed and blindfolded man, the men were successful with their shots and the players never really stood a chance. At least they did not have to wait around to die from salmonella, so there is a silver lining to this cloud.

Valiant effort @dwells and @gregory-f! Thanks for playing!

OPTION 5 - Do not attempt to grab or shoot either creature.

With everyone else dead, the players who chose this option are the only ones remaining. Though death has been waiting around the corner all season, now is the time that these players really need to be wise and watch their steps.

Congrats on making it this far @randomness, @dksart, & @sireland!


So far as I know, there are only 3 players still alive and well. Here are the remaining players.

@sireland - @randomness - @dksart

Although the players have to successfully eat once within every 2 days of gameplay (4 rounds) there is not specific intervals for water in this game. Therefore, periodically the players will reach a hydration round, in which they must successfully drink water that is safe to drink, or they will die of thirst or some form of death by water. This is one of those rounds.

The pond does not smell the best, and it is covered by some sort of tiny green plant. We already know that the water is not the cleanest and that the small turtles in it have salmonella, so making this water safe to drink will require some caution.

There are at least a few options that they could try, so let's see how they choose to proceed.


As always, choose carefully.

* OPTION 1 - Try use the water purification tablets to make the water safe to drink. (For players with Water Purification Tablets)

* OPTION 2 - Try to boil some water in an empty can and drink it once it cools. (For players with a Magnesium Firestarter)

* OPTION 3 – Try to heat the water just below boiling for a half hour in an empty can and then drink it once it cools. (For players with a Magnesium Firestarter)

* OPTION 4 - Skip trying to drink and move on without hydrating.

* OPTION 5 - Do not attempt to use the water in pond and drink your own urine instead.


Each player must reply to my comment below containing the Option that they wish to choose within the next 24 hours. If they do not reply to the comment of their choice, they will be eliminated. Also, any players who do not reply in time will be eliminated from gameplay and have to wait until Season 6 to try again.

As always, reply with your inventory, but also include the next time that you need to eat in order to avoid starvation, like this:

I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition, 1 Backup Food Supply, & Water Purification Tablets, I'll choose option 1 this round. I need to eat by the end of Day 11 to avoid starvation.

If anyone not currently playing wants to make sure that you do not miss the sign up for next season, you can now sign up to get an email notification when Season 6 starts by using the form here: thanks to @novaatebatman.


The current Prize Pool is 550 SBD.

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title Gif.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



Can we host a Nigerian Version of Steempocalypse @papa-pepper?

You will be amazed at what we got in stock for you pops pepper....

@oluwoleolaide for @steem-lagos

Thanks O Noble Pops peppers.....

Congratulations to the survivors and good luck in the coming days.

OPTION 5 - Do not attempt to use the water in pond and drink your own urine instead.

Gotta do what you gotta do, I'll drink my pee and take option 5 as well. I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds, beef jerky, and water purification tablets. I ate snake so I need to eat by the end of DAY 10

  • I'm good with a 3 way split @dksart & @randomness but only if @papa-pepper turns us into some sort of survivor heavens gate scenario or we meet in a ring of death and claw each other to pieces.

Good reply example - Upped at 100%

This is a hilarious turn of events. Down to three survivors who have survived all kinds of crazy scenarios and now they are all sitting around drinking there own pee....LOL

haha yeah things have definitely gone from bad to worse

I have an unloaded pistol, 1 backup food supply, and water purification tablets. I need to eat by the end of Day 11 to avoid starvation (thanks, Mr. Armadillo!). As much as I'm not looking forward to it, I choose option 5 this round.

Woot, woot, woot! Randomness made it into the top 3!

But only to drink Urine.....

Gross! Will it quench his thirst? I want to add more, but one player has not responded yet, so I'll keep quiet about it.

I'm done pile on lol

If there was NOTHING alive in the pond, the water may well be toxic. However, since there are living organisms (plants and animals) living in the pond, I would say there is a good chance the water is NOT poisonous. However, the water could still contain bacteria that are harmful, so boiling or otherwise sterilizing the water is a good idea. As for drinking urine: Many earthquake survivors that have been trapped for days survived because they drank their own urine. Whether or not they got sick from it afterwards has not been reported in any of the news reports I ever read. Let's see what Pappa-pepper has to say; after all, it's his game.

Good info.

Let's see what @papa-pepper says, the next post is up!

I have a Firestarter, 1 Backup Food Supply, and Water Purification Tablets. I'll choose Option 5 this round. I need to eat by the end of Day 11 to avoid starvation.

OPTION 2 - Try to boil some water in an empty can and drink it once it cools. (For players with a Magnesium Firestarter)

OPTION 1 - Try use the water purification tablets to make the water safe to drink. (For players with Water Purification Tablets)

OPTION 3 – Try to heat the water just below boiling for a half hour in an empty can and then drink it once it cools. (For players with a Magnesium Firestarter)

OPTION 4 - Skip trying to drink and move on without hydrating.

So I am just curious since it is my first time playing, is this a winner take all game or is the prize pool split with 2nd and 3rd place. If it is winner take all are we allowed to negotiate with the remaining players to share the prize pool or is that against the rules...?

The way that it has ran in the past is as follows:

If you all die at once, it'll be split 3 ways.

If two die at once and the other one doesn't, the two will split 25% of the pool and the winner will take 75%.

If one dies first, then another, and then only one survivor is left, the winner takes 75% and the last other one to die takes 25%, while the first one to die gets nothing.

I think that those are the only options. Basically, winner gets 75% the last ones(s) to die gets 25%, unless all die at once.

I have never seen negotiations, but that is up to you guys. If you all want to call it quits and take a 3 way split, I will accommodate.

Ah ok, the three of us are pretty even at this point, we dont have to quit the game we can continue to see who wins but I would be willing to do a 33.3% distribution since the prize pool is so large, but of course only if @sireland @randomness agree, if they are not interested no biggie...

I'm good with that. Papa needs to give us a good death though. But honestly something is better than nothing and I have usually been the one waiting everyday for the next season to begin because I died the first few days and watching a few go on and on, I'm like "die already!"

Cool, I guess lets see if @randomness agrees :)

or we may just all die of urine poisoning

Winner gets 75% I think it is and 2nd and third split the 25% I believe.

LOL, This was a double edged sword for me, it was fun while it lasted, thanks @papa-pepper i cant wait for the next season :-)

you just keep making it real... love your works....

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