What was in the bushes, and who was too scared to find out?

In the last round, the players heard some noises in the bushes. With the opportunity to run or check it out, this scenario could have gone either way. Let's see what happened.

To help @papa-pepper run this game, please DO NOT reply if you are not already playing this game. If you are playing this game, please do not reply to this post either, reply to my comment below that contains the option that you want to pick. I will provide a separate comment for each option given. If players do not reply to an Option Comment, they will be eliminated. Thank you.


OPTION 1 - Try to shoot into the bushes to kill it. (For players with a pistol and ammunition.)

Two players chose to shoot into the bushes last time. Unfortunately, one of them was on each side of the bush, and they fired at one another. Both @daveks and @thechosentwo have shot one another to death.

I was sad to see you two go out like that, but such is survival. Better luck next time. The players who chose Option 1 last time are now dead.

OPTION 2 - Try to run away as fast as you can.

Unsure of what is rustling in the bushes, a lot of players took off running. They escaped with their lives, and for that they are grateful.

No items were gained for players who chose Option 2 last round, but they are still alive.

OPTION 3 – Try to calmly and quietly sneak away from the rustling.

Much like the players who chose Option 2, the players who chose Option 3 made it out alive.

No items were gained for players who chose Option 3 last round, but they are still alive.

OPTION 4 – Try to call out and search the bushes to see what it is.

A few players chose to call out and see what was in the bushes. As they began to call out, they heard a friendly voice calling back.

Soon, they saw another survivor emerge from the bushes. The players who chose Option 4 last time now have an opportunity to team up into 2 player teams, if they want to. No one needs to team up, but it may be a good opportunity to combine efforts and resources. Some players could even get some bullets for their empty gun (for example) depending on who they team up with.

Here are the players that can now form 2 player teams if they wish.


Players who team up can reply with a team name and list of team members. From this point on, anyone forming a team needs to only have one player respond, but you can still both discuss, reply, etc.


Since players need to eat ate least once every two days in order to avoid starvation, some players are still pretty hungry. A few have no backup food supply and if they do not eat today, they will perish.

Most of the plants around here in the woods look kind of sketchy. What might seem like a good meal could kill you sometimes, so the players are using caution. Soon, they see something up ahead. It looks like a large RV parked in the bushes.

Underneath it is a pile of canned goods and a sign....

The sign seems too good to be true. Could someone really be handing out free canned goods to weary survivors? If so, that would be a huge blessing. Of course, it may just be a trap set by some hungry cannibal. Hmm... This could be a dangerous situation, but it could be a great opportunity to get a serious back up food supply too. If someone had all those cans, they could just play it safe for a while and let the others die off... Perhaps whoever wrote that sign is already dead and gone. Maybe they are still alive, but friendly, as the sign may suggest... Who knows?


There are a few more options this time, so choose carefully.

* OPTION 1 - Try to run away as fast as you can.

* OPTION 2 - Try to call out and make friends, if no one answers grab the cans and go.

* OPTION 3 – Try to sneak up quietly and grab all the cans.

* OPTION 4 – Try to sneak up quietly and quickly grab one of the cans.

* OPTION 5 – Try to sneak around back and quickly grab a can.

* OPTION 6 – Try to sneak around back and grab all the cans.


Each player must reply to my comment below containing the Option that they wish to choose within the next 24 hours. If they do not reply to the comment of their choice, they will be eliminated. Also, any players who do not reply in time will be eliminated from gameplay and have to wait until Season 6 to try again.

Also, if your player has found anything, you must mention it when you reply or you will lose it. If your player found a pistol, then reply with something like the following:

I have an loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition & Water Purification Tablets, I'll choose option 1 this round.

I will post an updated list of current players later. Thank you.


The current Prize Pool is 200 SBD.

A Special Thanks to @liberty-minded for Providing the Title Gif and the GAME OVER GIF.

Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with



I have a pistol with ammunition & 1 Backup food. I choose option 5

This post received a 4.3% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @rkrijgsman! For more information, click here!

I have a magnesium fire starter. I ate berries. I am eating my backup food supply in order to avoid starvation. I have a water purification tablets. I'll choose option 5 this round.

I have firestarter🔥 backup food supply 🍖 And waterpurification tablet. OPTION 5 🤞

It felt like I had been wandering in the woods for, what seemed like forever. I heard two gunshots in the distance. They came from the direction of the mystery creature in the bushes. The shots were almost at the same exact time. Screams broke the sound of my shoes crunching the leaves under my feet. I have no idea what happened but I have to assume it wasn’t good. I live another day.
I couldn’t see the sun through the trees above but I could feel that the night times were almost here. The pain in my stomach from the hunger was intensifying and I didn’t know how much longer I could wait before I was forced to eat my jerky. If only I could find a plant around here that I knew was edible. Unfortunately, I know nothing of herbs but I know that if I eat the wrong thing then that’s it. And that would be a really dumb way to go out after everything that has happened. Still I searched for anything edible, anything at all. Of course, there was nothing. So, I moved on.
I eventually came to a dirt road. It wasn’t so much of a road as it was two small ruts in the ground with, knee-high, grass growing in the middle. I assumed that it went out to the hunting cabin that I had found earlier. I don’t actually know where it goes or if it has been traveled recently but I will follow it for a little bit to see if I can find anything useful. I walked in the woods that, line each side, so that I wasn’t an open target.
It wasn’t long before I came to a large white RV. It was definitely not working and had been here for some time. As I got closer, I saw, by the front wheel, a pile of unopened cans of food. There was also a sign leaning up against the wheel next to them. It read:
I stood for a long moment in the woods and out of sight, trying to see if I could see any movement. There was nothing that I could see but something about this situation didn’t seem right. It seemed too good to be true. Although, I was going to have to eat my jerky by the end of the day and it would’ve be nice to have some more food.
The situation was not ideal, not even close, but I knew I wouldn’t survive without more food. I just wish I had some ammo for the gun. If I had some bullets I would just yell out to see if anyone was there but that’s far too risky for me to do without any way to defend myself. I decided to sneak around the back of the RV and tried to snag a can. I only want one. I only need one and, besides, as nice as it would be to have all of them, I can’t take that risk. It would take far too long and I would be too vulnerable. I know that I should run, but after my food is gone, I will die. I can’t let that happen. I won’t let that happen.

I have a unloaded pistol, water purification tablets, and a back-up food supply(jerky). I will have to eat my jerky this round. I choose option 5.

I have a firestarter and 1 backup food supply; I'll choose option 5 this round. Looking at that pile of canned goods I see my favorite SpaghettiO's. Some pasta would hit the spot but you never know what danger lurks in the bushes. I decide not to be greedy and sneak around back to take one can of SpaghettiO's. Grabbing one can I ready myself to run.

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply. Last ate limes so think I need to eat today to avoid starvation. I'll choose option 5 this time.

I have an unloaded pistol, one backup supply (canned beans), and water purification tablets. Already ate limes. Choosing Option 5.

You were eliminated for failure to reply to D4 R1 before the cutoff. Try again next season.

hmm I did reply! Arghhh, must be one of those times when comments disappear on steem :(

Rough, but you can try again next season. It may have been after the 24 hour response time.

No hard feelings, just my bad luck. It's not the first time I get disappearing comments, other users randomly get them too. I'm looking forward for the next season. I'll sit back and watch the perils that you have in store for the remaining participants ☺️
@novaatebatman thanks for your efforts.

papa-pepper will there be any more chances to team up this season?

I search and searched and used word find several times repeatedly before marking you as not meeting cutoff.

Sorry. :(

Oh noo, @drakos! We were supposed to team up together...

I know :( Maybe next season.

I have an unloaded pistol & 1 backup food supply (jerky), which I am eating to avoid starvation this round. I last ate at the bush. I will try option 5 this round.

I have managed to stay alive, but i really need to eat. I only have 11 rounds of ammo, and no weapon. Time to take a gamble, I choose * OPTION 5 – Try to sneak around back and quickly grab a can and eat it if I escape

I have a firestarter, 1 backup food supply, and Water Purification Tablets I'll choose option 5 this round

Magnesium Firestarter, backup food supply, and Water Purification Tablets. Option 5

I'm still alive (phew!) I have a backup food supply and water purification tablets. I choose option 5.

Option 5--I have a pistol, 11 rounds of ammo, a backup food supply (beans), and water purification tablets. I ate clover in the last round, so don't need to eat again yet.

It's always a good idea to get food. Having a backup for a backup is just good sense. But, I'm not approaching the RV directly, in case it's a trap. I'm also not going to try to take all the cans. If the person who put these outside is honorable, I will be, too, and not take more than my fair share. I'm assuming it's an honor system here with one can per person, if everything is legit.

If it is a trap, at least only trying to take one can will allow me to get away quickly. Also, I have ammo for my gun now, and make sure I keep a strong hand on it, hidden in by bag, so I can draw and shoot with swiftness if I run into a bad guy or gang here.

Making my group stay behind, hidden in the bushes, I take the responsibility for getting the potential can of food myself. I am the leader here, after all. I can't go risking my people unnecessarily.

Hopefully, this is a good decision, and I will make a new friend for our group, and get some food, too. At the very least, I'll get a can of food if this all goes well.

I have a pistol with 11 rounds of ammo, back up food supply, water purification tablets, and I choose option 5.

I choose option 5


1 Pistol (Day 1 - Round 1)
1 back-up food (Day 1 - Round 2)
1 Water Purification Tablets (Day 3 - Round 1)

I have Fire Starter, back up food supply (beans) and I choose option 5

I have an unloaded pistol, 1 back up food supply, and water purification tablets, and I choose Option 5 this round.

I have a magnesium fire starter, ammo(11 rounds), 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), Water Purification Tablets, ate some roaches and ate the kind man's plant; Now I choose option 5

I have 11 rounds of ammo, and water purification tablets.
I choose option 5 - try to sneak around back, and quickly grab a can.

I have a pistol (no bullets), water purification tablets and a backup food supply. I choose option 5.

It's too risky to grab too many cans.

I have a firestarter & water purification tablets & backup food supply. I choose option 5.

I have an empty pistol & 1 backup food supply, I'll choose option 5 for this round.
Also, I'm going to eat my backup food to avoid starvation.

Carrying: pistol, water purification tablets, 1 backup food supply and the last thing I ate were some Limes

Ill choose option 5 and im not teaming up with anyone. Not ready to trusts strangers yet in this dangerous world

I have a Magnesium Firestarter, one backup food supply and water purification tablets. I choose option 5 this round.

I have an empty pistol, 1 backup food supply & water purification tablets.
I ate the limes from the tree and the insects from the board.
I will choose Option 5 this round.

I have a water purification tablet and a firestarter. Im choosing option 5.

I have magnesium firestarter and one backup food supply. I'm going to sneak around back and quickly grab a can as option 5. After that I am eating my backup food to avoid starvation.

I choose option 5

Backup food supply (beef jerky)
Magnesium firestarter

Hi papa! I choose option 5

Backup food supply (beef jerky)
Magnesium firestarter

I have a pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition now,besides I have a backup food[beef jerky] and some water purification tablets with me.I also ate those plants in the last round that the kind man gave me so now I need to eat before end of day 5.I will choose OPTION 5 – Try to sneak around back and quickly grab a can for this round.

I have a Magnesium Firestarter, and a back up food supply (jerkys), as well as water purification tablets. If I don't find the food, I have to eat reserve

I ate beauty berries and i choose option 5. Try to sneak around back and quickly grab a can.

Scream — scary! To come up front — too. Grab all banks — bad option. As we say: "Greed dude has ruined"

I have a magnesium fire starter and backup food[beef jerky]and some water purification tablets.I guess i have to eat the back up food supply today to avoid starvation.I choose option 5 for this round.

I have an firestarter & Water Purification Tablets, I'll choose option 1 this round. The last meal was roaches .

I have an unloaded pistol, I think I still have beef jerky, water purification and I choose option 5.

I have an unloaded pistol, a backup food supply that I will use this round to avoid starvation & Water Purification Tablets, I'll choose option 5 this round.

I choose option 5. I have a pistol and 11 rounds of ammo, one backup food supply, and water purification tablets. I've eaten clover like Plant, bugs.

I have an empty pistol, water purification tablets and some beef jerky. My last meal was berries.

I have a pistol with 11 rounds of ammo, water purification tablets and knowledge of a plant which the kind old man showed me I could eat. I choose option 5.

On behalf of Team Starke, we have 2 pistols, 11 bullets, water purification tabs x2, and beef jerky. I assume one of us is going to be the one to run and try to grab a can, I will volunteer while hopefully my teammate @starke covers me from behind. We load our pistols, leaving us with 9 bullets, (if that's how these pistols work. If not then starke's pistol has six bullets and mine has 5.) And I'm sure he'll have a lot more to say about this once he's available soon. Good luck bud!

I have a Magnesium Firestarter, 1 Backup Food Supply, Water Purification Tablets & I will choose Option 5 this round.

I have an unloaded pistol, Water Purification Tablets and 1 backup food supply. I'll choose option 5 this round.

i have a fire starter and some water tablets, gonna take option 5

I remember this Tommy guy from the last season. One thing I know for sure - he hates when someone touch his cans :) Also I have a food supply and I ate a plant papa pepper gave me recently, so I don't think I need so many food supplies in this game anyway...

I have magnesium firestarter, one backup food supply and 11 rounds of ammunition.
I'll go with OPTION 1.

You have a real talent my friend @keepdoodling. Keep 'em coming!!

Oh, thank you! Will do!

I remember tommy oh so well, too. But I still opted to try and grab one of his cans. Hoping this time he will be more generous 🤞

Love your doodles, btw. Keep them coming :)

Thank you! :)

Yes, I think grabing one can should be fine, but thouse who grab all of them might be in serious danger :) Still, I don't want to risk right now :) Let's see how it goes.

yep I total agree with you comment.. and yay!!! I am still alive! yay! :)

Yay the Admiral is in the house! Definitely following his advice this round and can't wait to see your next doodle!

Way too sketchy for me i will take my pistol with 11 rounds and backup food supply and run. However i will keep an eye out for the plants that i was shown earlier in hopes of not needed to use my beef jerky.

Dear Tom...

I shalt rather not taketh thee up on thy giveth, thee has't an evil streak and this might just bees't the death of me. I shalt rather taketh mine own luck with mother nature.


I shall rather go with Option 1 and run as fast as my legs can carry me, but still keeping calm and looking where I run. : )
I only need to eat Day 5 Round 2, since the old man gave me some Clover looking plant and taught me how to find them in nature.

Inventory: 1x Loaded Pistol, 1x Beef Jerky, 11x Bullets for Pistol

I have pistol (no ammo), 1 backup food supply, water purification tabs, i choose option 1

I think I'll just leave a couple fliers and move on. Never can tell what kinda mood Tom is in.

I have an empty pistol, 1 backup food supply & Water Purification Tablets. I choose Option 1 this round.

I have a empty pistol, back up food supply and water purification tablets. I choose option 1 this round. Ole Tom can be an angry critter some times!

Hope you'll find your cousin :)

I'm sure I will eventually. Uncle Jesse told us to watch out for each other, so I'll keep searching 'til I find him.

Walking up to the RV I see a flier on the ground. Marx the rabbit loves paper! Grabbing one I had a snack while I debated whether I should take some canned goods or not.

I have an unloaded pistol and one backup food supply, I last ate roaches from under the board. I choose option 1 this round, hope I make it out of this.

I choose option 1, I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds, beef jerky, and water purification tablets

I have a pistol, 11 rounds of ammunition, backup food supply (beef jerky), water purification tablet.
I choose Option 1 this round.

What I am choosing this round


What I own in my inventory

  • 1 pistol
  • 11 rounds of ammunition
  • a food backup supply
  • knowledge of clover like plant

When do I need to eat
Prior to the end of Day 5.

On DAY 2 ROUND 2 I have eaten some bugs and creepy crawlers
On DAY 3 ROUND 1 I headed into the woods and got nothing.
On DAY 3 ROUND 2 I have eaten a plant and know how to look for it
On DAY 4 ROUND 1 I didn't want to know who is in the bushes, quietly sneak away ..oh well...

Tom...? I remember Tom...
I will avoid him like a bomb.
Tom could change, I'll hope.
As far as his cans? I say

Choose option 1, got some jerky, got 11 bullets, got a fire-starter, got to eat before end of day 5.

I have an loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition & beef jerky. Last time I ate was the clover like plant. I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a Pistol, 11 bullets, and a backup food supply . seems sketchy to me im going to run away. option one it is

I have a pistol, beef jerky, and water purification tablets. I choose option 1.

I have a pistol and 11 ammo. I ate when the man gave me the plant. I choose Option 1.

I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds, 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), ate the bush, ate some roaches and ate what looks like clover; Now I choose option 1 - Run away from Tom.


That's the handwriting of a murderer.

I have a backup food supply, a loaded gun, I just ate with the other guy, so I think I don't have to eat until day 5...? I'm getting the heck out of dodge. I'd actually rather saunter away, but if running is my only "get out of there" choice, I'm taking it.

I have an unloaded pistol, 1 backup food supply, and water purification tablets. I choose option 1 because I think this is a trap; it also means that I will be using my backup food supply to avoid starvation.

I have a firestarter, beans, water tablets, and 11 bullets. I was fed plants by the friendly guy.

I choose Option 1. I just ate, I'm not trying to hit any traps.


I choose @lokii (my brother) as a partner and we choose option 1 for this death trap

Team Hootie Hoo

Brothers United


  • Pistol (22 Rounds)
  • Magnesium Fire Starter
  • 2X BackUp Food Supply
  • 2X Water purification tablets

    Last Meal

    • Day 3 Round 2 What appeared to be Clover
    • Need food by D5R2

I have an unloaded pistol and one backup food supply (beef jerky).

haha Monty Python!! i Love that movie!!

11 bullets, firestarter, backup food supply - staying solo - option 1

running is good for my survive-the-apocalypse training regimen !

Option 1 it is !

I have a backup food supply (Time to eat the Jerky !)
An unloaded gun
Water purification tablets.

I kinda expected it was either a trap, either a team-up possibility for D4R1 XS
Choose to play it safe, as I will today... though running away as fast as possible might make me trip and kill myself... hmmmm....

Why is there no "sneak away" option ? XC

I have: a loaded pistol (11 rounds); backup food supply (beef jerky); water purification tablets

I must eat prior to the end of Day 5

I chose OPTION 1 - Try to run away as fast as you can.

a sign like this is just too damn sketchy, I am also quite full, having eaten beautyberries, roaches and the clover(?) from the kind stranger already... let's just get outta here!

I have a pistol with 11 rounds of ammo and one backup food supply. I ate three of the last 4 days. I choose to avoid this possible trap and leave the area. Option 1.

I have: a pistol (11 bullets), a backup food supply (beef jerky)

Last time I ate was on Day3Round2 (clover like plant)

For this Round I choose OPTION 1 - Try to run away as fast as you can.

This seems too good to be true.

I have a loaded pistol (11 rounds) and a beef jerky. Choosing option #1
Must get away from people....

I have a pistol with ammo, 1 backup food supply and I need to eat before day 5. I choose option 1.

I have a firestarter, beef jerky, 11 rounds of ammunition and I ate the plants the man sleeping on the tree gave me.
Too strange someone could give away food for free in an apocalyptic scenarium: I'll choose option 1 this round.

Uh oh Tommy is back this season and he's usually very overprotective of his cans. When in doubt, run like the wind!

I have an unloaded pistol, 1 backup food supply (beef jerky) and I choose Option 1 this round!

I have to eat by the end of day 5 and have 11 bullets along with a magnesium firestarter. I choose option 1 and feel the terror coming from this weird place im out.

I have an unloaded pistol, 1 backup food supply (beef jerky) and I go with Option 1 (Run away as fast as I can)

I have an empty pistol, one backup food supply (beef jerky), and water purification tablets. I do not need to eat until the end of Day 4. I'll choose option 1 this round, and hope to live to fight another day.

I have an loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition. I have a backup food supply(beef jerky). I ate berries, roaches and the plant. I have a water purification tablets. I'll choose option 1 this round.

I have a pistol(11 bullets), 1 backup food supply(Jerky), and water purification tablets. I will choose option 1 this round.

option #1 for @liberty-minded

I have a pistol with 11 rounds, 1 backup supply of beef jerky and I ate wild edibles the kind stranger sleeping in the tree was kind enough to gather for me. I need to eat prior to the end of day 5 to avoid starving to death

I have a pistol with 11rounds of ammo, water purification tablets, and a backup food supply (beef jerky). Next meal should be before the end of day 5. I choose option1.

I choose option 1 for this round.

Pistol with 11rounds of ammo
Water purification tablets
backup food supply (beef jerky)

Next meal should be before the end of day 5.

I have a magnesium fire starter and a backup food supply. I choose Option #1. It would be nice to not have to use the backup, but there aren't many details to go on for this scenario. I'm going to just get away as fast as I can and eat what I have. I'll hopefully find more food later.

If I were to choose (hypothetically)... I can't see how this is not some sort of trap. With all the chaos going on, I don't see people as that generous. I think that Tom is crafty. He knows how suspicious people would be of free food, so he would actually hide around back and wait for people to try to outsmart him. I would choose to just grab a can real quick from the front - not too greedy to slow me down. But... I'm too nervous about this whole situation, so I'm running.

I have a loaded pistol with 11 rounds of ammunition, backup food supply (beef) and water purification tablets, I'll choose option 1 this round

* OPTION 2 - Try to call out and make friends, if no one answers grab the cans and go.

I have water purification tablets and I need to eat by the end of day 4; Option 2 for me

I have 1 backup food supply (beef jerky), water purification tablets, 11 rounds, I don't need to eat until end of day 5 (clover knowledge) and I choose option 2

I am @lrich, it is Season 5, Day 4 Round 2 and I have:
• 1 firestarter 🔥
• 1 back up food supply🍴 (can of beans)
I choose:
• Option 2

I have a pistol with 11 rounds of ammo, a backup ration of jerky and ate some nice greens from the man in the tree. As much as I am not all that hungry, I feel the urge to at least shout out to TOM to see if he is around. My pistol is ready if Tom turns out to be violent. If he is not around, I will grab the cans and make off with them.

I keep debating between option 1 and 2, but I will try option 2, i have a pistol and back up food (jerky) I also have water purification tablets, maybe they will want to trade.

I have an unloaded pistol, beef jerky, and water purification tablets.
This round I choose option 2.

I dont know what to do this time but since I dont have backup food I will go for option 2 and I have a firestarter and water purification tablets

Initially, I wanted to also choose this option, but after re-reading the option, I figured that grabbing ALL the cans was being greedy and bad things would happen. I guess we will soon find out if I was wrong.

Pretty much everybody that grabbed a can died, except the ones that snuck from the back and grabbed one, so you were right, this is the end of the road for me 😩

Yes, sorry to see you go. I changed to the option of running away and got nothing. It could have ended up as everyone that ran also got shot as they ran out into the open. It really is just a game of chance in many ways. I really wanted to sneak around back and grab just 1 can (and that was a good choice), but decided that since I already have food, I should play safe and at least stay alive rather than chance a meeting with Tommy. Now I'm down to 1 food supply.

The next big question is... will I get a chance to eat again, or did I turn the wrong way? Since I have a gun and bullets, I was tempted to choose to hide and try to ambush those coming.

Well I hope you win or at least advance further in the game, best of luck @happyme 🙋🍀

That didn't take long! I had a bad feeling I wasn't going to get a chance to eat my food. Shot in the back is what I got. I was worried that if I tried to cross the fence, I would get hung up and get shot for sure. By NOT crossing the fence, I could run faster. However, Papa-pepper had other ideas and most of us died. I was wondering if he would be splitting his game into 2 paths or kill some of us off. Killing us off made his job easier. Note for next season! Better luck next time!

Damn, these past couple of days have been a blood bath 😨, too bad we didn't make it to the end but hopefully next time we will 😁

Thanks Mariacherries. I'll be looking for you on here again next season.

I chose option 2 and I have a back up food supply (beef jerky) and 11 rounds of ammo

I have a pistol and 1 backup food supply (beef jerky) and some Water Purification Tablets. I guess I have to eat my backup food supply to avoid starvation. I will take a chance and call out. It seems stupid, so it may be the right thing to do. I need to take a chance at this point. I need supplies. Here goes nothing. (Option 2).

The magnesium fire-starter tucked in my back pocket and my backup food (can of beans) are still my only supplies.

Taking a calming breath, I call out a friendly hello and wait for a response. A second attempt yields silence also. I take off my jacket to make a satchel for the cans and remember to call out a thank you to Tom as I collect the food and go.

Fingers crossed Option 2 won't prove to be fatal.

I have a fire starter, 1 back up food supply and I choose option #2 please.

I have a magnesium fire starter,1 day of ration(beef jerky & water purification tablets and I choose option 2

I have a magnesium firestarter and a backup food supply and I choose option 2

I wondered where Tom had got to. In the past he has been a man of his word,
With my trusty fire lighter and beef jerky I will call and try and meet the friendly Tom , option 2 for me please papa.

I have a magnesium fire starter, 11 rounds of ammo & 1 back up ration of beef jerkey.
I ate some berries, roaches from below the board and the plant which was probably clover.
I have to eat before the end of day 5.

I choose option 2 this time, call out and make friends, if no one answers grab the cans and go...

I have a magnesium firestarter and a back up food supply. I also have water purification tablets. After running away for two turns i have decided to hope for the best. While this seems suspicious herhere's to hoping

Magnesium firestarter, 11 bullets and water pruification tablets, last thing I ate was clover(?), option 2!

I have a pistol, water purification tablets and 11 ammo. I choose option 2.

I have a magnesium fire starter, 11 rounds of ammo & beef jerkey. I choose option 2

I have a Magnesium Firestarter, one backup food supply, water purification tablets, and 11 rounds of ammunititon. I choose option 2 this round.

I have one pistol with 11 rounds, one backup food supply (jerky). Last thing I ate were the clovers i got from the nice man. I choose option 2 this round. Hoping my gun will save me if Tom turns out a cannibal :O

Team Chiaram.Warrior ( @chiarambottino, @foodie.warrior) checking in :)

We have:

• 2 pistols (11 ammo)
• 2 back up food supply (jerky x2)
• water purification tablets

We would like to go for Option 2 for this round.

We are friendly fellas, If they aren't we are prepared!

* OPTION 4 – Try to sneak up quietly and quickly grab one of the cans.

I have an empty pistol, 1 backup food supply, & Water Purification Tablets, and I already ate some limes from the tree a couple days back. And I choose Option 4 this round.

I have Magnesium Fire Starter, 1 back up food supply and I choose option 4

I have a loaded pistol + 11 rounds of ammunition + backup food supply + water purification tablets and I choose option 4.

I have an firestarter, 1 back up meal & Water Purification Tablets, I'll choose option 4 this round

I have firestarter and beef jerky which will have to be eaten. I choose option 4 grab and go

Inventory : Unloaded pistol, back up food (beef jerky), water purification tablet
Choice : option 4

Ratticus decides that it's worth the chance to quietly sneak in and grab one can for later.

I have an empty pistol and I choose Option 4

OPTION 4 – Try to sneak up quietly and quickly grab one of the cans
Carrying: pistol, water purification tablets, 1 backup food supply (need to eat prior to end of day 4, so kinda hungry)

I have a pistol unloaded and a backup food supply can of beans,I also got some water purification tablets.For tis round I will choose OPTION 4 and try to grab a can quickly.I will use my back up food today.

* OPTION 3 – Try to sneak up quietly and grab all the cans.

I have the magnesium firestarter, beef jerky, bullets, and choose option 3 - try to sneak up quietly and grab all the cans.

* OPTION 6 – Try to sneak around back and grab all the cans.

crazy options i´ll take that one!!

Do you have anything from previous rounds? You should mention these in your comment to make it easier on papa.

They aren't playing in the game.

You're not playing the game. Don't comment if you're not playing.

If you have any hope of playing this game in the future, you need to respect the rules in the post. Which is to not comment on game posts if you're not playing the game.

You have to sign up to play the game before the game begins.

Want to win the prize pool of this game in the future? Follow the freaking rules. Or you'll never win it.

You mad, bruh?

I choose option 6, I have ammo and water purification tablet


Who wants to team up? I have an empty pistol, water purification tablets and beef jerky. Got bullets and a fire starter? Im thinking of picking option 5 this round. Reply back if you wanna join team Highly Expendable!

hey bud, i'll join ya if you're down. I have pistol, bullets, and water tabs..see my comment below for my email..

Lets do it! Two pistols is better than one if your cool with spliting the bullets. You think option 5 would be good this round?

Works for me! I hope Tom is feeling friendly this week, haha. Do you want me to be spokesman, as you're on vacation?

Sure. I can take over tomorrow evening

edit: team found.

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