Why I am negative to "WhaleShares" and believe it will be another "RewardPool-RAPE" for #STEEM.

in #steem-politics7 years ago

Right now we have 1,723,060 STEEM in the RewardPool Worth $2,151,495 on Poloniex. Motivation to design a new type of rewardpool-rape system you say? I think so too. In this video I explain why I am against WhaleShares, why I think it is a bad idea for steem, why we should not support such a thing where a third party game the system as middlemen and... well, watch the video and see if you agree with me or not.



Yeah, it's literally vote-buying. I'm not sure how this is supposed to improve anything. And I imagine that the people who need the votes the most won't be able to buy them anyway.

exactly - man, you are so on point.

the people who need the votes the most won't be able to buy them anyway.

^ That right there - is wisdom

Thank you for a great great comment @ats-david, very welcomed!

Agree with both of you. I would consider myself to be in the Steemit "middle class" so I bought a few shares to see what the fuss was all about. The conversion rate at the time was roughly 1 BTS/WHALESHARE. Essentially it boils down to 1 BTS/1% of upvote. To me it definitely wasn't worth it even for those who can afford it. The cost-benefit ratio just isn't there.

You like me? You really like me???

More reasons besides upvoting for good quality. This isn't a good thing at all...

Why even have steempower if people can just rent the use other peoples steempower?
There are systems that we build on top of steem that benefit steemit, and there are systems people build within steem to game the system. Lets be constructive and aim to add value rather than reap value. Best.

I thought about that too... What if i don't have enough tokens to buy the votes?... People with more tokens gets more upvotes and more money to buy more tokens... Capitalism all over again lol

The whole idea seems unorganized, unnecessarily complicated and undermines the integrity of the upvote system.

thank you for even further explanation. cheers @ats-david

Sounds like a pyramid scheme. And i see more initiatives like this .

Yeah...notice that I said they got "scooped on the scam?"

What exactly is your point?

If the devs still haven't fixed the fundamental problems in the past year, you can expect initiatives like this. If the devs aren't doing anything, someone has to. For fuck sakes @ned, fix the algorithms so everyone is treated fairy on SteemIt and people can ACTUALLY curate and get rewarded and rated properly.

@ned but linear rewards is only a very small step in the right direction, unless i'm misunderstanding the article. It's of course still better than it is now so that's good! Anyway, the rewards are only 1 of a few other basic problems with the algorithms. They all need to be tweaked so they all work together, right now content isn't curated properly, people don't get penalized for curating improperly (upvoting bad content, downvoting good content and sheep behavior for example), the reputation system is just a popularity system and it makes very little sense to allow voting from the first second of publication without giving the curators the opportunity to read the content at their own speed.

great concerns Calamus! I'm with you. One question though, how exactly would one "penalize for curating improperly"...seems like it would be a tricky thing to implement. If you upvote someone that doesn't reach a certain threshold of additional upvotes, then it's judged to be 'bad content'?

If upvotes are the mechanism through which we can algorithmically judge the 'quality' of content, how does one measure good or bad quality in any other way? Seems like a good problem to me. Also... I think there's a real question at hand here...If there is value in upvotes, how can we possibly prevent people from acting as dollar maximizers? I'm not sure we can. Ultimately, we all have some aspect of power from our own votes and words...

hmm @abit would you mind sharing your reason of flagging @ned's comment?

experiment. it's an auto downvote due to the amount of rshares coming from fyrstikkens vote

Ohhh right i read about that actually.

Thanks for the updates @ned - many are hysterical on here but fail to realise we are still in Beta mode. I myself have probed the underbelly of Steemit today in my Daily Dose, but that is the role of philosophy: to destroy our idols. Not in they way you might think, but to make us stronger in the long term so our Alpha game is never found lacking!! ... Steady as she goes @ned ... blue skies ahead :)

I'm just a minnow, a content creator coming from YT and FB in May, and Abit is downvoting my content. What's the point of that? He says its just business and no hard feelings. WHAT?? Most of my followers are not whales! It ruins my ambition.

@mericanhomestead i think @abit is doing an experiment where he downvotes other whales that blindly vote for content or something. So it doesn't mean your content isn't good, it's just a statement. I don't know the exact details but i believe he posted about it a few months ago.

P.S.: you already had a following before you came on SteemIt, imagine how 99% of the SteemIt users feel when they work hard and never earn more than $0.10 for hours of hard work. Most people have it way worse than you even.

Hey, it's got nothing to do with me either :)

That is awesome @ned! Looking forward to it!

this is fantastic @ned . Did not know about the tokens

Tell me how the tokens fix all the problems? :)

Don't know. We wait and see how it will roll out. then we apply criticism if needed. I applaud the effort though now.

yeah, me too - curating and doing it just fine - no need to pay me for an upvote.

You're not in the group with the problematic experience, you're in the top 0.5% or something :)

@fyrstikken mentioned connections amongst other things help with upvotes and ofcourse sp too etc. So give it time! Everyone is CEO of steemit!

Lol there's only 1 CEO. But that reminds me of the roadmap they released, i think they said they will probably allow us to vote on changing blockchain settings and such, that will be cool.

hahaha, that is where it becomes obvious that you have not learned enough yet! You look at concepts, vision more than outright words! roadmap is theory! There principles and concepts. In my eyes, you are a whale even! Depends on how you see yourself. In reality, there are no titles. You have small bank or steemit wallet, you have a reputable community of great minds, and a ton of information, plus a blockchain, what esle do you need to start your own company or empire? we are on fyrstikken post and oh see how he has built his own, and if one doesn't have the means to money-wise but you have a vision, you can team up with likeminded people and create a movement aligned with a vision! Hahahaha, you are a ceo on steemit! with time, you will see this!

Of course i look at concepts, i'm a programmer, that's what interests me, creating complex revolutionary systems. I'm less interested in money, marketing and such.

LMFAO you have 1.3 MILLION SP, most people have under a 100. I hope you were trolling ;)

Exactly. That's why I purchased that amount of SP. SP in a way is like hash power.

SP: "Influence tokens which give you more control over post payouts and allow you to earn on curation rewards."

@johalfiles There are times when I wish I could go back in time and buy a ton of steem. Now, Im simply powering up as much as possible with the payouts on my articles. Curation rewards are pretty decent and its good to remain powered up. I've been buying steem at nearly every lows since being hospitalized during the dumps I missed the chance. Hoping the price doesnt rise quickly so there's ample time for greater steem distribution.

With great power comes great responsibility lol

This is true @timsaid. Uncle Ben said it best.

Yeah i understand. Maybe we first need millions of users and much more liquidity before we can come to any reasonable conclusion, but right now it feels like content creators are way too dependent on large SP holders.

Possibly. I agree to some extent there brother. Time will tell. Also a higher price of steem may cause a different factor in this as well...not sure.

That's what i mean with too early, the price of STEEM is so low right now that whales aren't selling to even out the distribution.

As the price of steem rises though the distribution gets worse. As a net percentage it won't change just due to price, but the amount of fiat that separates the 1% of people that own 90% of steem will make it harder to level that playing field.

Huh? Now that is good info. I'm new to all this and little bits here and there such as this are "GOLDEN". About SP being like hash power. Thanks "thejohalfiles

you have done great analysis, i am not sure whether whalshares and the other are harming steem but quite influenced by your thought. I need to research more on this. Thanks for the video

You are welcome, please do your due diligence/research. Thanks for the comment

I salute your post.

This is a complex subject and I'm not 100% for or against the project even though I have said of it that it's pure genius.

You might be right. It's difficult to foresee everything this project entails. I'm saying this honestly.

I think as with everything there are risks and benefit which people will have to evaluate.

Personally I don't think I would ever want to sell some of my votes because I wouldn't want my votes to appear on posts I don't support. I abhor the idea of seeing my name appear on a post that push ideals I oppose. I think this will be the case for most people. I also think this will become truer to everyone as Steem overall influence grows.

Also whales that sell their votes will have to evaluate the risk of losing some support if they engage in selling their votes, for the reasons mentioned above. If someone see a whale they know who's an anarchist beginning to vote on all sorts of posts that are anti-anarchist they will instantaneously understand this whale is selling their votes and might hesitate to support that Steemian in the future.

There's also the fact that bad authors who need to buy votes should in the long run become less influential compare to the authors who garner real consensus and so don't have to pay to create consensus or fake consensus.

"Assuming all individuals can communicate and have incentive to live in the truth then truth will prevail. If there is incentive to believe a lie, then the lie will prevail. This applies even on an individual basis." Dan Larimer

I think what you are saying it this post is a bit a kind to saying: "Hey! We have incentive to live in the truth and not selling our vote to the highest bidder. Let's vote for what is most important or the truest to us. The best placed person to cast the best vote for us and thus everyone around us is ourselves, not the highest bidder in term of $." I tend to agree on that.

In the long run, Whaleshare or not, I tend to think most people will vote for themselves, for what is best for them.

I tried to clarify some of my stance on this project and I look forward to some more discussion on it.

Let's vote for what is most important or the truest to us.

Do you?

I try to.

We don't see most of the posts so we can only vote for the posts we see, obviously.

Most of the post or authors I vote for don't mention money and that's something I don't understand. If we are to be true, we need to acknowledge the place of money in our life and in our society and its impact. The very life of all people on Earth is subservient to money so rationally we should give this topic the place it deserves.

People are literally starving to death over the lack of it. We can't ignore those facts. People need to be talking about money creation and wealth concentration, these aren't just some subjects we should talk from time to time.

I don't see people addressing these subject the way they need to be. This is the case for a lot of subjects.

A lot of the posts and authors I support right now are people that support me back so that I can become a more influential Steemian. Being a more influential Steemian helps our posts to get more visibility. That being said I never hesitate to vote for someone who doesn't support me but whose post is the truest.

I agree with @teamsteem - we have a saying in India - 'Up there is God, and down here its Money'.

But @fyrstikken is making a valid point.

I believe that the reason people are starving around the world is that people with money have bought 'votes' and are now deciding what according to them is best.

They think that it doesn't matter what happens to all those people starving - they go about their lives and build more weapons and start wars to make sure that they always remain in power.

To remain in power these same people 'rig' the voting system and buy the votes and the whole circle starts all over again.

That is why you have 1% of the people owning 99% of the world's wealth.

If the votes are being sold and bought here on Steem - then it's the same scenario repeating itself.

In the real world, it's difficult to get rid of such politicians - I hope this is not the case on Steem.

Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and all other Social networks will eventually perish because of this very reason, they want to make money at other people's expense - as is happening with @mericanhomestead.

Steem may be the first one of it's kind - but remember Facebook came after MySpace.

I get you.

At the same time I think those who will pay for vote on Steem should make less profit in the long run than those who don't have to pay for vote but are creating genuine consensus.

Thank you for taking the time to comment.

Yes we have to identify such people by analyzing and we have to make some group who stand for the protection of steem. Our comment will be a symbol of a good post or so.. but its not a very good idea .. need some good suggestions.


Thanks for interesting and detailed analysis
Thanks for 4 point plan
I watched the video and I agree fully with you

Have a great weekend

Your welcom @lordoftruth, great weekend to you and yours too.

Huge thanks for your support.
Yes, the weekend start, the time to enjoy some beers.

Thanks for the upvote, cheers to you :)

Hey man,

You downvoted my post. I did just the design. You know very well that I enter almost every design contest here in Steemit. It's my job and opportunity to get involved. Imagine if you were getting downvoted for inviting people that some other whales disagree.

You are a whale with half a million power. How could you possibly downvote a design initiative when you know very well I have nothing to do with anything else? At least wait to see how this thing will turn out. It's very hard for people like me to build rep just to see it go away because you decided to measure dicks with another whale.


Yes, I downvoted your design-post for WhaleShares. If you see the video you will know why.
Do not take it personally - this is business & politics.

Let us get all the cards on the table and make sure the deck is right.

What politics? I am a designer. I enter EVERY competition. You know that very well since I got involved with the RobinHood Whale initiative. Why you hurt people that just get involved with the community when you know how hard it is for people like me?

Dude I remember you just some months ago, whining and moaning about the unfair downvotes you were getting. I even supported some of your posts in good heart. You came into a position of power and you do the same shit with the same exact excuse?

This is not a professional response from your part. This is an emotional outburst. Classic "small guy turn into asshole because of immediate power".

I don't agree with some of the points you make in other subjects @kyriacos, but this particular one I do... it's not right to penalize people caught in the cross-fire of two people disagreeing. It sets a bad precedent.

What I am hoping for, is for more discussion on the matter so they both can work out their differences if this is possible.

Healthy relationships work this way. If there is always a disagreement or always an agreement then there is a problem.

I agreed with fyrstikken in some subjects in the past and disagreed in some others. I am sure it is the same with you.

Yes... the dynamic ability of someone to "sometimes" agree and "sometimes" disagree.. shows intelligence without holding a grudge.

It is these types of mature conversations I thrive on... :)

there you go :)

most of the good friends I made was through fights. applies in real life as well.

Cheers @fyrstikken. Just came across whaleshares and found your video so am very glad to see someone laying it out very simply. Thanks for trying to keep this place honest! It is surely a difficult task!

Hope your day is going well!

Thank you so much @fyrstikken for upvoting my comment. It is very much appreciated however I am very new here and not exactly the most up to date in terms of how the whole thing works but on intitial impressions I am uncomfortable with some of the things that are going on and I feel that there are a few at the top with all of the power just as in the real world. This troubles me. I don't know much about you other than what you have written in this post and speaking in your video but clearly you seem to have a bit of influence around here and whilst I appreciate that you may be using that power for good, the fact that you have this power is still an issue for me. I know that I am just a 'minnow' in this place but I feel that if I decide to become a member of a community such as steemit then I should have just as much say in how that community conducts itself as anyone else. I appreciate that some people have been here since the beginning which is why they have been able to gain so much power but the fact that they were here at the beginning gave them the opportunity to build their following before newer users and this should be reward enough I think. As far as those investing in the platfrom I understand that they do so to make a return on their investment but short term and long term investments require different stategies and a fairer, more equal voting and reward system to my mind would attract a steadier stream of new users and be a better long term strategy.

This comment is not given with the intention of recieving an upvote my friend , I am more concerned with the platform becoming a fair and level playing field for all and as a new member it is in my interest for steemit to grow also.

Perhaps my expectations are too high with so much profit to be made but this platform could be something really special i feel as long as we are willing to fight for it because if we do not it will surely go the same way as all of the rest that came before.

I would love to know what your thoughts are.

Thanks again!

Just a pleasure. Come join us on Discord 24/7 at http://steemspeak.com I spend at least 17 hours a day there. Sounds like we could talk for hours :D

I have already joined via the link on your page but on arrival I was intinidated by how technical it looked. :) I had initially intended to respond to you there but changed my mind. I will try to work out how things work later and look forward to speaking to you in future.

Hope your day is going well!

discord is very easy. You can even find the app on your phones app store.

Gaming the system has to stop. Whatever the agreed upon distribution is, and will be, is what we have to work with. I'm relatively new and I see the bloodthirsty greed of people demanding follows for follows, looking to get rich tomorrow.

This platform should look at new members as a country looks at legal immigration. Only a certain number per day per week per month. Otherwise the platform will be overrun and perverted by gold-seekers.

I liked your username, it's pretty accurate here

Thanks, I started using this avi on twitter years ago.

#whaleshares #krcollusion #whaledownvoting #rewardpoolrape Whatever next big man?? Great video!!

Actually take the time to post, read articles and comment. The natural way.

that is the best way.

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