Learning the passion systematically

in Steem Sri Lanka15 days ago

My way of meditating and what actually thought me patience is sewing and crocheting. I learned the basic of crocheting from my grandma and I self-studied the rest. When it comes to sewing, I have a knowledge that I piled up from here and there, and what I had experimented. So I have always been wanting to learn it properly since I like making my own dresses. Even though it was in my mind, I didn't really take any initiative for that until recently.

Settling in my mum's hometown did us great. Everyone welcomed us dearly because they get to see us -who were only visible a few times a year- very frequently now. One such neighbor was renting his place to a seamstress and a friend of my aunty. She is a very kind and lovely lady and when she told that she conducts individual classes and I can select my free times for the classes, I knew immediately that this was the chance to learn what I always wanted to do. It's like my new neighborhood gave me this chance as opportunities don't really fall in front of us without us doing anything.


I arranged the class for the same week itself. I didn't have much time to prepare and luckily I wasn't needed to buy much from outside for the first class. I always have an extra supply of stationeries at home from which I selected what I wanted and bought a piece of cloth from a nearby place.


I like to have nice covers for my books. So I did a quick diy with some printouts.

Nonetheless to say, I am so excited about this whole thing and my lil cover page will show that excitement; "stitch by stich sew (soo) much to love".


Thanks for reading!

Have a nice day!