
Hey @berniesanders, or should I say @thedelegator. Just wanted to stop by and say thank you for having delegated so much Steem Power to @comedyopenmic and for so long. It was greatly appreciated and many people got very nice upvotes thanks to your delegation.

If ever your interested to see what you've helped us build come by our discord channel or check out our weekly round announcement or, since I know you like to laugh, check out the weekly winners post.

The contest has grown substantially thanks to your delegation. And the community thanks you.

Thanks BernieSanders, you're not just the fun guy, you're a great supporter of genuine communities, hope you will continue to come by and enjoy as we slowly and surely grow the tiny #comedyopenmic community, someone fulltime like you on Steem should at least have a laugh once a day on the Steem blockchain

Thank you, BernieSanders. As a community, we really appreciate your support and delegation to @comedyopenmic. We hope you'll stop by and laugh with us from time to time.

Seriously, a big thank you for helping us grow our community and reach something bigger. And your support have led to reach higher places and bigger number of people. On behalf on, creators, judges and contenstance of #comedyopenmic. Thank you.

I have little interest in attempting to understand the dynamics of the rights and wrongs of steemit. For me, my motivation resonates in humor. Without a bit of funny.... what the fuck is Steemit. So I choose not to judge you Bernie. I see your funny. I see a strong desire to shift things here on steemit. Your Delegation to Comedy Open Mic meant something. I, like so many, became motivated to put out whatever our version of funny is. That, my friend is magic. To bring funny in all it’s forms... and allow people to find themselves through it!!! Well I thank you from my dark web heart.
May you continue to support renegade factions!!!

Hello, Mr. Fun Guy!

I know this is in poor taste to post an unrelated link on your post, but I thought you might find this interesting!

As you're crusading against the pseudoscientific TA wielder, @haejin. You might also enjoy looking at the bullshit that is @mandela and @ngos.

It's not making a very big dent, he's making between 1500- 3000 USD a day, yet I'm still extremely grateful to everyone who hasn't given up and sacrifices their voting power and curation rewards to flag.

If a few whales would delegate to the flagging accounts his rewards could be cancelled out. It's not about his content. It's about greed.

If he were using bid bots to get all 10-14 of his daily posts up to 300$ each people would be more active in flagging I think. But because the little weasel pays for his votes off of the blochchain he gets away with it.

Well at least some are taking action, but he makes out he's the victim. He's not winning friends with his bullying tactics. I expect I'll get flagged again

Yeah he went on a flagging rampage yesterday, I even got a couple 100% ers, wear it like a badge of honour, that's less money he can give to himself :) xoxo

It happened again, but not too bad. I'm tempted to post about it, but I'll let others do the work for now

I am not on any one side in this @haejin war, but can anyone explain why is he being flagged?

The language used in the flagging popup is pretty clear what it is to be used for:

Flagging a post can remove rewards and make this material less visible. Some common reasons to flag

Disagreement on rewards
Fraud or Plagiarism
Hate Speech or Internet Trolling
Intentional miss-categorized content or Spam

Maybe I haven't been around long enough, but I haven't seen any fraud/plagiarism, hate speech or trolling and I don't see any miscategorised content/spam. Is there something I am not seeing, or perhaps something that happened months before I joined?

Seems to me that those flagging @haejin are brigading him. Can anyone explain what Haejin did that has warranted this campaign of flagging all of his content on Steemit, is he doing something wrong besides making a tonne of money on Steemit? Maybe it's the "Disagreement on rewards" part people are flagging for?

I am still only new to Steemit (been here four months) and I want to see this place succeed, but feel as though these campaigns against specific Steemians will do more harm than good by discouraging anyone from wanting to climb the ladder if it means eventually they'll have a target on their back.

I disagree with his rewards. He takes thousands a day and gives nothing back. Not that I can make much difference. I really don't care about the content of his posts

Disagreement on rewards. Not that flagging ever needs to be explained. People don’t need to explain upvotes, why should they beed to explain their downvotes?

People really need to get over the ridiculous negative stigma that surrounds downvoting.

The stigma around flagging seems to stem from the fact that it can be abused in itself to brigade Steemit users or be used to negatively affect a user in an unjust way. I have been flagged in retribution myself for flagging low-quality content and the author retaliating and coming and flagging some of my content. It's a flawed aspect of Steemit, at least in my opinion. It has its uses, but it's still a feature of Steemit that can be abused just as much as bots can be used to abuse upvotes.

The conversation on Steemit has definitely revolved around upvotes a lot, in particular, heavy-hitters on Steemit abusing voting bots to push trash to the trending page, which is something I am against wholeheartedly. Bots in themselves are not bad, but Steemians using them to get garbage trending should definitely be flagged and not rewarded.

I am not saying that flags or votes need to be explained, I just wanted to know what the story was with this @haejin situation, I've seen it has been going on for as long as I have been here and possibly longer.

I did some digging on @haejin and after I posted that comment and it seems he is continually raping the reward pool and is a heavy bot abuser. I can understand the frustration that people have with Haejin blatantly disrupting the site and causing serious financial imbalance.

I think this all highlights that Steemit as a platform has some serious platform-level issues that need to be resolved, whether that's a fork or a serious reworking on a code-level, something really needs to change because this platform isn't balanced at all.

I don't particularly support @haejin or know him or particularly care about what he is putting out, but if the platform can't handle someone like him then frankly there is no future for it. Do you think he's the only one in the world who gets on something when he sees a way to make money? The people here like to bitch on Youtube and Facebook not sharing the profits, well how much profit sharing are you happy with on Steemit? Because if you can't actually make a proper living posting here then it won't prosper. Because on Youtube and Twitch people who have a decent number of subscribers do make some thousand dollars for every video. Think Steemit can sustain that? If it can't, well what are we doing here? You have to look at the messaging here, this is the differentiating factor that sets Steemit apart from the others, the entirety of the selling point of the platform is the fact that it's profit shared. The fact that it's on the blockchain and can't be deleted and so forth is a valid proposal, but that's at best a backend feature most people don't actively seek out. Otherwise Facebook and Reddit and Youtube would be in flames right now.

So don't be mad at Haejin. He's doing what was bound to happen. Be more mad at insane people like this @berniesanders guy or @madpuppy and the likes of them, who unilaterally decide to abuse people with their Steem Power. Just look at this thread, berniesanders and his despicable posse nuked my comment gloating how I have a dead account. You want more of that? Like the real world isn't already full enough of rich people abusing others and basically get away with it. And then you have all the poor people in the world desperate to make money somehow for such lofty pursuits as you know, paying for rent and food. So if you want to do something about that, the platform has to address the wealth inequality in some technical form, otherwise it's basically there to be abused by bots, and people to be abused by whales.

I've never felt such real bullying on a platform before man. You bet I wouldn't be talking like this if I had an account with something to lose. What do you think a psychopath like @berniesanders is not gonna stalk me and just punish me for weeks on end, costing me real money? Like I'm gonna risk my fucking rent money talking shit at a powerful psychopath? Whereas on Reddit or Facebook you report the fucker and block him like bitch whatever lol. Until I see something that addresses this I'm gonna say I don't care about your bot issue dawg, especially not when it's used to upvote stuff that is definitely of objective worth, and many bots are already swinging that way.

@seekanddestroy is on the @abusereports blacklist for being a bad Steemian! Bad spammer, bad!

Fucking lol, so much for abusereports. Look at my profile, I literally didn't post anything before this and yet I'm a spammer. Who watches the watchers indeed. The abuse watchdogs are the abusers here.

@seekanddestroy is on the @abusereports blacklist for being a bad Steemian! Bad spammer, bad!

It is THE flaw of Steemit. Technically nothing can ever be truly deleted on this platform - which is the second big flaw imo, just you wait until someone drops a motherload of child pornography on here and even big boy sanders up here can flag it all he wants it doesn't change the fact that it's THERE for other pedos to happily look at. But fuckers like this guy up here, or indeed any moneyed entity that wants to directly manipulate the flow of information is free to do so. Imagine if Steemit was as big as Reddit or Facebook, or the both of them combined, i.e. THE social forum of the internet. What's stopping the Chinese Communist party from buying a billion bucks worth of Steem and go to town downvoting every single mention of something negative pertaining to their government. Or Microsoft does the same and goes around flagging every open source project developer on the net, to make sure they have shit reputation and no one's ever gonna see their posts. Or literally any organised abuse like that. Sure if there's literally billions of people on the platform they can counter it, maybe. But what the fuck is 15 SP little guy gonna do about it? You would need hundreds of thousands of little guy upvotes just to counter one big fat downvote by a cashed up lunatic and his psychopath friends.

It's basically like this platform was made for information control and bullying.

Downvotes here are like punching someone in the face, it carries a real punishment and you better believe you should explain yourself. To even think these two are in the same category.

Here's the ridiculous negative stigma around downvoting: you just put a bunch of work into something and post it up, and some guy comes along, blathering about things like reward pool and rules and whatnot, and hits you with like -10 dollars of a downvote for reasons that only make sense in their own retarded brain. When that happens to you, then you'll understand the ridiculous negative stigma around it.

Eat shit motherfucker. That's the only thing you can do.

@seekanddestroy is on the @abusereports blacklist for being a bad Steemian! Bad spammer, bad!

Hi, I'm @berniesanders and all I do is post crap post about haejin. So interesting.

Who is delegating all that SP?

Who the fuck is this guy?

Haejin's fucking buttbuddy

"In political systems, a good mechanism is one that helps remove the bad guy; it's not about what to do or who to put in. For the bad guy can cause more harm than the collective actions of good ones." (Nassim Nicholas Taleb, "Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder")

"the art of the legislator is limited to the prevention of everything that might prevent the development of their [members of the assembly] liberty and their intelligence."
(Jon Elster, "Preventing Mischief")

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