
I just learned Trevon has $1,000,000 worth account on here and just made a new video talking about having to do “sneaky stuff” so that he can profit from platform. That is a lot of steem power, he would probably rather not have to do “sneaky stuff”, maybe Bernie you can make as deal with him in exchange for helping with your main cause. Just a thought.

So Steemit Just Pumped Bcause of

James's BCC ?


perhabs not just remove ALL of the post, and just add the new updated lines in your post instead?

this doesnt explain alot, only spread confusion...

its not like it can be "un-resteemed"....

for those not knowing, this post was about everyone using @upmewhale would be flagged, as it was supported by the known scammer @trevonjames

I was wondering where "SNEAKY" Trevon parked his "scammed" $ 1,000,000!

What happened?

I thought this was the real trevon?

Ah fuck fuck both bro lol

That is the real one.

Wow. Are you serious about this? I never thought and no one has ever said this... well as I always say, @berniesanders is nothing but the voice of the voiceless Steemians. I never thought about this ever , why on earth will some people behind some bot wants to ruin what an individual has labored for, especially the minnows that believe so much in using upvote bots especially when they’re no encouragement {ie. Upvotes on their posts} so ignorantly using some bots is doing more harm than they think it is doing good. Thanks @berniesanders for this information.

I totally see where you are coming from, as I do with the @grumpycat project, but i feel sorry for the accounts not lucky enough to see this post today (and maybe the occasions you gave this info out) - it is the first time i've seen it and I do follow you.

As with the likes of @sneaky-ninja, I've argued with them and their supporters that it is the unwitting accounts that are being punished for their

  • ego
  • lack of coding skills

While they escape with the SBDs of their clients.

So many new users each week are unlikely to see the warnings and I feel sorry for them.

Totally bummed out with the scammers/vote colluders/generally fuckery here right now.

Throw some good news out Bernie, if there is any! Cheers!

It would be nice if there were a couple of days notice to have a chance to resteem this and get it out to as many people as possible first before the bloodshed begins. Like you, I do see the merits and its good to see people act with passion and the genuine concern of the the whole ecosystem in mind. I know its fornthe greater good, but I also know care must be taken. There will be people out there working their bollocks off just to pay the rent at the end of the month. The platform is about empowerment, not revenge.

Yup. Even if everyone saw this post, what about next week's users?

It's an impossible task keeping everyone in every loop, and at the end of the day it's the 'wrong' accounts being punished for someone else's mistakes/actions/lack of actions.

Sadly, we only have nukes to weed out out the wronguns!

excellent, the boy bernie got it sorted...common sense and decency has prevailed it seems :-)

PS #illflagthefuckoutofyou ought to be awarded the weekly tag of the week award!

@abh12345 Careful, he may flag you for having a different opinion. I agree that going after unwitting users is out of line.

It's certainly far from ideal, but what are the other options?

Currently, we have the sledgehammer to crack a nut!

Yeah, but other users that get hit may leave, not what we want, or they may retaliate, also not what we want. Either way, I'm out; there is no way I can support this guy after he wiped out a weeks worth of my work for which no upvote bots were used; proving once again that honest hard work does not pay. His willingness to indiscriminately flag goes too far I think.

I just saw a post of yours with an acoustic set flagged to zero... how did that happen?

P.S. He even changed the Title and content of the original post in which he made the announcement, but I have screen shots.

berniesanders announced he was going after upvote bot users instead of the the upvote bot. I don't agree as it's unfair to new Steemians. So now he trained his bots on me so I get 20 down votes on every post even though I don't use upvote bots. As a little side note, berniesanders uses bots to upvote even his own comments. I'm powering down; I don't need this ...., but I will post the evidence on another platform.

Sorry to hear about this, you were just unlucky and suffered due to the lack of action by the bidbot - which was aware of your potential punishment, and took your SBD anyway.

Bernie and bots keep flagging my posts so there is no point in sticking around, I wasn't just unlucky, this is permanent. I'll take all my video elsewhere. Have a good one.

Handling is cool! and something being addressed is awesome!:)

thanks for sharing a blog........i like this post.........keep it up............

Wow, shared this on and resteemed. Thank you for the info @berniesanders also thanks for all the great work you do for this community.


This has been addressed as well.


success always and hopefully useful Make everyone, hopefully I can be like you

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