STEEM the Best Investment into Q1 2018

in #steem7 years ago

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Having dumped my STEEM a while back in order to buy more EOS turned out to be a wonderful investment move. EOS went up a few hundred percent during a period where STEEM did nothing. However, because my old computer was hacked, I did lose all my EOS!!! That said, the investment strategy was sound.

I have missed the move from 7k to 10k in Bitcoin, and so over the last week I have considered how to reposition myself into crypto to see the largest gain with the least downside.

I still think EOS and BTC are great buys even at current prices, but I also believe riding EOS down 40% during a BTC crash is possible. BTC has also always been willing to crash 25% or so on us. This has caused me to be reticent to invest into these vehicles because I would like to see a major market pull-back first. As I was thinking what to buy, two days ago, it occurred to me!

The best buy with minimal downside is STEEM. A month or so ago, I did not really like STEEM that much because there were better buys out there. Now that the market has rallied, leaving STEEM in the dust, and now that we are nearing 2018 when we might see Smart Media Tokens implemented, STEEM is primed for over a 100% increase in value.


Notice the price level at which long-term buyers come into the market to support prices. This is the same activity I look for in the best investment situations I have ever seen such as BTC in 2015 at $200, or NAV Coin in early 2017 at 3.5 cents.

When you have a rally, followed by a low in the market, and the market has lost all interest in the coin, but long-term buyers are supporting a price level and accumulating big time, this is the best place to buy!!!

The chart plus the upcoming news events says it all. My minimum price target is $2.50 . I believe $5 is within reason. 1 bil market cap for STEEM once SMTs are implemented is not unreasonable.

The risk to the downside might be something like STEEM at 80 cents, which is cheap and it wont likely stay there for 12 months. The upside is a possible $5 USD. This creates an exceptional risk / reward profile.

STEEM better than SBD and better than Tether - for a Store of Value

In this rare situation, I consider STEEM a better store of value here than SBD or even Tether.

SBD is priced well above $1 USD meaning it will eventually crash back below $1 USD during the next major cryptocurrency downturn.

Also, Tether, while very good at holding to $1 USD, it carries the risk of banking centralization with the Hong Kong organization that operates it. This is a risk many of us are willing to put up with since it mirrors the dollar so well. Certainly, it is usually better to own some Tether than ride your favorite investment down 30%.

But with STEEM behaving as it has been, and with the way the cryptocurrency market has behaved, I personally believe STEEM has less downside risk on average than Tether at this point, since it is a decentralized system, with long-term buyers supporting the price for a future move higher.

BTC Donate: 12EjwZZow8LtsmqmVbwc9VV2Suo3tiEPLg
ETH Donate: 0xCCa7DD999f3F0CBb890861Ce5577b44102Fa4319
EOS Donate: 0xCCa7DD999f3F0CBb890861Ce5577b44102Fa4319
NAV Donate: NNvpuRvL2dMDtUhsTwvTDG2bbG4QbSwm75


I’m with you. Really like steem here and agree it seems to have a floor around .80 cents.

You make some great points. Very little risk with Steem, but great potential on the upside. Lets hope it comes to fruition, because I've been holding Steem this whole time and I lost a decent value compared to if I had just held BTC.

I feel sorry for you bro, thanks for this post. If you don't mind, I still dont get how to register your public EOS address, i bought mine on Changelly and I am using an offline wallet. Is there other easiest way to do this? Do you think EOS will go back again to $1?

No, I doubt EOS will ever touch $1 USD again. You need to find some tutorials online on how to register the public EOS key. Alternatively, you could sell your EOS before the network goes live, and rebuy after it goes live, prices may vary during that period, but this is an option.

Thanks for your advice. Eagerly waiting for your next video on top 100 currencies. Also you have identified some very good coins and they have given multiple times return. I started reading your blog late and missed their uptrend. Do share something on hidden gems which you identify with your research like nav and eos so that your new followers can also make similar profits as old ones. Thanks a lot.

Thanks, i will try since there is long way to go.. Maybe Exchanges have preregistered EOS addresses(ill do research on this), what about below $3 do you think it will before ICO ends? Also thanks for your recommendation on NAV, following you also on Youtube.

what about qash, do u think it is good investment

Did a small amount of research, this one is a tough call as to whether it is good. It is already trading as if it had 1 billion market cap, meaning its upside potential may be limited unless the technology + useful implementation is phenomenal. 12 bil in annual market transactions... it's actually a very small amount of transactions for whatever they were talking about.

I was not convinced by the little research I did, but I didn't research enough to have a very informed viewpoint. Personally, I'd rather own a world currency, not a token linked with an exchange where that exchange is owned and operated by one company.

Great Post, but I practice DCA or Dollar Cost Averaging, which is a LOT Safer, and usually more profitable for the crypto-investor (see what I did there!) DCA is HODL on Steroids, and very safe in an overall Bull Market. As the market rises, you hold on to your coins, and buy on a schedule. Suppose one invests $100 in fiat every week, regardless of prices. If prices are low, you get more cryptos, and if prices are high, you get a bit less but you do not have to try and guess the ups or downs. You buy regardless! This is mostly for the readers, I'm sure you have heard of it @crypto-investor. Anyone practicing DCA with nearly any major or mid-level coins in the past year has MADE MONEY!

PS: Follow for you, C-I!

Having a strategy and sticking to it, is something I believe in. Good job.

I am happy I moved a bit over to EOS as well :)

desktop wallets to hold steem? (windows)

Sorry to hear you got hacked man, thats a bummer. You are one of the few cryptomans that i respect and follow, best of lucks! ;)

no, I wouldn't suggest a desktop wallet... either put it in a STEEM account and power it up to prevent an attack, or hold it in an exchange with 2 factor authentication. If neither of those then find if anyone does paper wallets / offline generated wallets for STEEM.

Loved the target price. Can't wait to see us back up the top.

I am looking into SALT. The concept seems sounds but what do you think about it?

I did do a video where I covered SALT. If I recall based upon my research, I thought the concept was OK, it is not like my favorite crypto investment, but as a means of diversifying crypto holdings, I think SALT was ok for owning something besides standard crypto.

should i sell eos now and buy it later or just ride it

Hang on to EOS, I would not sell it. I believe there will be an EOS crash at some point here, but the bottom of that crash may be a higher price level than $3.

So you are saying than 3$ is a good buying price for EOS? I can't believe it is still part of the ICO, where is EOS going after launch? To the moon I guess

eos is a pump and dump right now. Just like steem when it first came out but eos got twice the amount as steem and pump out more eos everyday. I would sell now or it would go to 25cent.

Hope it does go to 25 cents, but I don't think it will. EOS is like Ethereum when Ethereum was still $8. EOS could surpass Ethereum in market cap if the application developers for google play store ect. build on their technology. EOS is the only technology that can be built atop of for app programming because of the smart contracting throughput speed. 1 million transactions per second on-chain, and sub 3 second response time.

@dang007 You perhaps do not understand that EOS has already solved the Scaling Issue that all others are still grappling with? Are you informed about EOS' technology? Otherwise why give bad advice to those who only know about the price and token distribution? That would be a disservice to others.