
Hey Sir @dimimp
Have you forgotten me or do you have a special plans for me based on my liquid steem equivalent to delegation ?

I have been anticipating your post about the list of video team members

Well while waiting, I decided to shoot and edit @eddie23 spoken word content with my little mobile Android phone since i did not have funds to get a good camera that shoots in 4k.


I am happy to know you like the unprofessional produced work and will be happy to give in my best. Eg. Recording a better audio, and shooting a better outdoor video.

Spoken word is a very unique way of reaching the youths online. We can get more people if we get a good production.

With 1000steem, we can get a very good Audio and creative video production for this Unique Spoken word

Artist and brand management, online and media Promotion, Video Production and Event Planing. In my offline world, this is what i can do best

Pls i will still like to have my steem so i can solve urgent/pressing issues offline. Though i have a lot of newbies from steemcamp who survive by my upvotes.

Thank you @dimimp

Hello boss of steemjet @dimimp.
Hope you are doing good.
This is @ninoh22.

Here we come with @steemjetcartoon.
@steemjetcartoon was initiated by @ninoh22 and supported by @kristenantai01 , @thompson2 and some other members of steemjet like @shrazi will be in this great team in feature, because of his superstar talent in making cartoon illustration.


Since steemjet is now moving in a new dimension, video and music. This account was created to hunt for talented steemjetters which have the talent in making cartoon videos. As we all know that you are always busy with somethings , that is why we want to make your work easier. All what we want is your approval and go ahead. The main aim of this account as been written in the introduction post.

Here is the link to the introduction post.

Boss as part of our duties, we are here to announce to you that the 3D video for Olivia and the superstar video is finally out here by @ninoh22

Here is the link to the video

Boss @dimimp am proud to announce to you that the 3D video of our dear Olivia and the superstar video is finally out here.
I know the months you spent writing this lovely story just to teach us that kids maybe smarter than their parents.
Now that the aims of steemjet is to go into video and music, here is the first official video of steemjet by @ninoh22 and @Kristenantai01 for the audio narration assisted by @thompson2 and @oyec.

This is the full 3D video for Olivia and superstar story written by @dimimp, all the 2D illustrations was done by @shrazi from page 1 to 48.

This 3D illustrations was done by @ninoh22 and assisted by @thompson2.


@kristenantai01 did the video narration, she traveled down to western part of Nigeria for the collaboration of this video and assisted by @oyec, they all worth to be compensate by @dimimp.

@dimimp sir,
You promised to give me 2000 liquid steem after when I complete this video. I will like you to know that the deep fall of steem really affected me in the production of this 3D video. Please sir, I will like you to increase the amount to 3600 steem, so as to proof how much you love what have done for you sir. If you can pay 4800 steem for 2d illustrations by @shrazi when steem was still valuable. I don't know the reason why you won't be able to pay 3600 steem for 3D full video regardless of the current price of steem which am sure you are aware of.

Proof the same @dimimp that funded @shrazi illustrations with 4800 steem and fund my 3D video with 3600 steem, I don't mind if is even more than what I requested for. As you do tell us, that :

"show me what you have done and I will fund you."


Few month ago @shrazi make an animation of the full story in which you paid him $200 in Upvote per page 48*200 = $9600 upvote , and he was given 4800 liquid steem (pure mathematics 😂) .
This real shows how much you love this story by spending 4800 liquid steem in pictures, I can't just imagine how much you will wish to spend on video , times 2 of the fund (9600 liquid steem) ?
This is why requesting for 3600 steem or more for this 3D video is not much.

Sir @dimimp here is the link to @kritenantai01 request for the voice over for the 3D video.

Request for the first official 3D video
  1. 3600 liquid steem for @ninoh22
  2. Promotion to space force 1 (#sf1)
  3. 1500 liquid for @kristenantia01 for compensation for the clear and professional voice over with different voice .
  4. Compensation of 500 steem each for @thompson2 and @oyec for assisting for the success of the 3D video

That is the list of the request for the first official 3D video with full HD and professional voice over.

Am very sure this request is what you can do. For @dimimp to give 4800 steem to shrazi for the pictures, you can give more than that for the 3D video.


What will be the essence of making 3D video for the kids?
We want the kids to learn and know that, they may be smarter than their parents.
This video will really help the kids if we can publish this video.

My plan to publish this video, is to place it on Digital Satellite Television [DSTV]. On this DSTV we have many cartoon stations which the kids love to watch, like Cartoon Network channel 301 , Boomerang channel 302 , Nickelodeon channel 305 , Cbeebies channel 306 and Disney channel 309.

All this channels kids love to watch cartoon.
I will like to know if you have interest in publishing this video on this channels by replying , so I can make enquiry for it.
Am sure kids will love watching this videos on DSTV channels.

As you said, that we should love your words, I know you love the kids and you will be happy to see the kids smiling, kids are also happy when watching 3D cartoon videos this is why I love to make this happen.

I will be very happy if all my request can be grant on to me sir as this is the first official 3D video of steemjet. Please also visit @Kristenantai01 request for the voice over in different sounds.
I will keep on working for the betterment of the community. I love steemjet community.

Boss @dimimp in addition to my request I will also like you to sponsor me to Poland for steemfest to learn more about crypto, so as to be smart as much as Olivia


Hi @dimimp

It feels so good to be a member of this community and work towards her goal but i must confess it feels discouraging been ignored and all your efforts treated as insignificant.

I've been here for a while working today with @kristenantai01, @mathemandy, @vheobong and @kekegist, we have done everything possible to produce quality video and audio contents for steemjet using @steemjetmedia platform.

I feel so pained that despite all our efforts, we as a department received the lowest fund but still went ahead to make good use of it not minding our personal interest. Our proposal was ignored while others were been approved and funded.

We have made a request for SP delegation for @steemjetmedia account and made it clear the purpose for that account but as usual we've been ignored over and over again while other accounts gets delegated.

As individuals in @steemjetmedia, we have never received anything reasonable in steem despite all the effort we've put in, not even a promotion and it makes us wondering if it's all worth it.

We were assigned to @kristenantai01 to achieve a goal and we worked tirelessly to achieve it but we end up getting less attention and less fund.

This is a plead that you reconsider our stance.

Thank you

steem high you have missed mine please help me

Hello boss of steemjet @dimimp.
Hope you are doing good.
This is @ninoh22.

Here we come with @steemjetcartoon.
@steemjetcartoon was initiated by @ninoh22 and supported by @kristenantai01 , @thompson2 and some other members of steemjet like @shrazi will be in this great team in feature, because of his superstar talent in making cartoon illustration.


Since steemjet is now moving in a new dimension, video and music. This account was created to hunt for talented steemjetters which have the talent in making cartoon videos. As we all know that you are always busy with somethings , that is why we want to make your work easier. All what we want is your approval and go ahead. The main aim of this account as been written in the introduction post.

Here is the link to the introduction post.

Boss as part of our duties, we are here to announce to you that the 3D video for Olivia and the superstar video is finally out here by @ninoh22

Here is the link to the video

Boss @dimimp am proud to announce to you that the 3D video of our dear Olivia and the superstar video is finally out here.
I know the months you spent writing this lovely story just to teach us that kids maybe smarter than their parents.
Now that the aims of steemjet is to go into video and music, here is the first official video of steemjet by @ninoh22 and @Kristenantai01 for the audio narration assisted by @thompson2 and @oyec.

This is the full 3D video for Olivia and superstar story written by @dimimp, all the 2D illustrations was done by @shrazi from page 1 to 48.

This 3D illustrations was done by @ninoh22 and assisted by @thompson2.


@kristenantai01 did the video narration, she traveled down to western part of Nigeria for the collaboration of this video and assisted by @oyec, they all worth to be compensate by @dimimp.

@dimimp sir,
You promised to give me 2000 liquid steem after when I complete this video. I will like you to know that the deep fall of steem really affected me in the production of this 3D video. Please sir, I will like you to increase the amount to 3600 steem, so as to proof how much you love what have done for you sir. If you can pay 4800 steem for 2d illustrations by @shrazi when steem was still valuable. I don't know the reason why you won't be able to pay 3600 steem for 3D full video regardless of the current price of steem which am sure you are aware of.

Proof the same @dimimp that funded @shrazi illustrations with 4800 steem and fund my 3D video with 3600 steem, I don't mind if is even more than what I requested for. As you do tell us, that :

"show me what you have done and I will fund you."


Few month ago @shrazi make an animation of the full story in which you paid him $200 in Upvote per page 48*200 = $9600 upvote , and he was given 4800 liquid steem (pure mathematics 😂) .
This real shows how much you love this story by spending 4800 liquid steem in pictures, I can't just imagine how much you will wish to spend on video , times 2 of the fund (9600 liquid steem) ?
This is why requesting for 3600 steem or more for this 3D video is not much.

Sir @dimimp here is the link to @kritenantai01 request for the voice over for the 3D video.

Request for the first official 3D video
  1. 3600 liquid steem for @ninoh22
  2. Promotion to space force 1 (#sf1)
  3. 1500 liquid for @kristenantia01 for compensation for the clear and professional voice over with different voice .
  4. Compensation of 500 steem each for @thompson2 and @oyec for assisting for the success of the 3D video

That is the list of the request for the first official 3D video with full HD and professional voice over.

Am very sure this request is what you can do. For @dimimp to give 4800 steem to shrazi for the pictures, you can give more than that for the 3D video.


What will be the essence of making 3D video for the kids?
We want the kids to learn and know that, they may be smarter than their parents.
This video will really help the kids if we can publish this video.

My plan to publish this video, is to place it on Digital Satellite Television [DSTV]. On this DSTV we have many cartoon stations which the kids love to watch, like Cartoon Network channel 301 , Boomerang channel 302 , Nickelodeon channel 305 , Cbeebies channel 306 and Disney channel 309.

All this channels kids love to watch cartoon.
I will like to know if you have interest in publishing this video on this channels by replying , so I can make enquiry for it.
Am sure kids will love watching this videos on DSTV channels.

As you said, that we should love your words, I know you love the kids and you will be happy to see the kids smiling, kids are also happy when watching 3D cartoon videos this is why I love to make this happen.

I will be very happy if all my request can be grant on to me sir as this is the first official 3D video of steemjet. Please also visit @Kristenantai01 request for the voice over in different sounds.
I will keep on working for the betterment of the community. I love steemjet community.

Boss @dimimp in addition to my request I will also like you to sponsor me to Poland for steemfest to learn more about crypto, so as to be smart as much as Olivia


Hello @dimimp!

In the Spirit of my BIRTHDAY, which is today,
I have decided to dedicate my latest street photography series specially to steemjet.
This Series features a part of Lagos, Nigeria. I specially did this series at a rail track to help give my viewers a good understanding of how Lagos is like. Although I had some restictions due to the fact that this series was done with my mobile phone.
I hope you'll like it Sir, If you do, you could send me some steem as a Birthday present. I will be highly grateful Sir.

THANK YOU for your candid love and support for Steemjet Photography Department

#SF3 #SteemjetPhotography


Steemjet Photography

Street Series


Sir @dimimp, it is with great vigour and renewed enthusiasm that we write this post. If you recall, you sent to us quite the sum in terms of funds to startup the STEEMJETMOVIESTARS (@steemjetm-stars) some weeks back which we really appreciated and put to good use. As soon as we got the budget, the team purchased all necessary equipments.

First Video:

Second Video:

If you take a good comparison between the two videos above, you will agree with me that the second video is of high quality graphically and this was as a result of the improved video gear your magnanimous funding aided us with. This shows that the startup funds which you, sir @dimimp disbursed to us was put into great utilization. However sir, like the team at STEEMJETMOVIESTARS always believe, "our best is yet to come".

With constuctive criticism and words of advice, it is of no doubt we can surely tune into the dance of perfection and alas, achieve stardom.

We at STEEMJETMOVIESTARS want a scenario where our videos are top notch and at the head of the pack but we have come across a challenging aspect of our production, which is the audio quality, that is in dire need of attention and improvement as you'll agree with me that the audio in the second video is not of high quality, and since, we at STEEMJETMOVIESTARS want our output to be clearcut and definitively up to HD standards at our very best, we need your help in getting better audio/sounding equipments to get high audio quality.

Once we can get a better audio quality, we move on to the next hurdle. Our next hurdle, sir @dimimp is that, we at STEEMJETMOVIESTARS want our videos to be on the trending page. Once our video can be on the trending page, it is glaring that more Steemit users would see our videos because the team would ensure to make a habit of continually creating world class contents and that being done on a regular basis so there's never a moment on the trending page that steemit users wont get to see a post from us. Through such initiative, more attention would be drawn to steemjet, and that of the big guns (whales) inclusive. Thus, we are asking for the STEEMJETMOVIESTARS Steemit account (@steemjetm-stars) to be delegated with some steem power sir.

Cost analysis here:

Cost for audio quality: 1200 STEEM
Steem power: 35000 STEEM POWER

Sir @dimimp, the members of STEEMJETMOVIESTARS has and would continue to work non-stop to produce high quality videos, and even with our "not up to standard" equipments,it would not still be a dampener to our resolve because we see this as our duty and a burden which we're reasily carrying. On that note, we do humbly request that you promote the STEEMJETMOVIESTARS members into various positions on the steemjet spaceforce. We feel that we deserve this, considering how we have caused awareness in our locality with our STEEMJETMOVIESTARS videos. Also, this promotion would act as more incentives to enable us to continue dropping top notch videos that would bring the world to steemjet.

"On the wings of superstars, we are making changes"


@bateren (CEO)
@okipeter (actor)
@chukychuky (actor)
@tonerochi (actor)
@brunorich (actor)
@ced000 (script writer)
@jovee (actor)
@kally (actor)
@eghe21 (videographer)
@joshuaedoja SF3 (supporter)
@kilatunzii SF3 (supporter and video editor )

Please look into this, sir @dimimp

Finally created an excellent logo for the Steemjet Records with quality creativity and colour.

Steemjet Records With The Gold !!!






Black and White Versions


Thank you @dimimp and I'll be expecting your confirmation of my entry

I am also requesting for a promotion sir and some steem bath. I believe you will be happy with my works.


This is my entry for Steemjet Records Logo Contest.

steemjet rec-02.jpg

steemjet rec-01.jpg

steemjet rec-03.jpg

stj rce mock.jpg



steemjetrecords logo-01-01.jpg

steemjetrecords 2233.jpg


gold-letterpress-logo-mockup src.jpg

steemjet rec moc.jpg

new 2.jpg



Now the clocks hand seems to be turning towards my direction. Sir @dimimp i have you on my Gina bot for about one months now as i see your activities and post from time to time. Is now i come to understand the aim of steemjet. I was seeing global adoption everywhere but all I ever understands that steemjet does was to design. Initially i do see graphic designs of varying sizes, nature and colors. Majority were wonderful but i don't know how to design that's why i decided to hide my face. I never wanted to get anything from you somthing that i can't show or account for as my conscience seems to fight me always anytime i want to do so.

Now that the clocks hand is turning towards my direction. The aim of steemjet has changed this time it changes to my lifestyle. It changes to what i enjoy doing teaching, dancing. Sir @dimimp I'm up to teach crypto ideas to the young once.

I am @gabowisdy.


Sir, this are brothers and sisters from the same parents. Have started a house to house tutorial with kids. What i intend to do is that i visit families the parents that thumbs up to me educating their wards with crypto knowledge i visit the children in school and the children visits me at home. I make it look like a return match kindda. Below are my first cash.


This is a picture of me and my first set of students at school.


And this one below is a picture of me and them at home.


They are brilliant all they needed was exposure and I'm ready to expose them to steemjet aim. I have nothing to offer to them in form of gift anyway... Some of their teachers picked interest, i do teach them and have invited few of them to steemit eg is @amaragod and @mfon

Sir @dimimp I'm showing you this in a small scale i will get a large scale once i can crytoteach 200 families and above. Will unleash my other work so far to you just thought it wise to be among your cabinet first.


steem high you have missed mine please help me

Good day to you sir @dimimp.

As we all know steemjet is going places. Steemjet has impacted in the lives of many steemians positively. But mostly on the lives of the talented ones making the untalented ones feel left out as they ain't good in arts, music or dancing.. So hindering them from contesting on any of your contest.

And that is why today we bring to you @steemjetuntalent. Steemjet untalent is here to help curate and encourage post of people who don't have the talent to make their works perfect. We are here to let them know that with steemjet, everyone is a superstar.

Presently there is a contest been organised by the steemjet account for untalented people and you can read about it here.

And that is why we are requesting for a delegation of 20k sp in other to be able to curate and encourage untalented post on steemjet.

Here is out introductory post

We await your reply..Thank you.

Here're my entries boss..



This is editing not a LOGO.

MY BosS first I respect you. sir here of steem force many member don't khow graphics design like me. Many member can't join logo contest. But all of member know editing.

I wish if you give a contest of editing or others?


Thank you @dimimp

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