5 Reasons Why You're Not Famous on Steemit Yet!

in #steem7 years ago


Welcome to Steemit new comers and veterans! There are a few thing's I have noticed that is necessary to become "famous" here on this platform.

Why People Start

Many people start Steemit for various reasons; the biggest reason is for money. Everyone want's to make money, and there's nothing wrong with having that as your motivation. You have to keep in mind that Steemit is a social media platform built for blogs, this means the content posted needs to be original, interesting and good quality.

There are millions of bloggers online, you can just search blog and Google will bring up a bunch for you. Steemit, on the other hand, is a blogging platform that is decentralized and catered to the crypto community.

Since many users who join Steem have never had experience in blogging before have difficulty succeeding on the platform.

Here is a list of five reasons why you're not famous on Steem yet!

[1] - Consistancy

Many, if not all, new users are inconsistent in content creation. Most of the content created I see by beginners is made the first day, and if they see, they only made ten cents they don't post again for weeks. Some people are posting only once a week, and that is not enough to keep the audience engaged unless that once a week content is mind blowing every time you will not get a following.

You need to create a schedule for the days you will post, as a beginner aim to post at least three times a week. Onc you get the hang of writing, move onto posting every day.

Posting every day will get an audience built for you and your content will be spread across the platform, so there's a higher chance of it being noticed by others.

[2] - Quality

I see users posting the same thing over and over again. I have even seen new comers copy and paste articles they find online and hope to build an audience like that. Little do they know of Cheetah, she will go around and catch your plagiarism.

Aside from plagiarism, I usually see very poorly written content that took no effort, grammar mistakes, spelling errors also. When you write a post, write it in a manner that this post is going to take up five minutes of a persons time and I want to make it worth their time!

[3] - Activity

Another integral part of being on Steemit is being active, just posting everyday quality content is not going to cut it. You need to read others posts and interact with comments that create conversation and debate.

Posting comment's saying "nice post check mine out," is not going to work either! All your going to get from a comment like that is a "thank you, " and that's the end of it. Do not be brain dead, post criticism and feed back to other users.

Make friends in the Steemit chat, beware of scammers also. Never give away your password. Making friends helps grow your audience and network with other users.

[4] - Social Media and Promoting

Many people forget the power of traditional social media, that is why Steemit has a built in tool to share your post on Facebook, Twitter, and Linked In. You need to take advantage of these tools, once you post onto Steemit share it on your social media platforms also. Using Facebook can reach out to people who don't use Steem, and they may end up joining too.

My favorite way to get more views is to promote my blog by using the promote button at the bottom of the blog. You can click it and put in as much Steem as you want, and your post will be listed in the promoted section. Promoting is very healthy for the Steemit community because it put money back into the economy of Steem rather than paying for a Facebook ad.

Another method is paying account who do resteems for 2 SBD or less; they usually have thousands of followers that are kind of active. When these accounts resteem, it gives a bit of a boost to your post.

[5] - Invest into Steemit

Spending personal capital into Steemit is important, this increases the market cap of the coin and elevate the demand for the currency as well. These two things increase the value of the coin, so this makes you and I more money!

Putting your own money into the Steemit wallet will power up your account, this power up will increase your reputation. When your reputation is higher the better, the chances are that someone will read your posts! We all want our posts to be seen so we can make more money too.

Another benefit of powering up your account is when you upvote a comment or post your upvote is worth more. If your account has 100,000 SBD, then your 100% upvote will be in the tens of dollars. Higher reputation can make other users earn money, and you can upvote your content to make money too!

Action Plan

Start to implement these five things, and you will see a difference in followers and money being made. More people will follow you and eventually you will get famous on here! Once you're famous, you know what that means, money!

In the comment section below, discuss what tips and tricks you use already.

Please give this an upvote and resteem if this benefitted you so that others can improve also! Follow me for more posts that are similar.


Respect! I followed you here from your comment on my post and I love your profile. But this post ist just totally on point. You have a very keen eye for details and styling. I love that and do it myself. You are so good I feel a bit emberrased but here are a few tips to hustle even harder:

  • Use more space above and below your graphic deviders to give your text room to breath; either with html or I use transparent graphics for that.
  • Center your GIFs: while your images are all perfectly filling the width the GIFs come in a smaller resolution and are aligned left
  • Use bold and italic within your paragraph blocks to highlight a few things but use it lightly

Do you think that many people actually look into the promoted tab?


Stupendous advice. I am a huge fan of illustrated blog posts.

Following you as you seem to have the visual aspects of a post down pat. Not to mention the step by step guide. Thank You!

I truly appreciate it Flauwy! This is what I love, I have been wanting feedback for a long time now on what to improve, I will implement those things right away into my next posts! Hahah, I have learned from the best, I try to make my quality somewhere near yours. It's hard to keep up with your quality of posts especially with the animations!

I like to think the promoted tab helps a bit, I usually do it to put some money through the system to keep the promoted tab working and you usually get a pretty good upvote from Promoted too. Most posts get lost in promoted ahah.

Thanks man, I appreciate your praising words. But you don't have to hide behind me, your content is top notch and I am sure you will make it big here. I am so happy for you that @fulltimegeek saw my resteem of your post and upvoted it. If you ever want to create together let me know. It is more fun that way and crazy opportunities arise.

I had the same thought, I never see collaborations here on Steemit yet. Maybe we can set a new trend and eventually to help new Steem users to grow!

I have a pretty good memory too haha, I have done some memory training also. I usually do memorization of pages from a book, word for word memorizing. I eventually got the book called "How to Develop a Brilliant Memory Week by Week" By Dominic O'Brien, I started using his methods and they are very similar to yours also. He would compete in memory competitions and came first place many times.

I know him. We met many times. He is the 8x World Memory Champion. Impressive person but we stand on different positions what is good for memory sports.

I just looked in the promoted tab for the first time today and there were not many posts and some were months old. Not getting it.

It is a rubbish feature. I never look into it.

lol - I believe you!

However, IF you use the function, there is a bot that will upvote your post automatically. It is called @promoted I think. The Steem Power is not as high to cover your costs but it will give back about 30% of your investment. That doesn't make that function better but it eases the mind a bit to know you get at least something back.

Hmm. I still think the upgoat would be better. I'm not using it until the 6th day anyway. So tricky to get noticed here!

Yes, most of it I like to do.

Keep at it, you will get better at writing too so your posts will become more popular as well.

"Another integral part of being on Steemit is being active, just posting everyday quality content is not going to cut it. You need to read others posts and interact with comments that create conversation and debate."

I missed out on this for nearly a year! I kept writing, but never bother commenting.

Please people. Comment. Interact. Make friends like a human. It works.

Thanks @distress2success

Thank you! Im trying to get out of that habbit as well, sometimes we become so focused on creating content and forget to interact with others ahaha.

Yep! And don't even call it networking or whatever. It's just making friends!

I agree I miss used that term, the reality is, it's just making new friends. Some are caught up in the "money" factor of the platform and it dilutes their whole reasoning.

Yeah. I mean there's nothing wrong with making money, but more often than not, that drive alone is fundamentally flawed.

While intuitively I feel like most of these factors are likely to make you more successful on Steemit, I don't KNOW whether this is the case - surely it would be better to first analyse (for example) a sample of say 100 successful steemians compared to a sample of 100 unsuccessful (having first defined success) , and then authoritatively say that this is, based on my sample, what the successful actually have in common.

I'm also curious about what makes people successful, but I'd like some more analysis of actual data.

You have a great point there! I will definitely do that, thank you for the idea. I will gather the top 25 steemians and 25 worst and do a comparison in depth. 100 may be a bit too much work ahaha :), either way we should get some sort of results!

Good 5 points. And you say it right, here you need to have some skills, two of them is to know how to write and secondly know the concept of blogging. If you cannot do that, then probably photography is the other option. I do want to resteem this post because some of my followers cannot understand why they are doing so little. Upvoted too.

Thank you very much! I agree, like I see all the time some mediocre writing and very little effort put into the post. Some complain why they never get any upvotes or resteems and this is because they post itself was done so poorly people did not see the value in it.

This article made me want to post more because II just want followers to read/ view content, allot of time i think 80% my followers are bots, abandoned accounts, or just mass follow everyone. Not much real activityfrom my following so things like feedback amd engagment are harder to track. I hope for platform updates this year..

I agree, many followers feel like just bots. Maybe you can post even better content to lure in new followers that would engage with your content and comment.

Thank. Good information for me. I try do it.

Your welcome! Hopefully it will give you a boost :).

Thank you @distress2success, your post makes a lot of sense.. There are so many bloggers out here on steemit, getting your post a much needed attention does depend on good quality and sustained followers. But I still feel many of these excellent and famous bloggers were the first ones who joined steemit unlike us minnows. They have grown to this extent due to the lead time they have had over us. Upvoted, followed & resteemed :)

I agree, many of the whales right now are early bloggers. Many of their acocunts are over a year old, but its worth it! Blog for a year then start making $200-$300 per post is good money ahah.

completely agree... and does your steemit name "distress2success" mean something similar?

Exactly why I chose the name ahah, Distress to success ( from hard times to easy times) :)

Such a good content.. I keep this. Resteem. Thanks

Thanks a lot! I hope it benefits you and your fans!